Chapter 2

you shine like the stars (you light up my heart)



It seems like I didn’t make it clear enough so I’m going to clarify it here. Aphrodite and Jihye’s love story occurred, like, way back in ancient times and the first chapter is set on present time :)

Here’s chapter 2. Enjoy!









The Hunters are here.

That’s the news that greeted Wendy as soon as she woke up, snatching the ‘good’ out of her morning.

“You have got to be kidding me.” was what she said, scrambling to the doorway and indeed, across their cabin, its silver twin was occupied with young girls in silver parka jackets who looks like they can kill you and will actually kill you, huddled together like a school of silver piranhas.

Any chances of spending the best winter break ever had just gone down to drain. Just like that.

So her strange feeling from last night was actually just her gut trying to warn her about this, huh?

“Why on Hades are they here?” Wendy hisses to Seulgi as they clean up their bunks for cabin inspection.  

“I’m just as clueless as you are.” Seulgi grabs the paintbrushes scattered under her bed and dumps them in her overnight bag. “I bet they’re friendly people. They just don’t get along well with most of the campers.”

“You do realize the contradiction in your statements, right?” Wendy sprays perfume all over her sheets. Today’s inspector is Nana, Aphrodite’s head councilor and she’s fastidious about scents. “But why are they here? Aren’t they supposed to be frolicking around, hunting wild monsters and whatnot?”

“As I said, I’m just as clueless—”

“That was a rhetorical question.”

“Oh. You should’ve said so.” Seulgi sits on her bed and watches Wendy move around. “I can’t understand why you’re so high-strung about this. Their last visit was a year before I got here. We’ve never met them before.”

True. Wendy’s never met them before. But she already met one of them out of camp. And that encounter wasn’t pleasant. She can only hope they don’t run into that girl.

After cleaning up as best as they can, they head out to meet Joy. The tall girl is standing by the central hearth, seemingly arguing with a – you guessed it – a Hunter. The latter has her back on them, talking with animated hand gestures. Joy is frowning down at her, arms akimbo and shaking her head.

Wendy and Seulgi exchanges looks before jogging up to them. Who knows, if they’re a second too late, Joy might just slip poison into the girl’s breakfast or something. There’s no telling with Joy.

“Good morning!” Seulgi greets with that wide, squishy smile. Wendy lets her handle this. No one can pacify a confrontation like Seulgi does. She has that innocent energy that guilt trips people into being in their best behavior around her.

The two turns to them. Hunter Girl looks younger than them and about the same height as Wendy. Her dark hair is braided with flowers and her eyes are hazel, shifting from brown to green.

“Who’s the little lady?” Seulgi smiles at the hunter.

“This ‘little lady’ is more than a hundred years old.” Joy deadpans.

“Hullo, my name is Katy.” the girl – Katy – has a faint British accent, Wendy notes.

“Yerim. Her name is Yerim.” Joy interjected.

“But my name is also Katy!”

“Yeah, okay, but we’re calling you Yerim. Right, guys?”

“Uh, right.” Wendy meets Joy’s eyes and she sends her a silent message: What is going on?

Joy huffs and rolls her eyes: ugh, you know, the usual. “Yeah, anyway, this girl is saying she wants to tag along with us to Greek Mythology lessons.” she told them, though her eyes are screaming: SAY NO.

But of course, Seulgi goes, “Sure!”

Seulgi and Yerim leads the way to the amphitheater, chatting like long-lost friends while Wendy and Joy trailed behind.

Wendy links arms with Joy and pulls her close, “Spill.”

“I was waiting for you when that girl suddenly popped out of nowhere saying she likes me and will therefore stick with me and I personally find that very creepy and suspicious, though I do admit she has taste.” Joy whispers, narrowing her eyes at the girl’s back.

Wendy snorts. “Taste? That sounds to me a terrible case of bad character judgment.”

Joy elbows her. “You shouldn’t talk when you’re walking arm in arm with me, Son.” she says. “Anyway, she went off giving me the summarization of her life. Did you know she was born just months before World War 1? I don’t believe it. She’s too bright. I’ve lived only for 16 years and I’m already sick of it. What more a hundred? I’m friends with you sunny kids but she’s still too bright for my dark soul. I’d stay away from her but you know what they say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”

World War 1? But she seems so young! Wendy knew the Hunters are immortal maidens and all that jazz but hearing that just makes her wonder how old are they really? Are there girls older than Yerim? She watches the girl laugh with Seulgi. After living for so long, how can she still be so bubbly?

In the camp grounds, commotion is scattered here and there. A Hunter and a kid from Cabin 4 are in a shouting match by the arts and crafts. The former is holding a dagger while the latter is pointing a garden trowel at her face. At the volleyball court, a Hunter just spiked a ball straight to an Ares boy’s face and now they’re on the verge of a fistfight. Wendy turned just in time to witness Yuri get pushed to the lake then the water grabbed the perpetrator and pulled her in.

“Camp has gotten a lot more chaotic, hasn’t it?” she comments.

“You bet it has.” Joy replies, whistling when the fistfight eventually starts at the volleyball court.

“So did you hear why the Hunters are here?” Wendy asks. Not that she cares, really. But she’s curious. And something about them being there makes her antsy. “Did Yerim tell you anything about it?”

