
Arrows, Swords and a Little Bit of Magic



That was all they had been doing since being forced to flee the palace, to flee from his home - run.


There were so many thoughts flashing through his mind but he didn’t even have time to linger on any of them long enough.


“Jungkook!” Jiwoo’s voice in his mind alerted him that something was wrong and he skidded to a halt, turning around only to see that he’d run farther than both the Jung siblings. Jiwoo wasn’t really too far behind him, but Hoseok was.


Jungkook cursed internally and bounded back towards the two wolves.


Of course, being closer to her brother than Jungkook was, Jiwoo had reached Hoseok faster and was nudging him with her muzzle, encouraging the older alpha to keep moving.


Right now, however, it seemed almost impossible for Hoseok to be capable of keeping up with them. The grayish-blonde wolf had a long gash down his side and blood was oozing from the wound, his fur coat now mottled with splotches of both dried and fresh red.


“We cannot keep running like this anymore.” He said as he finally reached them. “We’ve barely eaten anything for days and your injury is serious. Now is our best chance to fight them, any later and we surely won’t be able to overpower them.” Jungkook directed the last part of his statement to Hoseok.


The oldest wolf shook his head. “Jiwoo can’t fight and there are too many of them. If they intercept us then I’m not sure the two of us will be enough to fight them off.” The wolf’s hind legs slip on the dirt and Hoseok all but collapses onto the forest floor with a thud.


Beside them, Jiwoo nuzzles into her brother’s neck, soft whines lodged in . “I can fight.” She complained across the mind link, “I know I cannot wield a sword but that does not mean that my wolf cannot fight either. Even if I’ve never actually fought in this form before, it’s in our instincts brother.”


Ignoring his sister’s words, Hoseok raised his head from the ground and stared into Jungkook’s eyes. “Let’s split up.” The older alpha’s voice echoed in Jungkook’s mind and the black alpha’s eyes widened fractionally. He glanced to his fiancé but she seemed unaware that her brother had spoken. Hoseok was having a private conversation with him after temporarily blocking his link with Jiwoo, Jungkook realized. “I will do my best to hold them back while Jiwoo and you keep going towards Aelia.”


“No way am I leaving without you, Hoseok.”


His outburst is enough to alert Jiwoo of the closed link between the two siblings. “Jungkook, what is it? What did he say?”


“He wants to stay behind!” The youngest exclaimed and Hoseok winced a little from how loud the black wolf’s voice in his mind was.


Jungkook saw anger creep into Jiwoo’s eyes. The she-wolf snapped her head towards her brother whose eyes were guilty but when he glanced towards Jungkook the guilt was briefly replaced with disapproval and betrayal.


Jungkook snorted. “Don’t you dare look at me like that! How could you even entertain that Jiwoo and I would be willing to leave without you. Not to mention, my brother would kill me.”


Hoseok huffed. “You are his brother – he wouldn’t resort to that. Anyway…what do you propose we do instead?”


“We trick them.” Jungkook announced, continuing when he saw that he had both the Jung siblings’ attention. “They are not that far behind us. We could lure them in by making them think we are too weak and they have the upper hand. But then we attack them instead. If we just keep running then we will die tomorrow or the day after anyway.”


The older alpha’s eyes flutter shut as he thought for a few moments and when Hoseok opened his eyes once more his gaze flickered between his friend and his sister. “Who’s going to lure them, then?” the alpha asked.


“Me, of course.” Jungkook replied confidently. “You wouldn’t be able to get away from them in your condition.”


“Alright,” Hoseok got back up on all fours, wincing at the stabbing pain in his side. “Just be safe because if anything happens to you your brother would kill me.”


Jungkook snorted. “You are his best friend – he wouldn’t resort to that.” He mimicked the older alpha’s earlier words.







Fighting faeries in wolf form wasn’t exactly an easy task. They were fast and tricky and most of all – they had the assistance of their magic. Wolves were fast too, undeniably. But a wolf’s large body took away from their instinctive response time, delaying their reaction.


Generally, omegan wolf bodies were built sleeker and faster, providing them the capacity for more speed but this advantage was mostly nullified because unless they were trained, omegas lacked the physical strength of alphas. The latter, on the other hand, had immense strength but they were much slower. But to fight the faeries, they would need both speed and strength and the human form was the best for this – the human body small enough for fast reflexes if properly trained and the skill in sword providing the necessary strength.


