God gave me you

God gave me you


God gave me you


It wasn't the first time I slept like this, curled up on the floor, my bed untouched.

My head hurted so much, I couldn't think clearly anymore though what happened today was perfectly clear in my head. How she looked so happy when he asked her out.

I wish I was faster then him, they started talking, leaving me out of the conversation, just sitting there, stairing at her. The person that I've been lately isn't what I wanna be, I need you.

It didn't take long before I left the party. Not even saying goodbye at her.

I didn't want to ruin her moment, she looked so happy, I thought only i could make her smile like that.

I met a few of my friends outside, they asked why I left already, why I couldn't stay a little longer, why SHE wasn't with me. I didn't answer and just started walking.

I got out of bed, when I entered the living room he was there too, you were next to him.

He was saying sweet things to you, you semeed like you like it, while you always told me you didn't like it when people were saying things like that to you, you alway stold me it made you feel unconfortable. Now he was trying to feed you, I couldn't take it anymore, I got out of the house.

I felt like I only walked 5 minutes but my watch was saying I've walked already 2 hours, It was already dark.

I look at my phone, I see you tried to call me, why did you?

Enjoy the time you have, I bet he treats you like a princess, the way I wanted to treat you. The one thing I hope right now is that you are happy, I hope everything will go fine for you. My thoughts were disturbed by my phone again, it was her, I didn't want to answer her phone.

Soon after I started walking it started raining, how stupid, I forgot to bring my coat.

My phone rings again, this time it wasn't you, it was Sunny. I answer the phone just to say that I won't come home tonight.


“Fany, where are you?? We are so worried, why didn't you answer your phone, why did you leave home?”

“Im just taking a walk, no need to be worried”

“But it's raining, where are you? We'll come and get you”

“No need, I'll be staying some place else, see you tomorrow”


I finished our call. I'm looking at my phone, why can't they just leave me alone? I put my phone on silent mode, hoping to not hear it anymore. As I keep walking, the rain get's havier and I'm thinking about what we did when it rained. We would always go outside, to play at the old children's playground, you would always chase after me, and there was even that one time, you bought us our couple rings, you promised me that I would always come on your first place, that you would always love me. I know you meant it as friends, so did I, but I started to feel different with you around.

You know, you are always there for me, did so much for me, I actually think you deserve better than me. I hope you find your happieness with him. Without noticing I walked to the old children's playground. Did I really walk this long? I look around me, everything is silent. I can feel that my clothes are drowned, I feel slightly light headed but started walking again. I look at the couple ring, I have still not taken it off, I smile at more sweet memories. In second grade, I fell and broke my leg, I remember how you didn't leave my side, and were always trying to cheer me up, you made the cast around my leg look like the most amazing drawing ever. Instead of feeling bad that I couldn't leave the house this entire month, I felt happy, you were the reason.

I decided to go back, it was 3P.M. I felt my legs grow weaker as I started walking again.

I took out my phone, to ask if Jessi could come and get me 'cause I didnt feel good, but just when I wanted to call, you called again. This time I answered the call.

“Fany?? Fany, where are you?”

“Can you ask Jessi to come and get me I don't feel good.”

“Where are you?”

I looked around to see where I was, I recognised the church, not to far away from where our old middle school was.

“I'm not far away from our middle school.”

“Ok, I'll come and get you, stay there mushroom.”

The call ended.

I normally didn't like to be called mushroom, but for this time it felt right.

I was thinking about our adventures at our old middle school, when suddenly I saw your car nearing.

You got out and ran to me.

You started talking, but I couldn't understand what you were saying, suddenly I remembered he was with you.

“Why did you come and get me, he's probably waiting for you.” I mumbled, I couldn't talk clear right now, I felt to tired.

“He already went home, to his family.”

“Are you happy with him?” It came our even more weak than my last sentence.

“I'm not his girlfriend mush-”

I colapsed into your arms, you cought me on time and everything went black.




I woke up, feeling very hot. I wasn't in my bed, I could smell her sent.

I tried to make noise because I couldn't get my eyes open. I heard footsteps and whispers. The door went open and the whispers stopped.”

“I'll take care of her, you guys can go back.” I heard them leave and you came sitting next to me.

You felt my head to feel if I still have a fever. I could finaly open my eyes again.

“ Taeyeon-ah”

You look at me, more caring than you used to. I just remembered what you said yesterday. That you aren't together with him.

“Yah babo, don't scare me like that. Why did you leave us suddenly, I was so worried.”

“Mianhae, I didn't mean to scare you.”

“Why did you leave?”

I didn't answer, I felt embarrassed, I couldn't tell her I loved her.

“Why mushroom? I have a feeling it had something to do with him.”

“I, I ...”

“Tell me please.”

“I was jealouse, IthoughtyouweretogetherwithhimandIloveyousoIcouldn'tstandseeinghimwithyou.”

“Can you repeat the last part, I couldn't understand it, why were you jealouse?” she asked.

“I thought you were together with him and I couldn't stand seeing him with you. I said slowly, I knew I left out a part but I didn't dare to repeat it. But I think she heard what I said...

“You left a part out.” She said with a smile on her face wich made my face heat up.

“I love you” i whispered.

She came close to my face and put her lips against mine. It felt like there was firework exploding when our lips touched, she removed her lips and smiled at me with a sweet smile.

“Just so you know, he did ask me out, but I had no other choice, my dad told me I had to go out with him at least once because of a deal he had with his father, but when he asked to be my boyfriend I told him someone already had a place in my heart. And to be clear mushroom, that is you.” she said, still smiling at me.

I couldn't believe it, my eyes started stinging, and tears began to bild up.

“I love you too” she added while she was drying my tears.

The rest of that day she stayed with me, taking care of me like she always did.

I cuddled close to her, I felt a smile forming on my face.

Thank you god, you gave me my happieness... ♥

God gave me you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlwysjDZ4c8 ^^


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That was sweet :OOOOOOOO
Asdfghlkjdlfkjsadl;kfj;owidlsjfo;ielskjdf I love TaeNy fluff >____<

so sweet so cuteee..:)
EMT0304 #3
So sweet...Love it so much
Awwww that was sweet loved it ^_^
kkaptured #5
please write more taeny fluff^^