But Joy just shrugs. “She didn’t mention anything. But the campers have been whispering. Apparently, somebody saw Taeyeon rushing in the wee hours to talk to Artemis when she dropped off her Hunters last night. Bad sign, if you ask me.”

Taeyeon, huh? Everybody either has a crush on her or at least used to because aside from being really pretty, her appeal is off the roof. She’s mostly calm and quiet, mysterious and aloof and it gives her an enigmatic vibe. All the kids in Aphrodite is head over heels for her.

Granted immortality by Apollo, she’s been the host of the spirit of the Oracle of Delphi for, like, a bajillion years now. No one knows much about her except that she puffs out green smoke and speaks in a chorus of hissing voices from time to time. She has quite the reputation for being weird but after seeing what she did to that drakon attempting to trespass the camp borders—singlehandedly slaying the humongous monster all because ‘its shrieks are annoying me’, her status went from a weirdo seer creep to a please-don’t-shred-me-to-death respectable fearsome creep.

If the Oracle of Delphi who doesn’t like exerting physical effort unless necessary was in such a rush for an audience with the moon goddess, it means something is brewing. Something bad, most probably. Because she’s the oracle. Either that or Taeyeon is just such a huge fan of Artemis and wanted to have her signature and they’re all just overreacting.

They finally arrive at the amphitheater. Greek Mythology class is in full attendance. Wendy even spots some of her siblings who she’s sure has a different schedule. What are they huddled over for? Is there an accident? Do they need a medic?

“Come on!” Yerim tells them, already dragging Seulgi down the front steps. “I can’t wait to make fun of her!”

The girl greets campers as if they’re friends—no, actually, it seems like they are friends. Wendy locks eyes with Joy in a silent agreement: She is suspicious.  

When Wendy sees who’s standing in front of the crowd is, however, she stops dead on her tracks.

Oh, Styx.

There she is, in her silver parka and jet black hair tied in a half bun secured by a pin and a red rose tucked behind her ear. She must think she’s a heroine from an Asian historical drama or something.

Then the girl turns and their gazes meet. Brows are lifted in fake surprise and genuine disdain.


That cocky, condescending, ungrateful, walking meat wrapped in a pretty sack of a witch.

The Hunter smirks and starts approaching her. Wendy feels her blood pressure rise and boil beyond normal levels.

“I knew I’d meet you in this…pestilential place but I sure did not expect to meet you so soon, Son.” she stops just an arm’s reach away.

“Me?” Wendy puts on a look of confusion, making a show of pointing to herself and looking behind her. “Wait, sorry. Well, you do seem familiar. Have we met?”

Irene’s eye twitches but she smiles a cold, I-cannot-wait-to-kill-you way. “It seems that you have forgotten our unfortunate acquaintance.” she steps closer in challenge. “Should I help you remember?”

She can feel everyone’s eyes on them. Especially Joy. If she continues staring at them like that, her eyeballs will roll out of its sockets. 

“I don’t think you can.” Wendy mirrors her smile. “I have a feeling you’re so insignificant you can’t be even found in the depths of my unconscious.” she moves forward as well because challenge accepted.

“Oh, so you do have one. That’s good to hear. After our last encounter, I was convinced that you don’t.”

“I think I remember now. You’re that girl, right? The one who yelled at me after I saved her sore ?”

Irene glowers at her and it’s totally unfair. It should be illegal for children of Aphrodite to stick their attractive faces to their enemy’s in an argument.

“My , as you so eloquently put it, did not need saving. Yours however was rather deplorable against the Laistrygonian giants.”

They’re standing so close Wendy can see the faint scar on her left eye—a broken vertical line running from above her brow down to her cheek. Wendy considers biting off her nose the moment she blinks. Maybe then she’d look less pretty.

“I got everything under control.” she says through gritted teeth.

“As I did too. Before a certain someone jumped in, playing hero.”

“You know, if you don’t talk, you’d be as beautiful as that flower on your hair.”

Irene snapped.

Everything happened so fast. Somehow, Wendy had managed to grab the Hunter’s hairpin as the latter pulled out her dagger. She deflects the blade just in time. ADHD saved her yet again and they engage in a deadly dance of dagger-to-hairpin.

Irene s her weapon like she means it. Girl is really out for blood. She moves like a whirlwind and Wendy barely manages to defend herself. She’s had her share of weird encounters but fighting with a hairpin is probably one of the weirdest.

“Whoa!” Wendy exclaims each time their blades meet. ”I seriously don’t get how you tick!”

Campers moved out of the way as they cut through, up the benches and on the plain ground. Wendy’s senses goes overdrive. Irene isn’t giving her time to react. She presses her so hard defending is all she can do.

Wendy’s so focused on deflecting the gleaming bronze she failed to see the kick. She falls hard to the ground with a grunt. Irene lunges at her like a viper. She instinctively rolls out of the way and scrambles to her feet. Irene throws her dagger. Wendy dodges but it nicks the skin of her ear.

“Ouch!” Wendy cups her ear. “You could’ve cut off my ear! Or worse, my hair!”

Irene charges at her emptyhanded. Wendy’s too surprised she made a clumsy strike. The hunter easily caught her wrist, twists, and she drops the hairpin. The next thing she knew, she’s being flipped through the air before slamming unceremoniously to the ground with a painful oof!

“Are you—ugh!” she grunts as a weight presses down against her abdomen, a forearm pushing down and a cold metal against her neck. “Trying to kill me?” she managed to choke out.