However, fighting in wolf form was now their only option as they had no weapons with them; they hadn’t had enough time to gather any during their escape from the palace, bringing nothing but their own selves.


Jungkook waited, crouched among the thick greenery of bushes and shrubs as his ears strained to hear any sounds of wings or feet. He heard it then – the buzzing and fluttering sound of wings in the air.


Jungkook held his breath as he listened to the group of Royals approach. They were too persistent - this particular flutter of faeries – as they had been following after the three wolves all the way from the palace. Despite their speed, magic and trickery, faerie senses were dull so he wasn’t really afraid of being discovered as Jungkook waited until they were close enough. When the nearest Fey neared his hiding place the black wolf jumped out of the bushes and sprinted away as frantic shouts to go after him carried in the air.


He ran until he was only half a mile away from where Hoseok and Jiwoo lay in wait and as he got closer and closer to the siblings, Jungkook felt the mind link between them open up.


“Get Ready!” he alerted the two of them, receiving words of affirmation in return. He could feel the two wolves lingering nearby and his body buzzed with energy at the inexorable fight that was about to take place. “Now!”


Jungkook swirled around mid-sprint and pounced on one of the nearest faeries as Hoseok and Jiwoo did the same, attacking from both left and right as they emerged from their respective hideouts in the trees. The surprise factor worked well in their favor and within the next minute they had three decapitated Royals lying limp and bloody on the forest floor. It had been their best and least risky strategy to even the odds between their two groups seeing as there were only three of them against nine Royals. Jungkook was thankful that the plan worked.


His head jerked to Jiwoo and he was confused for a moment as the grey wolf snarled at him soundlessly but then Jungkook rolled his eyes, realizing that Jiwoo had been trying to grin while in wolf form. It’s not like Jungkook had actually thought Jiwoo wouldn’t be able to hold her own in a fight – she was the sister of the youngest General in their Kingdom’s history and Hoseok must have surely imparted some of his combat knowledge to her. But Jungkook and Jiwoo were practically mates at this point – would have been by now if not for the now ruined marriage ceremony – and the youngest alpha had an exigent and blatant urge to protect her and provide for her; undeniable wolf instincts – especially for an alpha.


“What about their elements?” Hoseok questioned as he and Jiwoo joined Jungkook by his side.


“Two of them are Flora manipulators. The others haven’t used any yet so I cannot say for sure if they are duds or have some other element.” Jungkook supplied. The two Royals with the magic to manipulate plants had tried their best to capture Jungkook but he had expertly leaped over and dodged all the vines and the overgrown flora that they had tried to block his path with. Flora manipulators were the most common type of faeries and according to various studies, about half of the race’s population comprised of flora elementals; it was fairly easy to anticipate their actions because there were such exhaustive studies on their kind and the extent of their magical prowess.


With their numbers now slightly more even than they had been before, they stared the faeries down all the while speaking to each other through the link.


“The one on the right end has a damaged wing – Jiwoo can take care of him, but be careful since he must be really good with a sword to compensate for that.” Hoseok advised his sister and the grey wolf gave a low grunt.


“I’ll take care of the elementals for now but if any of the others have a different magic then we switch,” The younger alpha directed his words to Hoseok. “In your condition it would be easier for you to deal with them than any others.”


The three wolves pounced on the faeries just as they had regrouped after the loss of three of their members. One of the Royals Jungkook was supposed to deal with went down quickly, not being much of a fighter. The second one, however, was rather troublesome and Jungkook was getting annoyed with each minute that passed as the faerie flew into the air each time Jungkook tried to attack. It did not help that he was also constantly distracted, gaze drifting towards both Hoseok and Jiwoo from time to time to check whether or not they needed his assistance.


He willed himself to focus on his current opponent – the faster he took her down the earlier he could go help the others. He managed to tackle the fey woman to the ground and a high-pitched wail ripped from as Jungkook’s teeth sank into the woman’s shoulder, his own mouth filling with the taste of blood as he ripped the limb from her torso. He felt a vine circle around one of his legs and jumped to the side, disentangling himself from the plant’s hold.


