The Book of Thursby: Faithwrights of Numenor


An original work of fan fiction based in The Lord of the Rings Online. This new set of chapters tells the lore and headcanon of the for-runners of the Sons of Numenor Kinship during the First, Second and early Third Ages.




On The Book of Thursby.

The Book of Thursby (BoT) is a long running work that in its different volumes now spans several games.  Historically I used it as a way to write guild lore (Sons of Numenor) as experienced by way of my main character Benjimir Thursby.  However the work has grown to envelope many characters, most my own, others included with the blessing of their creators.

In every game I play there is a Benjimir.  I take my inspiration from Gen. George Patton’s poem “Through a Looking Glass, darkly.” Many faces, many names, but always me.  In this way the Lore behind each game has ties to that of the next game and the coming of Benjimir.  Thusby in my gaming and role playing I enjoy the personal fun of always being rooted in a grand never ending adventure.

For each game I play there is a new volume of the BoT.  

Read long enough and you will notice the links connecting the worlds and story together.  The connecting lore is a personal headcanon of course.  I don’t hold anybody to it in RP or for guild membership.  I have carefully written the BoT to keep the nods to headcanon out of sight and not a part of in-game RP.  And within a single volume the story is essentially self contained.

So when interacting in-game you would never know or hear of anything but compliant LOTRO lore for example.  I dislike doing things that ever require people to bend their IC foundations.  

It is a topic I handle carefully as there are some that recoil at even the concept of headcanon that isn’t entirely orthodox.  I am always happy to answer questions.

On characters.

Since 2008 I have occasionally written characters I RP with, with their permission, into my stories.  With LOTRO that practice has expanded and there are several characters who are or were actual player characters not my own.  I wouldn’t mind ghost writing for more characters but my plate is full at the moment.


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