Irene is on top of her, glaring with her hairpin poised to stab her right at the carotid artery and pinning her arms overhead. Gods, she’s so annoying.

“You didn’t seem to know when to shut up so I decided I’d silence you myself.”

“You know, in a romance novel, the characters usually say that after a kiss.” Wendy blurts.

Now Irene really looks like she wants to kill her. But fortunately for Wendy, the sound of pounding hooves fast approaching seemed to change her mind. Chiron’s coming.

Irene leans down until their noses touch. “Tonight at Capture the Flag. I’ll end you.” she promises in a quiet tone that makes Wendy’s blood turn to ice.

But she grins. “But not before I end you first.”

Irene smirks. “We’ll see about that.”










“What on Hades was that?”

Wendy ignores the girls surrounding her and notches an arrow. She aims.

“Irene? Really?”

Her shot lands three rings away from the bullseye. Wendy exhales heavily through her nostrils. She aims again.

“When did you meet?”

Another 8 points.

Wendy sighs. Let’s be patient—

“How do you know each other?”

“We don’t know each other!” she explodes, waving an arrow around. “I don’t know her! She doesn’t know me! We’re nobody to each other! Nobody! We’re just two people who harbors deep, unadulterated dislike for each other! That’s it!”

The three girls stares at her.

“Yeah, okay, so how do you know each other?” Yerim asks.

Wendy lifts her head to the skies in despair. Gods, please give me the strength.

“Why are you even asking me?” she demands the hunter. “If you’re so curious, ask her yourself.”

Yerim shrugs. “You’ll spill the tea faster than she will.”

Ha! How can she be so sure? Wendy notches another arrow and aims. “Nothing is going to be spilled.”

“Well, alright. Then I guess the whispers I overheard is true. That you and Irene has something freaky freaky going on.”

Wendy’s arrow completely misses the target.

“Something what?!

“If you don’t want the wrong idea to spread, tell us.”

“Where did you even hear that?”

“In my head. And if you don’t start talking, I will.”

Wendy gapes at her. Yerim grins—no, she bares her fangs. A demon. That’s what she is.

Joy who’s been silently watching the exchange with Seulgi whistles. “I like you.” she tells Yerim with an appreciative nod.

Wendy turns to Seulgi for help but the girl’s default smiling expression doesn’t change, seemingly innocent crescent eyes saying, you’re not getting out of this because I wanna know too.

“We’re in the middle of archery class. Maybe later.” she tries.

“Oh, come on. Chiron won’t miss four students. Besides, you two are Apollo kids, one is a hunter of Artemis and me, well, I don’t shoot arrows at enemies. I spit poison.” Joy says with pride.

“Forgive her. She’s a bit of a Medea fanatic.” Seulgi mutters to Yerim.

And so Wendy is dragged away from the archery field against her will. They head to the dinner pavilion, which is empty at this time of the day. So they got the peace and quiet they need to interrogate her.

She receives expectant gazes as soon as they sit on the steps. Wendy sighs. “I really don’t want to talk about this.”

“Why not?” Seulgi asks.

Wendy’s face twists in distaste. “It’s an unpleasant memory I’d rather forget.”

“Then it’s better to get it over and done with, right?”

Wendy sighs again. “Alright. Well...we met last summer, just before the break…”


Six months ago

With how huge the school grounds is, they can easily have their camping activities there. But nooo. Apparently, the officials at St. Catherine’s High School thought it’s a much better idea to send their students to the wilderness to fend for themselves.

So Wendy’s there in the middle of nowhere, feeling stupid with her ‘Hi! My name is Wendy Son!’ nametag stuck on her class’s exclusive ‘When you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine!’ yellow t-shirt that makes her feel equal parts ironic and humiliated.

No, she wasn’t feeling quite the sunshine at that moment.

They gathered around the campfire and sang songs. Wendy found the entire activity tasteless. These kids don’t even know what they’re missing out: multicolored flames that rises up to twenty feet, singing complaints about their parents running the universe…

Gods, she missed Camp Half-Blood so much.

A huge figure moving in the woods caught her eye.

Wendy sat forward. She didn’t know if it’s because they’re starting to tell horror stories about Bigfoot and whatnot but something felt wrong. Her gut feeling told her so and when you’re a half-blood, you should listen to what your intestines got to say.

While they were busy shrieking at something one student was saying, Wendy sneaked off. If it’s a monster, then she has to do something to protect the mortals. If it’s not, then all’s well. She slipped into the woods and pulled out the dagger she hid under her shirt.

The leather grip feels weird. Since her mom forced her to go on that y Christmas vacation trip with the family, it’s been almost a year since she last wielded a weapon. One simply doesn’t go around with a deadly object of warfare.

It’s gloomy and cold in the woods. Fog made it even harder to see in the dark. Wendy raised her dagger and navigated around using the faint glow of celestial bronze.


Wendy heads to the direction of the sound.

She didn’t know how long or how far she’s been walking but she eventually reached a clearing. She hid behind a tree and bit back a gasp.

She saw the monsters first. A group of giant burly men with heavily tattooed arms and a funky scent that wafted all the way to where she’s standing. One of them bared his sharp yellow pointy teeth and Wendy grimaced. Laistrygonian giants.

“You ruined our dinner.” the one in the middle growled. “You will die.”

“Yes!” another shrieked. “We will eat you instead!”

