PERCOLATE ; a layout gallery [est. 062020] ❖ newest layout ➢ 𝙶𝙰𝙼𝙴 𝙾𝙽



Hi all! Welcome to "Percolate", a coding gallery named such because of the way I am bringing my coding from Roleplay Republic (RPR) to AFF. I moved to AFF because I find that AFF has more HTML tricks that I can play with that are not as available on RPR. Additionally, I find that the wider parameters on AFF allow a bigger window for me to code a multitude of different styles. 
This is a gallery, not a shop, because I am placing layouts up as a public collection of past and present works I've done. I also am eager for feedback on my work!

about me.
You can call me Amir, and you can find me on RPR under the username psychologist. I started coding in 2014 on RPR, and my interest steadily grew more and more until coding layouts became akin to solving puzzle.
I am a 96liner, a scorpio, and I work full time. I like to think I am pretty easy going. I do roleplay, I don't write fics as much as I used to (I'd love to get back to it). 

coding process.
Complex. My layouts are sometimes for functionality, but above all, they are to convey a certain vibe that my characters give off or to fit an AU. 
I start by deciding how big I want my 'canvas', or my biggest/outermost div, to be. Then I start chopping that big canvas up into smaller pieces. I will sketch out my general ideas out on paper. And each time I will push myself to either use more borders or use funky margins (maybe 21px this time, and 6px the next time).
I repeat this process section by section. I enjoy putting complex scrolls into my layouts or creating illusions that make these layouts into cat toys more than designs to hold information...

My hope is that this is completely unneccessary. I will try to hold discussions before blacklisting any user for any reason. Blacklisting is an extreme measure that can be for any number of reasons, but primarily for breaking the rules listed below.
— username: reason
— username: reason
— username: reason
— username: reason
shop name goes here
shop name goes here
shop name goes here
shop name goes here
shop name goes here
resource name goes here
resource name goes here
resource name goes here
resource name goes here
resource name goes here
resource name goes here
DO NOT PLAGIARIZE — Simple enough. Do not copy my layouts with the intent to distribute without credit. I'd be happy to trade tips and more know how, but copying layouts without credit is bad, and worse with the intent to distribute without proper credit. 
DO NOT USE — On top of the first point, these layouts are not-for-distribution. I do not like giving my codes out as they are often very complex, messy, and unorganized. They are long and cumbersome. If you see my layouts floating around, please do inform me! The help is much appreciated.
OPTIONAL — Favoriting and upvoting are optional! Comments are super welcome, and I would love it. Feedback is what keeps me going. I do plan in the future to make some layouts for distribution, so please stay tuned. 
In the future, I want to learn more and more about coding and especially the coding needs of AFF, because those differ from RPR. Feel free to subscribe for future updates, and thank you for checking out my gallery!


20 of June, 2020

last updated

20 of June, 2020

latest layout

Coming soon...

now playing

scroll up
06.20.20 — Gallery opened.
00.00.00 — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, luptatum indoctum reformidans ius ut, vim eu choro mediocrem.
00.00.00 — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, luptatum indoctum reformidans ius ut, vim eu choro mediocrem.
00.00.00 — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, luptatum indoctum reformidans ius ut, vim eu choro mediocrem.



definition one
(of a liquid or gas) filter gradually through a porous surface or substance.
spread gradually through an area or group of people.
definition two
(of coffee) be prepared in a percolator.
definition three
be or become full of lively activity or excitement.


This thread is a gallery, and codes are not yet for distribution. This might change in the future... But not yet.Thank you!


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Chapter 1: Very nice! Very little layout galleries do such elaborate designs nowadays, this layout is hella fun and it being a SAO layout is a huge plus.

Can't believe this is a debut piece, you should've seen mine hahaha.
Chapter 1: this looks so gorgeous!!
Chapter 1: ohmygod.
that first layout is so y - this entire gallery is already !! (tis melo hello i haven't used aff in a long time fkljdssh)
my love and support
welcome to aff and i love you!! ♥
gang gang.