Chapter 4 - To The Fullest

Eyes on Me

Miyawaki Sakura.

Not only is she blessed with a face anyone would fall for, but she may be one of the humblest and kindest people you’d ever meet. Back in her school years, she had always been a school celebrity. Even among juniors and seniors, the name Miyawaki Sakura is never unknown.

Her relationship with Kwon Eunbi started way back in her first year of high school. Kwon Eunbi was in her 3rd year of high school and was the president of the student council. Sakura, who applied for a position in the student council soon got to meet the original school celebrity of her school.

Although Sakura and Eunbi’s relationship started as a junior-senior one, it didn’t take long for two extroverted school celebrities to be comfortable with each other. They become really close friends to the point where they’d drop any formality. Eunbi would help Sakura with her studies a lot while Sakura voluntarily came to Eunbi’s graduation ceremony.

Their friendship continued on for many more years even after they got separated. Although they don’t get to meet each other that much, they still update each other with their lives.

Right now, Miyawaki Sakura is an employee at Chae Resto, the one and only to be exact. Frankly speaking, the salary isn’t even that high. Not to mention, her boss is a really, really weird person. It’s like no one but Miyawaki Sakura would be able to handle working there. But that’s Sakura for you. It’s almost two years since she worked here.

Sakura does almost every work in Chae Resto. Not only does she do the cooking and cleaning, she even did jobs she didn’t sign up for like being her boss’ one and only friend. But for some reason, she never felt burdened and actually enjoyed her work a lot.

In normal days, watching Lee Chaeyeon sitting down while she works is a routine. But lately, something changed. Ever since that night when Chaeyeon went out, something has been very, very different.

Suddenly Chaeyeon appears to be more cheerful. The smile that usually makes appearance once in a blue moon now can be seen almost every day. Now, Sakura almost never cook alone and the amount of dirty plates she has to carry and wash reduced.

True, the last time, Sakura was the one that asked Chaeyeon to keep up the energy. Obviously, this sudden change should’ve made Sakura happy. But Sakura felt the opposite, she is so shocked to the point where she became creeped out.


“Yes, Sakura?”

That answer was, needlessly to say, unlike the Chaeyeon Sakura knows. Chaeyeon looked so happy as she flipped the pan while cooking. Sakura couldn’t get her eyes off that unusual look.

 “At this point I’m really creeped out. What happened lately to you?”

“Creeped out? You’re exaggerating, Sakura. Nothing happened.”

“If only you could see yourself form my point of view, even exaggerating would be an understatement.”

“Sure, sure, whatever you say,” Chaeyeon teasingly poked Sakura’s face.

Sakura sulked.

“Argh, Lee Chaeyeon, you really are weird,” cried Sakura while grabbing a plate and gave it to Chaeyeon who finally finished cooking.

“No worries, I’m aware.”

Chaeyeon waved her hand and left the kitchen, leaving Sakura behind wondering what bizarre situation just happened. Sakura pressed her forehead with her thumb, trying to recall when the last time Chaeyeon acted like such was. Could it be that even after two years of working together, Sakura still doesn’t know the real Lee Chaeyeon?

“…This is hurting my head…”




Lee Chaeyeon nowadays has a new kind of distraction in the middle of her work. Back then it was her constant daydreaming and blank staring. Now, it’s notifications. Specifically, text messages from Kwon Eunbi in the middle of the day only to send random things. One second Chaeyeon would cook charismatically and in the next, she would smile like an idiot while staring at her phone.

Having a texting app that automatically saves received pictures proved to be quite inconvenient when having a friend like Eunbi. Right now, in the span of only five days since their date, Chaeyeon already has at least a hundred pictures and a dozen videos of cute animals in her gallery.

            Lee Chaeyeon~ look, it’s you :>~

The message was attached a picture of a Shihtzu wearing thick black glasses. Honestly, the picture doesn’t resemble Chaeyeon at all except for the glasses part. Still, for some reason, that managed to make Chaeyeon giggle.

While one of Chaeyeon’s hands was stirring the coffee she made, the other one typed out a response.

            It’d resemble you more if you wore glasses.


            Kaomoji? You got that from Sakura, didn’t you?

            ~Oops, busted (><)

Little silly messages like those can make Chaeyeon’s day. Sometimes, when she gets tired, Chaeyeon would turn her phone on and read their previous messages. Who knew someone could be so attached to someone in only two and a half weeks.