Wendy’s heart jumped to . For a second there, she thought they were talking to her. Then she realized there’s another figure in the clearing. Much tinier and pleasant to look at.

The girl’s back faced her so she couldn’t see her face but she had black hair in a half bun secured by a pin like someone from a Chinese period drama. She wore a parka and there’s a silvery glow around her that parted the fog, like she’s bathed in moonlight.

Wendy watched as she drew her bow and notched three arrows. No, it can’t possibly be enough. She counted five monsters. There’s no way this girl can possibly take them on by herself.

She gripped her dagger and charged.

Her sudden appearance must’ve surprised the giants because they just stared at her stupidly as she drove her blade into one’s stomach. It disintegrated into monster dust. But it also shocked the girl who was about to shoot when Wendy popped up and barely managed to avert her bow. The arrows exploded in the trees, starting a fire.

“What are you doing?! I could have killed you!” the girl seethed when Wendy leapt back beside her.

“Yeah. You’re welcome.” she replied.

“What is this?” a giant roared. “More food?”

“More food!” they cheered.

Yup. Just another day in demigod life.

“I take the ones on the right, you on the left?” Wendy suggested. She chanced a glance and was winded by the girl’s beauty. Because–wow. That–wow.

She would’ve stared forever if the girl didn’t give her a withering glare and say, “You are so stupid.” before charging.

Wendy blinked. “Is that an okay?’ she followed suit.

A Laistrygonian giant attempts to squish her with his club. Wendy ducked and rolled between his legs, slicing at the back of his thighs. He roared and fell to his knees. She stabbed his back and he evaporated.

Another giant swings at her. Wendy tried to dodge but she was too slow, too out of practice. The blow sends her flying a few meters back.

“Ugh…” she sat up groaning. The forest fire was getting bigger. There’s only two monsters left. The girl was busy dodging one’s club. Behind her, the other Laistrygonian giant moved to grab her.

“Watch out!” she warned. The girl was startled. Wendy watched in horror as she took a hit. She crumpled to the ground and the other giant picked her up by the leg like a rag doll.

“Food!” the giant oaf cheered. “An eternal maiden for dinner!”

The girl thrashed in his hold. Wendy let out a breath of relief. At least she’s conscious.

“Yum! Yum!” he lifted her, kicking and flapping around like a fish, to his mouth.

“No!” Wendy threw her dagger like a dart. It pierced his eye and he crumbled into dust. The girl fell unceremoniously to the ground. The remaining Laistrygonian giant closed in.

“Oh, dear.” Wendy ran and retrieved her dagger but when she turned to face the monster, the girl is already up on her feet, knife buried deep in the monster’s gut.

“That,” she said, brushing monster dust off her jacket, “Is the dumbest thing I have ever seen someone do.”

“I saved your life!” Wendy protested.

“I got everything under control!” the girl faced her and Wendy gasped.

“You’re bleeding.” she gaped at the thick line of crimson on the side of her face. “Do you have ambrosia? I don’t have any with me. But I can help if—”

The girl turned away from her before she finished talking. “If you did not jump in out of the blue like that, I wouldn’t have set the forest on fire!”

The flames have grown considerably and Wendy’s heart sank. That needs to be stopped. But…

“You’re bleeding.” she repeated.

The girl gave her an annoyed look. “And you sound like a broken record.” she squinted at the fire. “Damaged nature is harder to mend than a simple wound.”


A girl jogged out from the woods, wearing the same silver jacket. She wore a silver circlet around her head and wolves flanked her side.

She saw the fire and stopped in her tracks. Then she looked at the girl – Irene – then at Wendy, then back to Irene.

“What happened here?”

“It’s a long story.” Irene turned to the fire. “We need to extinguish that fire.”

The girl looked at the blazing mess and nodded grimly. “We should go to Artemis. She can take care of this.”


The girl ran back to where she came from. Irene was about to follow but she stopped and turned to Wendy. Her eyes seemed to shift colors under the moonlight. The scar on her left eye gave her a sinister look.

“If I ever see you again, I won’t be as kind. So don’t ever show up in front of me again…” her eyes trailed down and read, “Wendy Son.”

And she’s off.

What the hell.

Wendy ripped off her nametag and stuffed it in her pocket in annoyance. She gapes at the fire that’s getting bigger and bigger. They mentioned Artemis. But what if they don’t make it back in time?

No, she’s got to do something.

So she ran back to camp, alerted the teachers about the forest fire, and got the entire student body involved in hauling buckets of water from the nearby river.

In between lugging a heavy gallon and trekking through the woods, Wendy pieced two and two together in her brilliant mind.

Girl = Irene = crazy pretty??? Like, super??? Must be a daughter of Aphrodite.

Silver jacket + silver bow + silver glow + mentioned Artemis = a Hunter of Artemis

Crappy attitude + ungrateful = a nasty .

The next day, she got sanctioned to clean up toilet seats an entire week because she was “wandering around prohibited areas alone without adult supervision and permission” so she can “deeply reflect on her actions”

As if anyone would feel insightful when scrubbing smelly toilet bowls.

All of this, of course, was Irene’s fault.










“You must live like a flower, little dove. Then all will be well.”

Irene twirls the rose around, staring at its vibrant petals of red with disdain.

I…look as beautiful as this flower, you say?

