
Love Her As Mine

Danny missed Louis. He had been cranky since he left and he cried for him nightly. “Pa! Story!” he demanded in no uncertain terms to Jessica. She was at loss. She never realised how strong the bond that Danny and Louis had was.

Louis missed Danny and Jessica badly too. He wanted to call them but he was unsure of her reaction. So, he waited for her call instead.

She wanted to call Louis too. She held on to the phone. She punched all the numbers except the last one. She hesitated. She didn’t want to give him false hope. She didn’t want to disturb him. The twelve hours time-zone difference was not making things any easier.

“Hello, Jess. What is it?” he answered his mobile phone. He could hear Danny’s crying loudly at the background. “Is everything all right?” he asked. He wished he could be by her side right now.

“I’m all right. It’s Danny. He is demanding for you again. Can you talk to him, please?” she asked him apologetically.

“Sure, bring him to the phone."

She put them on speaker phone. She heard him coaxing Danny patiently and he even sang to him. She could not help but had a wide smile on her face. “Sorry. Mommy.” Danny finally said to her. She lifted him up and instructed him, “Say good night to Pa Pa Louis now.”

“Good night. Pa.”

“Sweet dreams.”

“I’ll call you after he has slept.” she said before hanging up.

He was happy to receive her call even if she had called because of Danny. He looked at Danny’s photo in his wallet, he missed Danny so much. He had wanted to hear Danny’s voice too. He pulled the good-luck charm out from his wallet’s compartment and fiddled with it. She said she would call again. He smiled to himself.

“Hello, Louis. This is Jess. I hope I’m not disturbing you.” she finally called.

“I am not on duty today. It’s okay. Is Danny sleeping?” he assured her.

“Yes, he has finally slept.” she said with relief.

Their conversation went from Danny, to Louis’ new place and job, to Jess’ coffee. They had talked about everything. This was the longest conversation they ever had. It was almost dawn for Jess when they decided to hang up.

“How about I give you a call at eight every night – your time? I can help to put Danny to sleep on my way to work.” he offered.

“Won’t it be too much inconvenience?” she hesitated.

“We can do it on alternate days for a start. When he is more used to me not being around, I can call less frequently.” he suggested reluctantly. He would love to hear her voice every day. He even wanted to record their conversation so that he could just replay it. Her voice was music to his ears.

“Won’t it be too costly?” she reasoned.

“It’s ok. I have communications allowance.” He didn’t tell her there was a maximum limit to that. “It’s certainly more cost effective if you have come with me. Then we won’t be spending on all these phone charges.” he wanted to rub it in, but caught himself in time.

As the days went by, the call frequency did not reduce when Danny eventually got used to Louis being away. The frequency increased. He had been forgoing his sleep to call her twice a day. He called during her lunch and at night. He even set his alarm clock so that he could wake up on time to call her. She was also looking forward to his calls. She always felt a sense of sweetness after each call.

He had not called the day before. He didn’t call during lunch too. She was worried. She finally picked the phone and called him that night.

“Hello.” he answered hoarsely.

“Are you all right?” she asked with concern.

“Yes.” But he was coughing continuously on the other end.

“Are you sick?” she questioned him.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be well in two days.” he tried to reassure her but his coughs betrayed him.

“You need to rest. I should not disturb you any further.” she got ready to put down the phone.

“No. Can you talk to me? It feels exceptionally lonely when you are sick.” he asked feebly. Her heart felt a pull. She went on to describe Danny’s mundane activities to him. She kept talking until she heard his deep breathing sounds. She missed him. She felt for him.

Jessica had reached her destination. She pulled out the weeds around the grave, which never had been much because she and Louis had been visiting him frequently. Julian had remained as their best friend, the one who they always confided in, despite him leaving them years ago. She sat down and faced him once she was done with the weeding. She stared at her finger and she rolled her wedding band side to side around it. Slowly, she slipped the ring out of her finger. Though there was a hint of regret, there was no great sense of sorrow as the ring came off her finger. She smiled at herself when she became conscious of her feelings.

“I think I’m ready for a new chapter in my life now. I know you would be glad for me that I’m moving on. You should also be relieved at whom I have chosen. You had been an important part of my life and you will always have a special place in my heart, and his. Thanks for being there for me, Jules.” Jess silently told Julian and she could always feel that he was listening and he would understand. Jess had wanted to hug him once again but she could only brush her finger against his photograph on the tombstone. She finally got up, smiled at Julian again and left the cemetery.

The door bell rang. He went over to open his door, almost tripping over his dirty laundry and old newspapers on his way there.

He was astonished to see her standing there – in front of him, and with Danny. He was too overwhelmed to say anything.

“PA!” Danny shouted at him and broke the silence.

“My boy!” He lifted him up, planted a big kiss on his dimple, and rubbed his nose against his. He started tickling the little fellow, causing him to giggle and cried out, “Help! Mommy!”

He suddenly realised she was still standing at the door. He quickly placed the little fellow down and helped her brought in her luggage.

“Why don’t you bring Danny out while I clean up this place?” she said smiling to him and pointed to the messy bachelor pad.

“I can’t make you clean my place for me.” he protested.

“Not if you want me to stay here.” she said to him with a wink.

“Stay here?” he wondered if he had heard her correctly. He stared at her, with his mouth slightly opened.

“Danny and I can’t possibly live with you in such a mess, right?” she said to him, amused by his reaction.

“Yes! She said “live with me”.” He was grinning now. “Sure!” he quickly picked up Danny and headed for the door. He could not contain his joy. Once they were on the pavement, he placed Danny on his shoulders and they were laughing all the way. Seeing their joys brought a sense of warmth and contentment in her heart. She had a bright and cheery smile on her face. It’s the genuine smile that he had wished for her.

He returned to a clean home and he could smell the aromas of home-cooked food. She took a sleeping Danny from him and brought the little one to the bed in the bedroom.

He pulled her into his arms when she walked out from the bedroom. “Is this true? Am I not dreaming?” he asked as he hugged her tightly. She returned his hug. She had not felt this safe and secure for a long time.

He finally pulled himself away and held onto her hands. He could not feel the cold metal and he lifted them for a closer look. Yes, he had understood that she had given them a chance.

He put his arms on her shoulders and looked intently into her eyes. She closed her eyes. He leaned closer and his lips gently touched hers. Then, he pulled her closer and kissed her with more passion.

They had shared their first kiss, their new beginning.



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Chapter 1: I will give this a try when I'm free.