After serving a cup of coffee to the customer, Chaeyeon went to the kitchen to help Sakura with the cooking. Of course, one handed.

“Sakura, what date is today?”

“Uhhh,” Sakura let go of the pan handle she was holding and looked at her watch, “November fifteenth.”

Chaeyeon nodded and said nothing after Sakura’s answer. Her eyes were on her phone the whole time while her other hand didn’t stop stir-frying. That sight got Sakura curious.

“Are you planning something?” Sakura asked while sliding through the floor, trying to take a peek at Chaeyeon’s phone.

In response, Chaeyeon slightly pushed Sakura away without giving her the chance to see anything, “It’s none of your concern, my dear Sakura.”

“Ugh, ‘dear’, seriously?” Sakura was taken aback.

 Sakura and Chaeyeon went back to their respective jobs after ignoring each other. Once Sakura is done, she immediately went out to serve the food. Chaeyeon, on the other hand, turned off the stove and texted Eunbi before serving the food.

            Eunbi, got time this Sunday?

Eunbi, being the kind of person she is, didn’t even take a minute to reply to Chaeyeon’s message. Chaeyeon had only finished moving food from the pan to a plate when her phone started to vibrate.

            Depends on where we are going~

Chaeyeon smiled, then pocketed her phone. She walked out of the kitchen quickly like she was in a hurry and served the customers. Once she took a good look at all the customers enjoying their food, Chaeyeon sat behind the cashier like she normally would, and responded to Eunbi.

            A new cake store nearby just opened last week. Care to try?

            :3 ufufufu, who’s driving?

            I’ll come pick you up at 12.

            Assa~ (((o(**)o)))

            Please stop using those.

Lately, Lee Chaeyeon’s days have been filled with these kinds of little things that makes her so, so happy.




Today marks the fourth Sunday since Chaeyeon’s first meeting with Eunbi. Who knew that what started as an awkward conversation between the two now grew into something bigger. Sunday used to be a whole day of me time for Chaeyeon. Now, though, it’s a whole day to spend with the one and only Kwon Eunbi.

Last week, a new cake store called Tomi-Tomiz just opened. Ever since Chaeyeon found out that it isn’t located far from where she lives, she has been wanting to try their famous cheesecake. Chaeyeon took this opportunity to invite Eunbi to go with her.

They travelled twenty minutes by car after Chaeyeon picked Eunbi up in front of Kwon’s Optical. During the whole trip, they talked a lot. Twenty minutes felt like five minutes because of how talkative Eunbi was.

Once they arrived, they were greeted by a long queue. The long line even passed through the entrance. Anyone who sees hat line alone could already tell how famous the store is even though it had only opened for a little over a week. Chaeyeon dropped Eunbi off to line up while she went to look for a place to park. When Chaeyeon got back, which wasn’t even ten minutes, at least five new people queued behind Eunbi.

After lining up for fifteen minutes, it was finally Eunbi and Chaeyeon’s turn. They got everything that caught their eyes without much hesitation. If the cakes turned out to be as delicious as people said, both girls refuse to line up again just to get another set of cakes. Whether or not is it delicious, just get everything. That was their concept that day.

Eunbi and Chaeyeon didn’t even get to sit indoor since it was crowded. They sat across the store at the open space outside. A small table with two seats facing each other and a big parasol covering them from the sun. Their table is filled with many different types of cakes.

“That was the longest time I’ve ever had to queue. Woah, never doing that again.”

Kwon Eunbi said that, but her face couldn’t even hide the excitement when she first took a bite of the famous cheesecake.  

“Is it delicious?” Chaeyeon asked while taking a bite herself.

Eunbi nodded aggressively and took another bite. She didn’t talk after that, she was focused on eating. In the time it needed for Eunbi to finish one cake, Chaeyeon had only finished half. The cake was just that delicious.

Chaeyeon smiled at that view. While she eats slowly, she observed Eunbi who took a bite from each and every one of the cakes on their table.

“Okay—” Eunbi gulped down the last cake she tried, “—I’ve decided!"

“What did you decide?”

Eunbi took the empty plate that used to be where her cheesecake was and shoved it to Chaeyeon’s face, “The cheesecake is the most delicious one!”

“Really?” Chaeyeon looked rather surprised, “You tasted all and that cheesecake wins?”

“Yup. Though I should say, it was a tough competition. Wow, they’re really delicious. I’m not surprised people would line up for half an hour only for this.”