Countless spring has come and go in her long, long life. She’s seen flowers fall, beauty floating seamlessly to be admired only to reach the ground, thoughtlessly crushed under the ugly shoes of men.

Lovely flowers fade fast, blooming only to wilt, die, and be forgotten.

It is pretty.

And useless.

Of no significant value, whatsoever.

No. She is no fragile flower.

She’s so much more than that.


She turns to Yerim who is grinning like a child on Christmas day as if she’s not about to participate in a wargame and it feels like a mockery to look upon the daughter of Springtime after mercilessly slandering flowers in her mind.

“Ready to whoop some demigod arse?” the girl asks, pretending to shoot her crossbow. She sometimes uses the customary silver longbow but ever since she discovered that crossbows look so much cooler, she’s been insisting on using it. And Artemis have been lenient. Everybody has a soft spot for Yerim.

“This is such a waste of time.” Irene reties her hair into a bun, securing it with her hairpin without forgetting to add the rose as well because as much as she loath it, it’s a precious keepsake.

“Yeah but don’t you think it’s fun?”

“Yerim, you’re the only one who’s having fun.”

Irene fastens the straps on Yerim’s armor and made sure everything is secure before putting on her own. The rest of the Hunters are already suited up and looking as bored as ever and Irene can sympathize. They already know the outcome of this match.

On the other hand, the half-bloods bustled with life, rushing around in full battle armor over their orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirt. As if they actually have a chance to win.

She catches sight of Wendy Son, grinning and laughing with her friends. Her helmet is tuck under her arm and some of the straps on her armor are undone. Irene has this compulsive urge to fasten them.

Fasten so tight that smile will be wiped off her face.

Maybe choke her to death if she’s lucky.

Chiron’s hoof resounded on the pavilion floor.

“Attention, heroes! You all know the rules! The creek is the boundary line and the entire forest is fair game. Red team—Hunters of Artemis—will take the east woods. Camp Half-blood—blue team—will take the west woods. I will serve as referee and battlefield medic. Please refrain from intentional maiming and killing! All magic items are permitted!” he announces, “To your positions!

“Let’s go, Blue Team!” a camper she recognized as Yuri yelled. They cheered and set off to the woods.

“How enthusiastic,” Irene drawls. She puts on her helmet and turns to the Hunters. “Come on. Let’s get this over and done with.”








Wendy is determined to win this game.

They have gathered all the troops that they can find and that’s a lot, because almost everyone has a vendetta against the Hunters. Even Aphrodite kids are cooperating and children of Ares are extra determined to bash some immortal head in. They even tried to recruit Taeyeon but the oracle does not wish to be involved in their, quote, “childish skirmish”.

The horn had sounded and they’re about five minutes into the game. Wendy stood on top of Zeus’s Fist. From up here, she has a great view of the forest. Her siblings are hidden in the trees, bows armed and ready. She spots a group of Ares kids charging around the left. Yuri led another team to the right. She strains her eyes for their enemies but she doesn’t see them which is impossible since they basically glow in the dark.

The plan is to lay the defenses heavily and scatter and divide the Hunters as much as possible. When that happens, Wendy would swoop in, do her thing, grab the flag, race back to the boundary line, and win. For the first time in years.

Ares cabin ran into a clearing and got intercepted by Hunters. A little later, she sees a bunch of Hunters tail Yuri’s group.

Wendy wastes no time. She leaps off the boulder and charged.

She races into the woods armed with only a dagger and a combat ukulele and if you think the latter isn’t threatening, then you obviously haven’t been hit by a polished celestial bronze string instrument over the head.  

She leaps over the creek and the first arrow is shot.

She scrambles to a stop. A silver arrow pierced the ground just between her feet. The bulbous hafting is familiar. Exploding arrow!


“Hey! Are you trying to kill me?!” Wendy had jumped out of the way just before it exploded. Volleys of arrows rains down in streaks of silver. She unslung her ukulele to deflect them.

Taking a deep breath, she channels her inner Disney princess and bursts out into a song.

A hush falls upon everything and everyone. The Hunters stop shooting. Insects quit buzzing. Trees stop rustling. The wind ceases to blow. The night is still and quiet, as if straining its ears trying to focus on her voice.

Warmth bubbles in the depths of her abdomen and it rises, escaping through her lips as a fountain of melody and lyrics. Tingles buzz in her fingertips as it dances across the fretboard and flutters around the strings, delivering notes in harmony with her voice.

Wendy sings. She sings to the top of her lungs, the overwhelming desire to convey the hymn of her heart overriding the need to breathe. She sings of the beauty of their home: Camp Half-Blood. She sings of the rolling hills and the strawberry fields, of the glittering waters of the lake, of the sand stuck between toes and salt scented air at the beach, and most importantly, of half-bloods—a family of different people from diverse cultures all tied together by camaraderie and love.  

She rushes forward without a hitch in her song. She can see the silver silk flag now, hanging on a tree. Just a little bit more. She continues singing as she briskly walks. So close. All she needs to do is to grab it.

“Not so fast.”

A figure suddenly drops before her. Wendy’s voice catches in in surprise.

Her heart sinks to her gut and turns into cement.

It’s Irene, pointing a dagger at her with eyes sober without a hint of the intoxication from her song.

Wendy stares at her with wide eyes. “B-But how..?”

“Hunters of Artemis!” Irene yells, “Move!

