Last Week

I Give You My Blessings

Kotoko POV

It is my last week at Pandai. School starts again next week. I don’t know why but time passed so fast and i didn’t realize how much i enjoyed working at Pandai. All my coworkers were friendly and taught me good design thinking. We chatted about our families, friends, hobbies, interests. It was such a good working environment. We laughed at each other’s jokes and had weekend picnics and museum visits. Naoki didn’t join us on the weekends but he interacted with us on the weekdays in the conference rooms where we worked long hours discussing the project. I realized Naoki does show subtle signs of what he is thinking. When he is frustrated that things are not working, his brows have a light angle and meet in the center. His lips are pressed together. When he is concentrating, his finger pads roll rhythmically on the desk. He crosses his arms in the front when he is thinking intensely. When he briefs the project details to his superiors, he crosses his arms on the back. When he tries to sit comfortably on these hard office mesh swivel chairs, he crosses one ankle on the knee cap. When he is happy, the most he shows is a slight upturn of his lips. I rarely see his eyes crinkle and his smiles are usually pilot, not genuine. I don’t know when and how it started but i become super conscious of his actions from the direction of his feet pointing at him bouncing his legs to his chewing of tortilla chips. Sometimes when he is presenting in front of the whole team, I take a mental snapshot of his broad shoulders and firm arms. He definitely is a leader. 


Naoki POV

Our game design is almost done. I just need to direct the developer team on how to produce the designers’ intents. It is Kotoko’s last week. I tried to show her as much as I can at a steady pace and taught her the inner workings of this industry. She has impressed me with her passion and efforts. Her excitement in game design is admirable. I never had this much joy from creating games. My father just handed me tasks every since young and when I was old enough I was given the position to lead a team of designers. I know it is a privilege to work with such talented people but I only thought of this as my job and producer of games to get profits for the company. Ever since childhood, my parents instilled the idea that I will become the CEO of pandai in my head. There was no other path. This was my destiny. Well, not like I have interests in other fields. Maybe, it is better to have the path paved for you.

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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 7: Realastic ending..