Different Zelo

You're My Candy



Throughout the whole day, Dal Shabet have been following B.A.P., trying to get their attention, which wasn't working so well. 

You tried to avoid them in case they think of something stupid about you and B.A.P. On the other hand, Bomi wouldn't let go, she wanted Jong Up. 

"Bomi-ah..look at all the other guys waiting for you.." you shook her arm. Bomi crossed her arms, "Ani. I want Jong Up oppa.. and Dal Shabet can't take him away..I never even started anything with him yet.." She whined. 

*Oh boy* you sighed and place both your hand on her shoulder. "They aren't going to take him away, and he's in your class remember? You're his first new friend in this school..doesn't that sound special?" 

Bomi looked up and thought about it, "Oh..come to think it, you're right.." she cracked a smile and hugged you. "Gomawo...my chingu, you always can make me smile." 

"Aniya, it's nothing.." you giggled. *Anything for my best friend.* 

Both you and Bomi was focused in school and finally, it was time to go home. 

You stepped outside of the building to find it raining. "It's raining..." You bit your lip and leaned against the wall. *Guess I have to wait..* 

There was a vibration from your skirt pocket. A text message was sent by Bomi. *Bomi?* 

You opened the text and it said: "~~~~~~~~~-ah, Can't go home with you today, my daddy is picking me up to go out for lunch, Miahne~ "

The rain was still pouring, and students who don't have an umbrella or a ride home was stuck waiting too. 

B.A.P. walked out of the building, "Aish. It's raining!" Youngjae frustratingly pointed out. "Should I call hyung to pick us up?" Daehyun already took out his phone, ready to call.

Zelo yawned. "I forgot my skateboard at home."  Jong Up grinned really big. "Wanna go somewhere instead of home?" 

Youngjae stepped towards and looked down at him. "NO. we're going home to do homework." he glowered. 

Jong Up put his hand up, "Araso, araso hyung...sheesh.." he pouted and elbowed Zelo. "Wanna go?" 

Zelo shrugged, "Sure, why not?" Jong Up pumped his fist up, "ASA! kaja!" 

Youngjae and Daehyun waved, "Don't go off causing trouble." they warned. 

Zelo smirked. "We won't, so don't worry." He saluted and went after Jong Up who was already running ahead. 

The rain finally stopped pouring, and only a small drizzle is left. You looked up at the sky, *It looks like it'll rain again..* 

You quickly ran out of the building and out the gate. *Hmm..it's so lonely at home. I should just go to the mall.* you contemplated the idea and decided to head over to the mall to just do some window shopping to past some time. 

You arrived at the bus stop and walked over to the sit and sat down. *It might take a few minutes..* 

Zelo and Jong Up was also at the bus stop. Jong Up sat down on the bench and waved for Zelo to come. *This kid is always so energetic* 

He walked over and was about to sit but did a double take at you. *her again? Miss smart- who's tardy today?* 

Jong Up noticed him looking at something, "What're you looking at-" He saw you and a mischievous grin came on his face. "Ah..I see what you're doing, Zelo."

You heard someone said Zelo. *Zelo? Isn't that the blonde guy in my class?* You turned and saw him. "oh..blonde.." 

"I have a name you know." Zelo gave you a strange look. *Is that my new name? Blonde? Well, JongUp, YoungJae, Daehyun, Himchan, and YongGuk hyung were all be called blondes too then.* 

You slightly bowed your head, "Miahne..Zelo-ssi" You cautiously said it. 

Zelo laughed, "Why do you sound so scared? Is it because you think i'm a gangster that goes around causing trouble and killing people?" 

You eyes widen. *How does he know what I'm thinking?* Zelo smirked, *Bingo.* Jong Up waved his hand, "Aniya...we aren't bad gangsters. We're the good kind." He gave you a eye smile. 

You nodded, *Hmm..so, they are gangsters that help people..like me?* 

"By the way, I'm Jong Up." You cleared your throat, "I'm ~~~~~~~~~~." He nodded, "Ara..I know. we're in the same class."

Your face turned pink, *Then why did you ask, pabo? I know your name too.* 

"Where you heading?" Zelo asked you. "to the Lotte Mall." you looked up at him. *he's tall..* "Us too." He gave you a smile. 

*Omo..that's the first time I've seen him smile since he transferred to T.S. High...* You gave him and Jong Up a small smile back. *WIth his blonde hair, he looks like an...angel.* 

You shook your head, *What am I doing? Dal Shabet is going to kill me for thinking like this about her man.* 

The bus finally came, you got on and found a seat and sat down. The seat next to you was empty. 

Zelo saw the empty spot and popped down next to you. "You don't mind do you?" You shook your head. "A-ani.." Jong Up took the seat behind you and Zelo. 

The bus started and after a few stops, the bus started to get really crowded. The bus stopped at a bus stop, and an elderly lady got on the bus.  Zelo got up from his seat, *It's not Lotte Mall yet..what is he doing?* 

Then, you noticed what he's doing. Zelo told the elderly lady to sit on his seat. *Zelo? I never thought he's the type of person to...do that.* 

Your heart softened at his kindness. Zelo looked over at you and gave you a weird look. *Is she checking me out?* 

You realized you were staring at him for a long time. *Shoots. Aish..what am I thinking?* You blinked at him and awkwardly coughed and looked away. 

Zelo's lip curved into a small smile. *Interesting.* 


Sorry it took me so long to update >< 


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Awesome fic
DAEBAK!!! I loved it! update soon.
JyoungK #3
Chapter 8: Author-nim please Updated this fic it's really Interesting please don't stop updating it.
JyoungK #4
Chapter 8: Author-nim please Updated this fic it's really Interesting please don't stop updating it.
chachu #5
Chapter 8: i bet zelo will go rescuing her!!please!!

please update !!!
onewjr #6
Chapter 8: no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i need to no what happened! i hope she kicks that ____es !!!!
kpop4u #7
Chapter 8: Update!!! I really wanna know!!!
Pwease pwease pweaseee update! I want to know what happens next!! Plz plz plz update soon k!!
Please update!!! Plz plz plz~~~