Her voice washes over Wendy so powerfully she almost breaks into a dance and just move because that’s perfectly rational and fun to do in the middle of a warzone so why not, right?

Then it hit her.

“Charmspeak.” she rasps, hoarse from all the singing.

Irene smirks. “That was quite the performance, Son. Unfortunately for you, I can recognize such magic and can be resistant to it. So I guess I’m taking you as prisoner.”

Wendy steps back, flings her ukulele behind her and draws her dagger. “Not without a fight.”

“Very well then.”

For the second time that day, their blades clashed.

Irene aims a to her neck. Wendy blocks her arm with hers. A kick sends her down and she rolls back before getting up on her feet. Irene attacks. Wendy parries, and they resume their dangerous waltz of daggers, teasing death.

Wendy strangely feels good to face Irene in a fair match. She’s on the verge of smiling as they exchange blows, oddly pleased and admittedly impressed as the Hunter matched her strike for strike and she can tell from the glint of her eyes that Irene feels the same.

Still, there is hostility in the way blades are swung to draw blood only to be blocked and dodged. Wendy definitely feels the aggression when Irene’s unnoticed fist meets her jaw in a jarring blow. 

“No maiming,” she spits out blood.

“No promises.” Irene replies.

A nasty indeed. She had always been a good judge of character.

Wendy clenches her jaw. She lunges hotly, swinging and missing. An overhead cut sends Irene’s hairpin flying. Long black tresses falls messily on her shoulders.

Their daggers meet again in a shower of sparks. Irene lunges. Wendy ducked and strikes at her leg. The Hunter notices only at the last second and got away with a bloody rip on her jeans.

Irene’s previous little smile is replaced by an irritated frown now, like, damn-do-you-know-how-difficult-it-is-to-wash-off-bloodstains annoyed.

Then her eyes drifts just behind Wendy for a second before she s her dagger but instead of parrying, Wendy ducks and tackles her. They topple down to the ground, blades pressed against each other’s neck.

The horn blows simultaneously. The game is over. But the Hunters’ flag is still there. Which can only mean…

“The Hunters of Artemis wins!” Chiron announces somewhere. “For the nth time...”

“Styx!” Wendy stabs the ground just beside Irene’s head in frustration.

The Hunter has the nerve to chuckle. She lowers her weapon. “Better luck next time, half-blood.”

Wendy glares at her but holy Hephaestus she’s gorgeous lying there with her dark hair fanned out like a halo, smug smirk, sparkling multicolored eyes, and a flush on her cheeks. Unfair! Totally unfair!

Wendy would’ve stared at her forever but fortunately, someone interrupts.

“Getting freaky freaky again, I see.”

They both snap their heads to the voice. It’s Yerim, holding a wicked silver crossbow in one hand and the Camp Half-Blood flag in the other.

Wendy realizes the compromising position they’re in and her face burns in mortification but before she can get off her, the girl speaks.

“Good job.” Irene tells Yerim. She sits up on her elbows which significantly decreased the distance between them. The Hunter notices and shoves her aside.

“Ow.” Wendy complains.

“Come on.” Irene steers Yerim away. “It’s getting late. We need to rest.”

They walk away with the rest of the Hunters but not without Yerim wriggling her brows at her suggestively and Wendy just knows she won’t be hearing the end of it.

They were trying to kill each other, for the gods’ sake. How can that kid turn it into something totally different? Just what goes on in that immortal head of hers?

Joy and Seulgi walks in on her lying there, staring blankly at the canopy of trees.

“Hey.” Joy nudges her with her foot. “Time to head back.”

“It’s so close, Joy.” Wendy points at the tree where the silver silk flag used to be. “It’s so close.”

“Yes, drama queen. It’s so close. And so are the monsters in this woods that will definitely gobble you up if you don’t move now.” Joy says.

“Come on, Rapunzel.” Seulgi hauls her up. “There’s still a next time.”

Wendy pushes her away when she gets to her feet. “When will that nickname die?”

Seulgi’s laughter rings in the night and they drag Wendy back to the cabins. 










“Everybody hates me. I’m so sure of it.”

Since breakfast, Wendy’s been getting those dirty looks and hushed whispers which she tried to ignore but she knows they’re blaming her for their defeat and maybe they’re right, it is her fault.

Now she’s determined to train harder. Next time, they’ll be whooping eternal maiden .

Irene still subbed Greek Mythology so Wendy forced Seulgi, Joy, and Yerim (who they won’t seem to be getting rid of anytime soon) to sit at the very back, just in case they get on each other’s nerves and try to kill each other again.

“Hey, It’s not your fault.” Seulgi wraps her arm around her shoulder comfortingly as they head back to Cabin 7 from the climbing wall—two clashing walls with lava and boulders falling from the top because a regular climbing wall simply isn’t extreme enough. Their shirts are peppered with smoking holes and they smell like human barbecue. Wendy feels crappier than she already does. And hungry. And exhausted.

Fortunately, it’s their last schedule for the day. Joy has pegasus riding while Yerim had run off with the other Hunters after hearing they’re going to an illegal adventure in the woods.

“Yeah. Tell that to everyone here.” Wendy coughs. has been in a bad condition from that little performance she pulled last night.

“There, there.” Seulgi pats her back. “They’re just sore losers looking for someone to blame.”

Wendy scoffs. “I can’t believe I sang so passionately about all of us being a big loving family last night.”