A lifeless body hurtled through the air and landed on top of the wailing fey woman, her cries effectively muffled under the weight. Jungkook turned just in time to catch Hoseok’s gaze before the older alpha engaged in a fight with another one of the Royals.  


Jungkook bounded towards Jiwoo who had managed to seriously injure the two faeries she had been fighting against, albeit not succeeding in actually killing any of them. His fiancé herself had a gash from a sword on her neck but what made Jungkook growl and his eyes turn red was the placement of the wound – so close to Jiwoo’s scent gland. Before he could even comprehend his actions, the faeries in front of them were lying dead in a pool of their blood.


The black wolf padded towards his fiancé, sniffing at her neck, his tongue lapping over the cut and the wound clean of blood as Jiwoo stayed pliant under his ministrations. Jungkook heard a snort from behind and turned to see Hoseok spit blood from his mouth as the older alpha watched the pair with an amused glint in his eyes.


“Just mate her already, you over-protective brat. I’ve had enough of you two pining over each other.”







The moment Hoseok announced that it was time they made camp Jungkook’s body slumped onto the dirt and he curled up into a ball. He heard the older alpha’s laugh in his mind before Hoseok too collapsed just a few feet beside him with Jiwoo nudging the two of them a little apart so she could slip between them.


It was like when Jungkook had been a kid, with Seokjin, Hoseok and Jiwoo fighting to get his attention just because they thought he looked cute - all embarrassed while they . Sometimes they would gather in the library – both Jiwoo and Seokjin managing to get access to the place as long as they were accompanied by either Hoseok or Jungkook. His brother and Hoseok would get immersed in some philosophical discussion for a while, bickering over which laws they viewed to be as complete nonsense and Seokjin complaining about yet another one of his omega acquaintances from his etiquette or cultural lessons. Honestly, even to this day Jungkook doesn’t know how Seokjin managed to go through with all the classes when he knew that the older absolutely hated them. The only class he was aware his brother actually enjoyed was the one where they taught omegas how to care for the pups. His brother had always hated the fact that most of society had viewed the omegas’ purpose as being only good enough to be a breeder but even with all of his hatred, it had been impossible for Seokjin to hate the little pups that ran around the nursery. He always said that taking care of the pups was like looking after a kid Jungkook all over again, making the younger pout and cringe a little at all the excessive hugs and cuddles that came with Seokjin.


Jungkook missed his brother now; their group cuddles not the same with Seokjin’s absence.


“I still cannot believe you left him with that Kim Namjoon – they have met each other only three times but it’s already like they’ve hated each other all their lives. They can’t stand each other’s company.” Jungkook said, shifting his head on the ground so his eyes focused on Hoseok’s. The older seemed amused but it vanished quickly with Jungkook’s next words. “You should have just brought him with you when you came to get us. That way the four of us would have together right now.”


The greyish-blonde wolf sat up at the serious tone of the younger alpha. “Jungkook,” he started in a soft voice that floated through their mind link, “Do you really think I would have left Seokjin with someone if I thought he wouldn’t be safe? You can’t be serious.” The alpha shook his head at the youngest of the group. “Jimin said we can trust Kim Namjoon and besides, your brother isn’t as weak as you seem to think he is. He could take care of himself even if Namjoon weren’t with him.”


This left the younger even more confused than he already was. Jungkook shuffled to sit up and face the other alpha wolf as Jiwoo just huffed between them, as if sensing the argument that was almost certain to ensue between the two alphas.


“First of all, you have yet to explain to us just how it is that you know Jimin and why you trust his words so much so as to put my brother’s life on the line.” They had been too tied up with the task of getting to safety that Jungkook hadn’t questioned Hoseok’s decisions out loud. But still, Jungkook felt uneasy about everything that was happening. The older alpha clearly knew more than he was currently letting on but for some reason, Hoseok has been reluctant to speak about it. In his heart, Jungkook knew he should just trust Hoseok and wait but the man’s vague words, secretive behavior and the fear of possibly never being able to see his brother again pushed Jungkook to prod the older for answers, not having the patience to wait calmly for the uncertain future when he had no idea of what to expect. “And what do you even mean Seokjin isn’t as weak as I think he is? Having a sharp tongue and being able to cuss is not the same as having the ability to protect himself from physical harm.”