“Then, I guess you must be glad I took you here.”

“Hmmhmm~~ is this how you are now?”

Chaeyeon smugged while calmly eating the last spoon of her cheesecake.

After each of them finished their cheesecakes, Eunbi took a strawberry cake and put it on the middle for them to share. Their spoons never left their grip. Yes, they really are planning to eat all of the cakes they’ve bought.

“I’m glad we get to hang out more often now,” said Eunbi.

“Hm, me too.”

“I still remember that day. You were so timid back then.”

“Really? Then… you were very chatty.”

Hearing that, Eunbi scoffed. She looked up and saw Chaeyeon who eats the cake deliciously. The girl in glasses doesn’t look guilty one bit. Well, Eunbi doesn’t feel offended at all, though. She knows herself quite well.

“No, but, seriously. You were very different. When you looked at me, it was like you saw a ghost or something.”

“Well, duh,” Chaeyeon jokingly said in her heart. Who wouldn’t be shocked when they found out that the person in front of you would die in fifty days? It’d be much weirder if she were to not react.

“Do you see me in a different light now?” asked Eunbi again.

“Maybe,” Chaeyeon answered shortly.

It’s like this every time. Whenever Chaeyeon and Eunbi hang out, there just had to be something to remind Chaeyeon of their limited time. At this point, it’s almost impossible to look at Eunbi and not be reminded of it.

“Eunbi,” Chaeyeon called with a serious tone.

Disregarding the serious atmosphere Chaeyeon created, Eunbi answered with a lighter tone, “Hm~?”

“Are you sick?”

 That came out of nowhere. For Chaeyeon, it came out naturally because her mind was filled with the thoughts of what would happen in 29 days. But for Eunbi who was expecting anything but that question, it was too surprising.

Eunbi’s eyes opened wide. The spoon that entered was stuck there as she was surprised to the point where her whole body froze. No matter how long Eunbi looked at Chaeyeon though, the latter woman’s expression did not change.

“What do you mean? Oh no, do I look pale?”

The moment Eunbi reached into her purse and searched for a mirror, Chaeyeon was brought back to her sense. She suddenly realised what she had asked.

“Eh— No, that’s not what I mean. Uh, I mean—" Chaeyeon shook her hands, trying to stop Eunbi from panicking.

Eunbi looked up, waiting for Chaeyeon to speak of the situation. But Chaeyeon stuttered the whole time. It was clear she doesn’t know what to say.

The heavy atmosphere suddenly lightened up when Eunbi started to laugh. There has never been a time where Eunbi doesn’t find Chaeyeon’s panicking face amusing. She stopped whatever she was doing and put her purse down.

“Don’t make that face, Chaeyeon. Unless you want me to die from laughter,” she said while trying hard to stop laughing.

Even with Eunbi’s teasing, Chaeyeon still can’t help but to feel guilty. She sat down, leaned her body forward and hung her head down in embarrassment, “Sorry…”

Eunbi stood up and patted Chaeyeon on her back, “Come on, come on~! Don’t apologize for doing nothing.”

“That was a weird question, I’m sorry,” Chaeyeon apologized again.

“Pfft, that’s just how you are,” Eunbi sat down, then leaned her head on her palm. In attempt to help relieve Chaeyeon, Eunbi answered, “Hm~ don’t worry too much. Even if I look like this, I’m probably the healthiest person you know alive.”

For a split second, Chaeyeon’s whole body twitched. Her eyes widen and she bit the insides of , trying not to make any weird expression, “I see. That’s good.”

It is as Chaeyeon assumed after all. It’s not natural death, but an accidental death. Although expected, Chaeyeon can’t help but to feel sad. After all, whether it’s natural or the latter, the end result is the same.

Chaeyeon didn’t intend to but her sadness was showing on her face. Eunbi, who noticed that she had been eating the cake all by herself, looked up and noticed the frown on Chaeyeon’s face.

“Chaeyeon, are you okay?” she asked, concernedly as she reached her hand out and put it on Chaeyeon’s.

“I’m sorry, today was supposed to be a fun day but I—”

“For the love of God, Chaeyeon, stop apologizing. I’m okay with it,” Eunbi didn’t allow Chaeyeon to take the guilt, “Come on, is something bothering you? I’ll listen.”


Chaeyeon took a moment and stayed silent. In her mind, she was contemplating on whether or not to talk to Eunbi about something personal. Just by thinking, it brought Chaeyeon on the verge of tears.