“But we are a big loving family! A lot dysfunctional but you know we all love each other, right? I mean, I know that I love you.”

Wendy rolls her eyes despite her growing smile. “You’re just saying that because you want my special lava cake.”

Seulgi pulls out her deadly pleading eyes and pout combo. “When are you going to make it for me?”

Wendy ruffles her sister’s hair. “One day.”

They arrive at their cabin and washes up. Wearing a fresh set of clothes, Wendy sits on her bunk, frowning at her reflection on the compact mirror.

“Hate what you see so much, Son?”

Wendy looks up and tries to smile as much as her busted lip would allow her. “Hey, Johnny.”

“Hey, Wendy.” Johnny, son of Ares from Chicago, sits beside her.

“Visiting Mark?”

“Yeah, he’s over there with the gang.” he nods to Mark’s bunk in the other side of the room. “That looks bad. Is that from last night?”

“Yeah. It does look bad, doesn’t it?” she resumes scowling at her mirror.

“Wait, I think I still have some Asclepius Healing Salve left.” Johnny rummages his fanny pack and takes out a tiny jar.

“Wow, where did you get that?”

“From our last trip to Olympus. It’s a limited edition. Cost me a fortune but it’s worth it. Here, let me.” he holds her in place and gently applies the ointment on her wound. It has a cooling effect and she can actually feel her tissues repairing itself. “Amazing, isn’t it? It can actually speed up healing process by, like, ten times.”

Someone clears their throat.

Johnny and Wendy turns. The Hunters are on their doorstep with Irene standing in the middle, giving her and Johnny a look of disgust and disbelief. What’s with that face she’s making?

“What do you want?” Wendy asks curtly.

Irene gives her a pointed look. “I want nothing.” she snaps. “I happened to be around so I decided to drop by and remind you of our…ah, responsibility for tonight.”

Wendy stands, crossing her arms and leaning against Seulgi’s bunk. “You mean the punishment we got because you have terrible anger management issues and attacked me in broad daylight?”

Irene’s jaw visibly tightens. “I will see you after the campfire.” she walks away with her entourage.

“What’s with her?” Wendy wonders aloud.

Johnny chuckles. “Why are you picking a fight? I’ve never seen you so aggressive.” he says. “Now I see why everybody in camp ships you. Man, that was tense.”

“They what? Why would they do that?”

Before he can answer, the conch horn blows. Johnny gets up. “I’ll see you around, Son.” he winks and jogs off to join his siblings in Cabin 5.

Seulgi arrives just in time to join them for dinner. At the dinner pavilion, Wendy steals glances at Cabin 8 and she’s not sure why she’s surprised that the Hunters seem to be having a good time. They just always seem so serious but tonight they’re chatting and laughing like a happy family. Even Irene has a smile on her face, looking over them like a mother.

Campfire singalong isn’t as jolly as it usually is. The fire didn’t rise over five feet. Rosé, one of her siblings, led the songs throughout the night.

“Hey, you’re not heading back yet?” Seulgi asks after it’s over.

Wendy rolls her eyes and nods to the Hunters’ direction.

Her sister snorts. “Oh, right. You got penalized.”

“We’ll get going first then.” Joy says.

“Yeah, yeah. Go sleep tight.” Wendy shoos them away.

She’s not sure how long she sat there staring at the remnants of the campfire while she waited for the Hunters to finish chit-chatting. A pair of boots then came into her vision and she looks up. It’s Yerim, wearing her up-to-no-good smile.

“Hey there, sunshine.” the girl sits beside her.

Wendy scowls. “Don’t call me that.

Yerim cackles. “Your father won’t be happy to hear that.”

“Tell me. You’re a Hermes kid, aren’t you?”

She snorts. “Not even close.” she starts poking the glowing embers with a stick.

“Then whose child are you?” Wendy realizes how insensitive she sounded, considering how touchy the subject can be for demigods. “I mean, if you don’t mind me asking.”

Yerim chuckles and waves her concern off. “I thought the flowers on my hair gave it away. I guess you’re just blind. It’s Persephone, dummy.”

“Oh.” Wendy mutters dumbly.  

“Son. We need to get going.”

The rest of the Hunters have left and Irene is left on her seat on the other side of the campfire.

“Yerim. You should head back. It’s almost curfew.” the girl says.

“Yikes. Better go before I become chicken-lady dinner then.” Yerim made a face which says she didn’t really care at all. She grins at Wendy. “Well, good luck on your date. Try not to kill each other”

“Yeah…wait, what?”

Yerim walks off, laughing.

“Son.” Irene calls.

“Yeah, yeah. I’m coming.”

They head to the forest as instructed by Chiron. He had given them the task of patrolling the perimeter of the woods and make sure the monsters stay inside the forest. Also so they can, quote, ‘get to know each other and set aside your differences’ which Wendy personally thinks is a pile of Hellhound dung.

As much as she would like to play hooky, the harpies are keeping an eye on them and would be inclined to have them as midnight snack if they even try to sneak off. So they’re stuck together tonight. Whether they like it or not.

“I don’t know about you but I think it would be more efficient if we split up.” Wendy suggests.

“Did you not hear Chiron? We are to be together at all times.” Irene replies.

“Great. If only you were such a stickler for rules yesterday too then maybe we wouldn’t have been punished.”

“Why are you so annoying?”

“Why are you so uptight?”

