I can't hold it

I can't hold it

Today Exo was at a fan sign. Normally Xiumin would be comfortable with fans but he urgently needs to piss. This all started back at the dorms. 

"Minseok, you should drink a bit more coffee. You seem very tired. I don't want you passing out during our fan meeting." 

"whatever you say Junmyeon." Xiumin went back to the coffee maker to get an extra cup. He had at least 3 cups of coffee. Hopefully it wouldn't effect him later. He thought but now he was sorely mistaken. 


Each member takes their seat. So does Xiumin, when sitting down he felt the urge to be but he ignored it and took a few sips out of his water bottle. 

After a few fans he felt his urge get worse. Like close to being desperate worse. For 's sake can he enjoy his time with his fans please? 

It only took him a few extra minutes to feel his first pang of desperation. He tied his legs together occasionally squirming.  He flashed his famous gummy smile to make himself look less tence. However considering the members kept taking sips out of their bottles it would make Xiu leak a little.

"Jongdae... can you cover for me. I urgently need to use the restroom." Chen looked at the desperate boy watching him squirm. Good to know he wasn't lying. "We both know covering for you would be impossible. You think you can hold it?" 

"I'm really not sure. I'm starting to leak...." 

"Try talking to Kyungsoo. He can talk to the leader to see if okay." 

"alright." Minseok turned to the younger. "Kyungsoo, I urgently need to pee. Can you ask Suho if I can go?" 

"How bad is it?" 

"I'm leaking. I can't really hold it in much longer." 

"If it's that bad just go." 

Minseok nodded but when he tried to stand up he spurted a tiny wet patch. If he moved more he would fully piss himself. "Actually never mind. I'm good." Xiumin's hand went to his crotch as he started peeing at least to the point of a fist sized wet patch. 

The younger took a look at his hand and the wet patch yet said nothing. 

It wasn't until one fan wanted to Hold both of Minseok's hands that he wound up losing all his piss. "Oh no." He started crying. 

"Oppa what's wrong?"  the fan questioned 

"nothing." expect all the exo members knew what was happening on the other side of the table.

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