“My mom…” Chaeyeon started talking with a slightly hoarse voice, “…she died when I was thirteen.”

Hearing Chaeyeon’s voice, Eunbi decided to stop eating and put down her spoon. She had full attention on Chaeyeon and her story.

“She was ill you know, badly. I was there, counting her days one by one. But I was thirteen and I wasn’t strong enough to see her in that state. In the end I— kept my distance because of how scared I was. Even in her last days, I couldn’t manage to make them her best ones. And now… I’m scared that it would happen again."


Eunbi was speechless. She listened closely, word by word that Chaeyeon said. In her mind, she tried to connect the dots with the previous conversation that happened.

“Me—?" Eunbi said, with questioning tone.


“Are you saying that you’re scared of… losing me too?”

The girl in glasses didn’t respond. She neither confirmed nor denied. She just sat firm, saying nothing.

“Chaeyeon,” for the second time on that day, Eunbi held Chaeyeon’s hand. This time, rather than holding, though, she was gripping it hard. To the Chaeyeon that hung her head down, Eunbi called, “Hey, look at me, Chaeyeon.”

Chaeyeon slowly raised her head until Eunbi’s concerned face was on sight. She gulped, afraid that Eunbi would get mad because of what she had said.

“I’m not going anywhere, Chaeyeon,” Eunbi said with a reassuring smile.

“If only you knew…”

“Look at us, we’re making a ton of memories together, right? It’s not the same, Chaeyeon,” the older girl continued.



“If you could, would you want to know when your time would come?” Chaeyeon asked, suddenly.

Eunbi kept a straight expression. It wasn’t a question she’s ever asked herself and now she has to think of an answer on spot.

“Um…” Eunbi hesitated at first but made up her mind rather fast, “—No, I don’t think I want to."

“Why, though? If you knew, wouldn’t you be able to treasure your remaining time more?”

“Hm, why indeed…” Eunbi crossed her arms, rolling around her eyes as she thinks, “You’re not wrong but— Look at me now! I don’t know a thing but I still live my life to its fullest. Rather than not wanting to, I think that it would not make any difference as to the way I live.”

Chaeyeon wasn’t surprised, she was impressed instead. Eunbi has always been so positive, but she never knew that it’d stay that way even when they talk about death. She put on a bitter smile as she realises that she’s the only one worrying about the day that would come soon.

“Do you want to know?”

This time, Eunbi asked the same question to Chaeyeon. Of course, without knowing the fact that Chaeyeon already has the power to know even though she herself doesn’t want to. Ah, but if Chaeyeon were to look back to the past, she had never seen her own number. She doesn’t know whether or not it is possible, though.

“Maybe not,” Chaeyeon answered hesitantly.

Eunbi nodded after she figuring out that Chaeyeon thinks the same as she does.

“But it’s really unfair don’t you think?” Chaeyeon asked again.

“What is?”

“Death, it is. Sometimes, the bad people get to live longer than the good ones. Good people don’t even get to live their lives to the fullest while the bad ones get to waste their lives locked up. No matter how hard I think about it, I can never understand it.”

“Well in my opinion—” Eunbi leaned closer to Chaeyeon, “—Death isn’t really something to understand, is it? I’d rather to be able to accept death than to understand it."

Chaeyeon smiled bitterly again at Eunbi’s response.

“But how… would I be able to accept yours?”

 “Live every day like it is your last. Dedicate every day to check your bucket list. That way, we should be able to live our lives to the fullest regardless of our remaining times. Don’t you agree?”

Chaeyeon nodded slowly, agreeing with what Eunbi said. Then, there was silence between them. Eunbi went back to eat the cakes while Chaeyeon was deep in her thoughts. Once in a while, to keep herself from going insane, Chaeyeon takes a spoonful of cake. She took a peek at Eunbi who looked like she was in her own world with the cakes. The older girl looked so happy.

Then suddenly, an idea came straight into Chaeyeon’s mind.

“Ah—” Chaeyeon let out a faint voice that caught Eunbi’s attention, “Then let’s do it.”

“It?” Eunbi asked with a mouthful of cake.

“Checking you bucket list. Um, something you want to do or see, whatever it is, let’s do it together.”

Eunbi was dumbfounded by Chaeyeon’s offer. At first, she didn’t know what to respond, but when she looked at Chaeyeon’s face, she knows that the younger girl was very, very serious with what she said. So, Eunbi let out a small laugh while at the same time tried to hide it. She really took her time to try to think of the things she wants to do.