Irene sighs wearily. “Is it not possible for us to spend time together in peace?”

Wendy replies with silence. It’s not exactly peace but quiet comes close. They can at least stay together in the same space quietly. A momentary truce, if you may.

They walk silently, only pausing when hearing the occasional sounds of monsters in the woods. Otherwise, it is an uneventful night. It is uncomfortable and stifling and frankly, Wendy would rather fight her than suffer this heavy silence.

Gods, why is it so awkward?

She glances at Irene. The girl doesn’t seem to be drowsy at all. In fact, her eyes are as sharp and alert as ever. Which reminds Wendy, what color are those eyes? She’s been in the receiving end of glares and stare downs but she can never pinpoint the exact color of her eyes. And where did she get that scar? From a monster or from a human? The possibility of the latter is more chilling than the former.

“Stop staring. It discomforts me.” Irene breaks the ice for the first time in hours.

Wendy quickly averts her eyes. “I wasn’t staring. I was spacing out.”


Wendy opts to gaze at the night sky instead of retorting because she has a feeling that if their conversation continues, it would end with their blades pressed against each other’s throats again. She’s too exhausted for that tonight.

Maybe tomorrow they can try to kill each other again. But tonight, tonight will be spent in peace.










Something keeps Taeyeon awake.

She sits on a rock outside her cave, wrapped in a thermal blanket as she mindlessly scratched the ground with a stick.

The stars are bright tonight and Taeyeon’s dream is vivid in her mind: the meteor showers, the pandemonium, the world ripped apart and engulfed in flames.

Vengeance is mine.

The memory of that chilling voice has been ringing in her head over and over, over and over. She has been hearing it enough times to get used to it, like how one would be accustomed to the constant buzz of cicadas at night.

The future holds an impending doom. That much is apparent. But nobody can go against the Fates. It will be, if it is meant to be.

Just then, streaks of bright light zips across the sky. A burst of brightness erupts in the woods, lasting for less than a second.

“A spark have lit the fire.” Taeyeon calmly stands and gazes down at the cabins, “Are you going to shine like gold…or are you going to crash and burn?”










Wendy blinks the dancing spots away from her eyes. “What was that?”

There was a blinding white flash just now. Very brief and quiet but unmistakable. Like a flashbang that lasted only for a millisecond.

Irene doesn’t reply. Her expression is a mixture of dread, disbelief, and grim acceptance. She takes a step to the woods as though in a trance.

“Irene?” Wendy calls. The Hunter ignores her. “Irene!” she grabs her arm. “What are you doing?”

“It’s happening again.”

“What is?”

“We need to go find it.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,” Wendy holds her back. “Hold on. Back up. I don’t think I follow. What on Hades are you talking about?”

“We need to check.”

“What? But why?”

Instead of answering, Irene looks up at the sky. “Which one is it?” she mutters to herself.

“Wait.” Wendy holds up her hands in a time-out gesture. “Can you stop and explain one second? You’re freaking me out.”

Irene finally looks at her with intense eyes. Wendy blinks rapidly. Whoa, why so serious?

Just then, flapping wings approached followed by a screech. A harpy had landed behind them—a hybrid of woman and chicken with their female faces and bodies paired with bird wings and sharp talons. Overall, pretty weird but also pretty cool.

“Where do you think you’re going?’ she demands.

“Uh…” Wendy utters intelligently.

“Return to your cabins. It’s 4 A.M. Your duty is over. If we ever catch you wandering around after ten minutes, you’re going to be our breakfast.”

On that happy note, she takes off.

Wendy looks at Irene. “So...”

The Hunter is still fixated at the woods, frowning thoughtfully. Finally, she sighs. “We should head back.”

She starts walking away. Wendy jogs after her.

“Wait, aren’t you going to tell me what that was all about?”

Irene ignores her.

Wendy throws her hands in the air. “Oh, come on! You’re not going to leave me in the dark. I saw it too! I demand answers! Or else I won’t be able to sleep!” she mentally thanks her father for her penchant for dramatics

Irene stops walking and gives her the deluxe you-are-so­-annoying look that she seems to be giving Wendy a dozen times per minute.

“Fine. I will tell you when the both of us are fully rested. So you better be able to sleep tonight, Son.”

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Narutinho1 #1
Chapter 4: I hate being one if those people who beg for an update…….. but pleaseeeeeee. This is too good
Chapter 4: hope that i can see what happens next! i loved aphrodites and jihye’s relationship, knew that joohyun would be the fruit of their love:) its a refreshing plot for me, there’s so much to it and seems like seungwan and joohyun are fated together!! thanks for the story🥰
ShinHye24 1340 streak #3
Waiting w respect!
aRedBerry #4
aRedBerry #5
Chapter 3: WHAT IS IT?!??!?!
aRedBerry #6
Chapter 2: new to this halfcampblood universe....kinda wanna read/watch😳
aRedBerry #7
Chapter 1: HOLY ITS ONYL PROLOUGE BUT FUUUUCUHCH "Hello Joohyun" I KNEW IT😭😭😭 Its been a while since i genuinely felt excited over a fiction🥺
aRedBerry #8
Chapter 4: found this story again after a long while and i just had to reread everything. hope you can return one day, author! this is too good to be left unfinished.

stay safe!
ShinHye24 1340 streak #10
I miss this! Hope you're doing well authorninm, stay safe.