Hoseok’s wolf shook its head at him, soft fur matted with blood and dirt flying in all directions around the alpha’s head. “You grew up together with him but still know Seokjin even less than I do. Your brother is the most cunning and secretive man I have met in my life, Jungkook.” Hoseok stated simply.


Jiwoo’s ears twitched as her curiosity piqued. Jungkook could only blink in response. “What…what do you even mean by that? Seokjin, cunning?”


Hoseok laughed at his lost look. Jungkook wished they had their clothes with them just so he could shift and punch Hoseok in the face for dragging this out. Maybe he could just go and sit on top of him in his wolf form and crush the older with his weight.


“Yes, Kook. Cunning. Your brother has a lot of secrets. I am one of the three Generals of our kingdom and it is my duty to be observant of the enemies, to pry into their secrets and form strategies to defeat them in battle. But finding answers to Seokjin’s secrets proved to be more difficult than getting access to the Yellow Kingdom’s military formations. Did you know Seokjin could read?” Jungkook, honestly, was more than a little flabbergasted at this disclosure. Hoseok just continued talking, a little pride radiating from him at his best friend not being hampered by rules of society and pursuing his dreams. “When we gather at the palace’s library, he always pretends to just look at the pictures inside the books. But he actually reads them, his eyes move and scan along every line. Before, I didn’t think too much about why he had such profound knowledge on political and historical concepts – I just assumed he gathered things during his interactions with other noble omegas. But now thinking back, it was a rather stupid and silly assumption to make on my part. I mean, how many omegas do you know that belong to the upper ranks and actually entertain in something other than is thought them in their classes? But if Seokjin was actually able to study the books then it all makes perfect sense, don’t you think so?”


Jungkook didn’t know what to make of it all. He listened with apt attention as Hoseok narrated all his doubts and conclusions regarding his brother, and Jungkook felt like he knew Seokjin a little bit lesser with each revelation.


Hoseok told them of an incident he’d witnessed in secret that led him to believe Seokjin wasn’t affected by the Alpha Voice. He told Jungkook that Seokjin’s hands held the roughness of someone who had experience with either a sword or a bow. He spoke about the sneers the omega prince had sent after servants who had badmouthed him – but in languages Seokjin wasn’t really supposed to be able to understand.


The most surprising, however, was the matter of his brother’s scent.


“Seokjin uses suppressants.” Hoseok states at last, “You may have been too young to remember the actual depth of the scent, but I can tell you that I remember it clearly. The first time I met your brother I almost had a headache from how strong the scent was but since then it has waned. Reducing the power of a scent is only possible through the use of pheromone suppressants, which dare I add, are considered illegal within our kingdom.”


Jungkook’s ears flattened in shame as his mind examined and re-examined every detail Hoseok revealed. He felt ashamed for not looking past his brother’s nonchalant attitude and carefree smiles. Unless some dirtbag alpha made some rude remarks about the omega prince, Seokjin had always been the representation of calm and collected. He was a person who hated laws and rules the most but inevitably, Seokjin was also the one who followed them without question.


They won’t bother me as long as I follow the rules. They will leave me alone.


Jungkook understood now that it was all just a front. Seokjin followed orders because then he would be left alone with enough time for himself, for him to pursue his dreams and desires and try to become the best version of himself. It killed Jungkook inside – that Seokjin had to resort to secrecy and deceit even with his own brother just so he could live freely and do what he really wanted to.


The anger that bubbled inside him was directed towards no one but himself. Jungkook had always been proud to receive praise from his brother and father for his achievements. He had always bragged and talked to Seokjin of his days spent outside the castle. Seokjin would always ruffle his hair and smile, a content expression on his face. But now Jungkook wondered: was contentment the same as true happiness?


Having enough in life to survive and go about the days as usual was contentment. But happiness? It was the joy one felt in living each moment of the day surrounded by people you love. Did Seokjin ever enjoy his days? Did he feel happy or just content enough to stay alive for another day?


Seokjin had always been there for him throughout the years since their mother’s death. Has Jungkook been there for him?


Jungkook cried while wrapped up in his brothers arms, protected from his problems and the world by Jin’s wide shoulders and firm chest. Where did Seokjin cry?