“Then, how about this,” Eunbi put down her spoon and leaned closer to Chaeyeon, “It’s something I’ve always wanted to do since I was a child.”

“What is it?” Chaeyeon anticipated.

Eunbi’s smile grew wide before answering. She raised her index finger and said, “On the top of the ferris wheel, I want to see the sunset.”

Chaeyeon still had the anticipating look on her face. She found Eunbi’s wish so underwhelming to the point where she can’t even react.

“What’s with that childish bucket list?”

“Oh, come on~” Eunbi laughed, “It’d be really beautiful, I bet.”

“Uh, um, maybe? But are you sure? That’s it?”

“Mhm, that’s it.”

There was no sign of doubt in Eunbi’s expression. She had a wide smile decorating her already beautiful face. It didn’t fade even when Chaeyeon started to question her. She looked like she genuinely looks forward to it. 

Chaeyeon let out a huge sigh while scratching the back of her head. After a while of conflicting with herself, “Okay, fine, let’s go.”

To Chaeyeon’s surprise, Eunbi suddenly burst out in laughter. Eunbi used her hand to cover her laugh but that didn’t help at all. She was laughing, but looked genuinely happy and surprised.

“No way, are you really going to do it with me?”

Chaeyeon blushed, “It’s what you want to do right? If it is then I’ll do it with you.”

Eunbi gaped in surprise, “Woah, what to do, you look so cool just now, I might fall in love.”

“Stop saying nonsense. I’m serious here,” at this point, Chaeyeon was way too embarrassed to deal with Eunbi’s constant tease.

“Sorry, sorry,” Eunbi apologised while still laughing, “No seriously, you’re not kidding?”

Chaeyeon shook her head, "No, I'm not."

The older girl’s crazy laugh began to fade as she formed a genuine smile. Eunbi’s little hand tried to hide her smile, but she was smiling too wide to be able to hide it.

“You’re really kind, aren’t you, Lee Chaeyeon?”

Chaeyeon’s face got red. Before she could literally break down, she shook off Eunbi’s compliment and planned a date for them, “Um, then, Sunday next week, okay?”

“Sunday, sounds great. It’s a promise then,” Eunbi extended her arm and stuck out her pinky.

Chaeyeon saw that,did the same and their fingers locked.




It’s Monday again. Another day for Chae Resto to serve customers has come.

When the clock strikes at 7, expect the appearance of Miyawaki Sakura from the front door. Usually, as Sakura pushed the door open, the bell attached to the door would ring and alert Chaeyeon of her presence. Then, Chaeyeon would be the first to greet Sakura.

Something is definitely different today, though. No matter how hard Sakura tried to push the door, it wouldn’t open. In the middle of confusion, she reached into her bag to take the spare key Chaeyeon gave her.

Sakura felt weird that even after the door closed, there’s still no greeting from her boss. She walked full of suspicion to the employee’s room to get changed. But each step she takes add more to her doubt.

Even after reaching the employee’s room, there’s still no sign of Chaeyeon. Let alone greeting, she can’t even spot Chaeyeon anywhere. Not behind the cashier, not in kitchen, not anywhere.    

“What the hell…”

Chae Resto is a two stories building. Though, the second floor isn’t part of the resto. Instead, it’s Lee Chaeyeon’s home. That’s why there is no way that Chaeyeon could be late. All she needs to do every morning is waking up and go downstairs. The fact that Chaeyeon isn’t present at the moment is very concerning.

Sakura took the initiative and went up to the second floor to check up on her boss. She hasn’t turned the ‘close’ sign to ‘open’ since she doesn’t want any customer entering before she can get her boss to appear.

Even though Sakura had worked a long time here, the amount of times she had gone to the second floor can be counted with one hand. She never had any need to see Chaeyeon’s house at all.

Once Sakura got to the second floor, she sees Chaeyeon’s living room. It isn’t that fancy, it got everything a normal living room would have. A small couch facing the television with a small table in between them. Right beside it is where Chaeyeon’s room is.

Sakura knocked onto the door. She waited for a response, but there was none. So, she slowly opened the door and noticed that the light wasn’t even lit up.

“Chaeyeon…?” she called slightly while turning the light on.

