Chapter 9 - Bo Ra's Boyfriend

Faded // Bang Chan

Na Ri let out a frustrated groan whilst tugging at her hair roots. She really hated maths and her lack of understanding for it. She threw her pencil down on the kitchen table in defeat earning a small chuckle from her dad who had been busy reading the newspaper.

"Maths huh?" He teased his only daughter. She nodded and tossed her copy book of sums to him. "I'm no smarter than you when it comes to maths." Her father admitted with a look of concern as he read through the sums. He scratched the back of his neck before sliding the copy across the table back to her. "Sorry, sweetie."

She excused herself and went upstairs to her room to avoid taking her bad mood out on her dad. Na Ri had been stuck in a rut for two weeks now, ever since Chan disappeared. Nobody had seen Chan for two weeks and many rumours of Chan's whereabouts had surfaced. Na Ri had heard everything from prison to dropping out to death and she was beginning to get scared for his well being. She wasn't sure how to think or feel when it came to Chan anymore. She knew hating him seemed like the best option but no matter how much she wanted to hate him, she couldn't. She saw too much of her past self in him and she just couldn't let him go.

Na Ri flopped herself onto her bed and focused her attention onto the ceiling. She was beginning to get sick of being trapped with her thoughts of him yet she couldn't stop no matter how hard she tried. Na Ri sat up as an idea popped into her head. She grabbed her phone and dialled Bo Ra's number. Despite the incident between the pair two weeks ago Bo Ra had returned to school the following week and acted as though it'd never happened.

"Hey!" Bo Ra greeted warmly. "Remember a few weeks ago when you mentioned showing me around one weekend? Well, would today be okay?" She asked politely, praying Bo Ra doesn't decline. "Sounds good! I'll start walking to your house now. I'll be like-20 minutes, okay?" Bo Ra replied to her newest friend. Na Ri hung up, feeling quite content with her plan. She put on a light jacket and made her way back downstairs to where her father was.

She stood at the doorway of the kitchen, waiting to gain his attention. He glanced up at her before setting down his newspaper and smiling. "A friend from school offered to show me around so I'm gonna head out soon. Is that okay?" Na Ri explained to him. "Anyone I might know?" He questioned. He was thrilled to hear she'd even made a friend but couldn't help but be sceptical, especially considering her past friendships that led her down a dangerous path.

"Lee Bo Ra." She answered him. Honestly, she was surprised at how quickly she made decent friends. Usually she falls into bad crowds without realising it until the damage is done. She noticed the troubled look on her father's face but he didn't comment on the matter.

"So...can I go?" She asked hopefully. He nodded and she turned to walk away but her name being called stopped her. "I trust you. Stay safe and don't cause trouble." He warned with a stern look. Na Ri shot him a smile and put his odd behaviour down to her past experiences that would disappoint any parent. "Will do." She responded before walking upstairs to apply some light make up.

"I'll be home in roughly an hour. I'm just getting off the bus now and I have some errands to run." Chan informed his dad over the phone. Chan's dad couldn't help but worry about his son whenever he leaves home to earn money. In fact, more often then not he'd beg Chan not to go but he knew his stubborn son would never listen. "Stay safe. Your mother can't wait to see you." His dad replied before ending the call. Chan smiled down at his phone before stuffing the device into his pocket and striding towards the convenience store where he sometimes worked. His dad was good friends with the owner which is why it's the only local place that will hire him so Chan ensures that he's a loyal customer.

He was surprised to see that Kang Dae and his gang weren't lingering nearby for once but once he stepped inside the store he tensed at the sight of Na Ri who was searching through the different milk flavours. He debated on just leaving the store before he was noticed but something stopped him. He wanted to move but he couldn't. He was frozen to the spot and just stared at her from behind as she unknowingly continued to browse.

He wondered how she'd been the past two weeks, had she missed him or if his words had any impact on her opinion of him. He for one, couldn't get her forced smile out of his head. He hated the way she had looked at him that day he opened up to her but he couldn't figure out why it bothered him. He shouldn't care. She was just some annoyingly nosy girl in his year that happened to edge her way into not only his life but now his thoughts.

He was ripped from his thoughts when Na Ri let out a small gasp at the sight of Chan staring at her. Her cheeks burned red but she quickly walked past carrying her banana milk, her head looking dead ahead at the cashier to avoid acknowledging Chan. It took every bit of self control she had to not look at him but she knew if she did she'd bombard him with questions.

He was annoyed and rather hurt by her action. He understood where he stood with her now but he wasn't at all happy about it. He was expecting this, he knew once he told her he could kiss his chance of having one person to talk to goodbye but that didn't make it sting any less.

He watched as she paid the money and then brushed past him on her way out of the store. Before Chan's brain could catch up with his actions he had his fingers gripped around her small wrist, pulling her back to face him. They exchanged looks of shock, Na Ri was not used to Chan making the first contact and Chan was surprised he did that. His cheeks instantly turned red as he meekly let her hand go and stuffed his into his pocket.

Na Ri studied his face and decided her favourite Chan was the quiet and awkward Chan that he currently portrayed. He looked cute and innocent with the slight red tint on his cheeks as he frantically racked his brain for an explanation.

"Are you gonna say something or are we standing here for the fun of it?" She teased to break the awkward silence. He rolled his eyes but smiled a genuine smile. He was just happy that she'd even spoken to him.

"Oh please, I'd have more fun watching paint dry than standing here with you." He retorted. Chan had come to the conclusion that he'd never admit to Na Ri that her company made him feel human. In that very moment, Chan realised he was smiling because of her.

"Guess I'll leave you to that then." She grinned and turned to walk away. Chan watched as Na Ri got farther away from him. A part of her hoped he would chase after her though she knew the thought was far fetched but within a second Chan appeared beside her. She tried to suppress her smile by looking down at their in sync footsteps which only made her fight for a neutral expression hopeless.

"I don't feel like watching wet paint dry today." He muttered as the two headed down the street. "You're not gonna follow me the whole way home, right?" Na Ri chuckled and Chan's eyes widened. "I didn't realise that's where you were going." He defended himself. "Besides, why would you walk all the way here for milk?" He added.

"All the way here?" She repeated. "How do you know I don't live around this area?" She continued. Chan stiffened as his words caught up with him. "I don't stalk you or anything but I see you leaving your house most days for school. You don't live far from me." He explained. It was a partial lie but Na Ri didn't need to know that. He lived ages away from Na Ri's house but he always took that route as she lived near the graveyard where In Ho was buried.

"Oh." Na Ri nodded, not questioning his reply at all. "But to answer your question no-I didn't come all they way here just for milk. Bo Ra was showing me around."

Chan's heart tightened at the mention of Bo Ra. He'd always hated how only she had that affect on him. He looked away from Na Ri, wanting to conceal his feelings for her friend. He found it slightly embarrassing that five years had passed and he still only felt anything for her.

"Where is she now?" He asked, nervous she might appear out of nowhere and shoot daggers at him like how she normally does. "Her boyfriend and his friends were at the store. They left like five minutes before you arrived." Na Ri didn't understand why it mattered but she answered nevertheless.

"Boyfriend?" Chan pondered aloud. "I don't know his name or anything but I think I've seen him somewhere before." She'd definitely seen his face before but she couldn't remember where.

"Wait! Wait! Wait!" She exclaimed, hitting his arm in excitement. "What?" Chan grumbled as he rubbed where she'd hit with a scowl on his face. "I remember his name!" Na Ri sputtered. Chan's heart raced as he waited for her answer. He knew he'd be hurt by whoever it is but as long as he was a decent guy that's all that matters, right?

"Dongwoo." Wrong!

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