He was so immersed in his own thoughts, so wrapped up in the clutches of guilt that stemmed from his childishness and ignorance that at first he did not even hear Hoseok call his name.


Jungkook napped out of his whirlwind of thoughts and emotions when he felt Jiwoo’s paw drag along the fur on his side, sensing his anguish and trying to comfort him. But did he deserve to be comforted right now? When he was safe but did not know if Seokjin was even alive?


“You were with him so much more than I ever was or could be.” Hoseok’s voice encroached on his mind. “It hurts that he couldn’t trust me enough to tell me any of this himself but it’s a little shocking that he didn’t tell you either. You should be more observant of your surroundings, Jungkook-ah.”


 It was a mistake, he didn’t actually intend on doing so but amidst his internal breakdown Jungkook snapped.


“Don’t you dare try to chastise me!” He snarled at the older, startling both himself and the Jung siblings alike, “You may think that you know him better now because of all these little details but you don’t. You have no right to feel hurt because he doesn’t trust you as much as you thought he did. Maybe if your so called observational skills were actually good enough then you wouldn’t have hurt him first. You shouldn’t have strung him along just to come back one day smelling so strongly of another omega and not even clarifying anything to either of us. Damn it, I don’t really require any explanation from you. But if you had truly observed him as much as you claim you did, then you should have known that Seokjin was in love with you and that you hurt him.”


Jungkook winced as soon as his mouth stopped spitting words, slapping a hand over his mouth in slightly panicked horror at what he’d just done. It had been the one secret Seokjin had actually trusted him with but Jungkook’s temper now led it to be out in the open. Maybe this was why Seokjin had never tried to confide any of his worries with him. Most of the time, the young alpha was too driven by anger and other emotions to make rational decisions.


He looked up and his eyes locked with Hoseok’s befuddled ones. “W-What d-do you…Seokjin is….?” The older alpha’s voice stuttered, unable to finish the sentence.


Was, not is. He’s not anymore.” Jungkook sighed. The damage was already done so he might as well clarify. “J-Just…let it go, mhm? I…I will go hunt us something to eat.”


The had been travelling just along the edge of the forest, not really venturing too far inside as per Hoseok’s instruction, but now Jungkook sprinted towards the thicket of trees hoping that a good hunt would help him take his mind off his current turmoil. Out of the corner of his eyes he could see that Hoseok’s wolf remained sitting still; Jiwoo’s grey wolf, on the other hand, took off after Jungkook, running side by side with the black beast.



“Go back!” Jungkook tried not to snap or snarl at his fiancé. Jiwoo didn’t budge, her gaze fixed in front of her. “Jiwoo…”


“Please, Jungkook-ah.” Her voice came as a sorrowful whisper in his mind. Jungkook sighed.


“Okay. Just…try to keep up with me.”


He felt her relax beside him, a heavy breath leaving the omega’s chest.


For now, Jungkook focused on the hunt.







Two rabbits and a lucky catch of a little wild boar later Jungkook and Jiwoo were resting under the thick canopy. Jungkook needed some time to collect his thoughts and decide if he actually wanted to apologize to Hoseok or just let it be, and Jiwoo was refusing to leave him alone so he just let her be.


Jungkook looked over at his fiancé, wondering just why he had so many second thoughts and apprehensions. If only Seokjin hadn’t sent them away to have their little talk…


No, only Jungkook himself was to blame here.


Jungkook sighed, mentally berating himself. He had spent years believing his brother’s lies so why couldn’t he, for once, believe in the truths Jiwoo told. In the back of his mind, in the part where logic prevailed, Jungkook was confident to a fault that Jiwoo had agreed on their union because of her own free will. But there had always been this part of him - small but salient - that held the suspicion that Jiwoo had only agreed due to her father’s coercion. The fear that his feelings were only one sided has always nagged him ever since their engagement.


He shouldn’t have thought that way though, should have never downgraded her character by believing she would follow orders of a terrible man whom she hated to the core despite sharing the same blood. Jiwoo had always been genuine in both her actions and words but Jungkook was always hesitant and afraid.