Sakura found Chaeyeon still lying on her bed, buried under her thick blanket. It’s Monday and it’s past 7 yet here Chaeyeon is, still deep in her sleep. Sakura shook Chaeyeon's body without removing the blanket.

“Chaeyeon, come on, wake up, you’re late.”


Chaeyeon didn’t even respond with words. She only made little hums each time Sakura called her name.

Sakura was frustrated to she pulled away Chaeyeon’s blanket and exclaimed, “Get yourself together, it’s not Sunday, Chaeyeon!”

Even with that, Chaeyeon kept her body facing down, burying her face into the pillow. She was still and made no movement at all.

“What the hell happened to you? Come on, wake up.”

Sakura was like a mother waking her child up on weekdays to ask them go to school. But at point, Chaeyeon is even more troublesome than a child. She became too frustrated so she stood up and began to walk away, “Fine, do whatever you want.”

But suddenly, as Sakura was leaving, Chaeyeon called her name. Chaeyeon was still facing down so her voice was completely muffled, but no doubt she was calling her employee’s name, “Sakura…”

As she heard that, Sakura stopped walking. She turned her back and saw Chaeyeon struggling to wake up from the bed. After a while, Chaeyeon sat on her bed, finally waking up. Once she lifted her head, though, Sakura saw her being a mess. For some reason her eyes were puffy and her hair was all over the place.

Sakura was so surprised at that sight to the point where she stuttered, “Chaeyeon— Wha—"

“What should I do, Sakura?”

Sakura’s confused face quickly turned into a concerned one after that. Sakura walked closer to Chaeyeon and took a seat beside her. She didn’t say anything though. She sat and waited for Chaeyeon to speak.

“Sakura…” she called again.

“What is it, Chaeyeon?”

“What should I do…”

“What happened?”

Chaeyeon turned her head, facing Sakura even with her messy look. She looked straight into Sakura’s eyes, dead seriously said, “I’m completely in love with someone who’s going to die next month.”

Shocked, Sakura’s eyes widened. Out of every weird thing that comes out of Chaeyeon’s mouth, this time, it was completely unexpected. Sakura stared at Chaeyeon with a confused expression.



Sakura tried to laugh it off, but Chaeyeon’s expression didn’t change at all. She looked dead serious. Clearly, she meant every word she said.

“Clearly, it’s not me,” Sakura said, playing along with what Chaeyeon said, “Then, other than me… who else are you close with…? No, wait, what do you even mean by next month?”


Chaeyeon stayed silent the whole time. She looked completely exhausted and didn’t even have the energy to say a thing to explain what she said.

Sakura looked understanding at first. But after a while, she was disturbed with the constant silent treatment she’s getting even after trying to engage in this weird and out of nowhere conversation.

“Chaeyeon—?!" exclaimed Sakura, demanding the latter to respond. Sakura began to feel anxious for no clear reason. She became very, very uneasy after she realised she has a guess.

Frustrated, Sakura gritted her teeth. Chaeyeon wasn’t responding at all. So, rather than waiting for a long explanation, Sakura asked a simple yes or no question.

“Chaeyeon…” Sakura’s voice became softer, “…is it Eunbi…?”

Hearing the name, suddenly tears began to well up in Chaeyeon’s eyes. She didn’t even bother to wipe it off and let it stream down her face. She didn’t care that Sakura was right beside her, staring at her crying face. hurts, she couldn’t even let out her voice without it cracking.

Finally, Chaeyeon only managed to nod.



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Chapter 6: this is so good!! update juseyo
JuneCastellan #2
Chapter 6: I am begging you, write more ??
Am I sounded too much desperately? Because I am kkkkkk. Really, this story is so catching. Good job author :)
Chapter 6: unexpected that Sakura likes Eunbi... ummm and Chaeyeon you can save her! I believe!
Chapter 1: ohh im so excited for this story! follow you up!
Chapter 6: Go go go save her, Lee Chaeyeon! I know you can do it!
Chapter 6: Why do I feel lile from here on we are going to have a lot of twist and turns.
Chapter 6: nervous.. i thought it was chae's dream... so... eunbi will be save if chae do something like she did to sakura
CarolCarmo #8
Chapter 6: This is sooo good!! I was not expecting Sakura to like Eunbi at all, I thought it would be Chaeyeon... Keep up the good work :)
Chapter 6: If it's from accident like sakura maybe eunbi can be saved
TrooperluvYY #10
It’s sad to read but addicting..I hope
Eunbi could overcome that time:(