I'll be there


She met him in the middle of meeting the sunbae they're from Seoul middle school. They became friends, they fall for one another but he got a girl already. he hide it from her. untill one day she knew the truth, and they broke. she seriously inlove with him. but it end fast.

3 years pass.. she met Myungsoo/L. He's, (let's make him 17) a sunbae to her.. But they end up being together. One day she met her ex.. what will happen..



- Im Minyoung

  • Sweet Innocent
  • Currently in Seoul Arts high school (HAHAHA)
  • 11 june 1996 (16)

- Jo kwangmin

  • friendly
  • a kingka of his school Seoul arts high
  • 17
  • Minyoung's ex

-Kim Myungsoo

  • her currently boyfriend
  • Kingka of Seoul arts high school
  • sweet kind mysterious..


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@Kwangeeqa: You're welcome...

Although you should put space between each dialogue...^_^

The first chapter is good actually, it's just the style...a bit confusing and the grammar is a bit off....

But...still, they're good...

It's really good for your first time!~~

Can't wait for the other update~
Kwangeeqa #2
@infernocaeli thanks^^
Waiting for it~

Update soon!~