Seokjin had meant for him to talk to her, to resolve their confusion and feelings. Their conversation had been interrupted by the attack but now Jiwoo was still by his side, she chose to follow him even amidst all her worry for Hoseok and his injuries


Even if they weren’t actual mates yet, Jungkook wanted to put his fears and their differences aside and take care of her – if she still wanted him of course.




“Yes, Jungkook, what is it?” her soft voice echoed in his mind.


“I’m sorry for lashing out on your brother like that.”


His fiancés head turned and now she was looking straight into his eyes, as if searching for the direction Jungkook wanted to steer the conversation to.


“Mhm…All of us have been stressed for the past few weeks. It’s reasonable to think that one of us would snap sooner or later. You just happened to be the first one.” The omega reasoned calmly. “I am sure brother understands. He would never hold it against you, I hope you know that.”


“I do.”


“And as for Seokjin,” she continues, “He must have had his own reasons for keeping everything from you. I want you to do something for me, Jungkook-ah.” She says, tone just a little bit pleading, her eyes searching his own.


“Tell me.” He says simply. He would do it, whatever it was.


Jiwoo’s gaze on him is heavy as she speaks. “Don’t go assuming things. Don’t wallow in guilt by assuming it’s your fault without knowing the reasoning behind your brother’s actions. And when you meet your brother again – and you will, definitely. The four of us will be together again. – you talk with him about it.”



Jungkook sighs. Jiwoo was always worrying for his wellbeing. He thought back on his earlier words to Hoseok, how he said that the older alpha had strung his brother along. Wasn’t he doing the same to Jiwoo all these years? No, it was even worse since they were already set to be married and mated but Jungkook had never did or said anything to Jiwoo that affirmed he wanted her in his life.


“I will.” He replied and Jiwoo shot him a pleased yip, her tail wagging. Jungkook steeled himself and a moment later asker her, “Do you still want to get married? Not now, but…” he looked away shyly, only turning back when he was graced with silence.


Jiwoo was beside him in the blink of an eye, her muzzle rubbing along his neck and side comfortingly as she scented him. “Of course I still want to Jungkook-ah. I know you have always doubted my intentions to a certain extent but I don’t hold any of it against you. Aside from my brother and Seokjin, you are my next favorite person.” Jungkook snorts at being placed third on the list but it’s light-hearted. “I like you and if you will have me, I want to be your mate.” He’s always known but it’s the first time he’s heard her say the words out loud. Jiwoo, despite being strong-headed and outspoken, was also shy at times Jungkook felt his heart soar and part of the turmoil inside him dissolve.


“I like you too Jiwoo, and I do want you as my mate.” He replies, gently scenting her back. “I love you.”







They return to camp a while later with Jiwoo jumping around and yipping playfully. His sister’s good mood seems to ease Hoseok’s own and he rolls his eyes at the pair, minutely shaking his head at Jungkook in indication that no apology is needed between them.

Their resting place can hardly be called a camp, lacking all the necessities including a fire; their thick fur coats would be enough to keep them warm throughout the night.

They share the kills between them, mostly eat in silence and Jungkook is thankful Hoseok doesn’t ask him about Seokjin’s feelings towards the other alpha. It wasn’t Jungkook’s place to say anything – well…to say more than he already has.

Jungkook hadn’t forgotten how the original conversation had started out and so he asks, “What does Jimin have to do with any of this?”

The older alpha is quiet for a while, choosing his words carefully before he speaks, ”There is a person who supposedly knows the reason as to why the Royals are waging a war against us. Jimin can take us to him.”

Jungkook nods, filing the information away. Still wondering how Hoseok knew Jimin - why he’d never before spoken of the man to them, why he trusted him so unconditionally.

“And what is the reason behind the war? What is the purpose of snuffing away so many lives?” Jungkook prods, a little desperate to get more out of the older before Hoseok clams up again.

“…To rid the Ancestral Lands of omegas.”




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Chapter 19: Why TT_TT im a fool for happy endings ,poor chimchim and tae
forever18 #2
Chapter 4: Nice intensity building again >•<
Pweease update itu again ya? I like ur story, and i kinda insteresting with other pairings, will be any other pairings?
forever18 #3
Chapter 3: Hey, you do updated it fast just like what had you write in my wall account. Thankyou for your wall post! Also thankyou for updating and allowing me and other readers read your writing :)