My Sealed Lips

My Sealed Lips



“Ah, it’s morning already.” I really didn’t want to get up for school. I’m tired! Damn tired indeed. I had a really little sleep last night. I had to finish so many things for today. Today was a special day, yes, the valentine day and also her birthday! Everything must go perfect!


I woke up lazily. I took my phone. I was hesitated, should I wish her? NO! I can’t, I needed to remain silent. I wanted to surprise her, wishing her birthday will just screw everything! Yes, be patient Myungsoo. Tonight would be the day. You just needed to wait a few hours more.




When I arrived in my class, I could see a few box of presents were on my table. People would still give me valentine present even though I had a girlfriend Huh? As soon as I took my seat, girls were swarming around my table. Everyone were handing me valentine present. There were chocolates, cards, expensive pen and so many more.


“Oppa, if you don’t like Haera’s present. You can just use mine!” A girl said.

“Oppa, don’t worry, Haera will not scold you just because you accept my present. So please accept mine!” Second girl said.

“Happy valentine day oppa!” most of them said the same thing.


I got annoyed. I answered nothing nor doing anything. I eyed the door, then I could see the glimpse of my girl. White hairband! She wore it huh? She had always looked sweet and innocent when she wore the white hairband. I liked it when she wore it. Little did I knew, my tiny lips curled forming a thin smile.


When my table went calm, only then Haera moved to me. I acted as if I didn’t notice her.


“ehem, ehem,” She coughed, trying to catch my attention.


“Happy valentine day!” She handed me a pink wrapped box with the sweetest smile ever.

“Hmm...” I took her present and nodded emotionlessly- trying my very best to hide my happy feeling.

Haera then suddenly blinked her eyes millions times. It was super cute, but I remained cool, acted that I didn’t waver.

“Yes?” I asked her.

“What day is today?” She answered me with a question in her cute innocent face.

“Your birthday silly!” The thought just remained in my mind.

“Valentine day!” I answered nonchalantly instead.


Haera then pouted as she left my class, as expected though. But this was what I wanted. I didn’t want she got even a clue on tonight surprise. I smiled, proud with my performance. By looking to her pout actually made me remember on how she cute she was when she send me those chocolate.


........flash back........


“Yah Yeol! Who’se chocolate is this?” I picked up the chocolate bar with pink ribbon on my table. Then I noticed there was a card under it. What a really cute card.


I hope you like chocolate myungsoo shi,,,

Haera <3


I cared nothing about the chocolate sender. But I really love the chocolate though. I thought that was the only day that I got chocolate but to my surprise, various type of chocolates were send everyday with cards.


Day by day, I got addicted to chocolates. Not a normal chocolates, but Heara’s chocolate. I found that her cards were interesting, exciting and even addicting. I then decided to find her.


Well, it was quite easy to find her. She was Woohyun classmates. I then was acting like a stalker. I began to observe her. She was cute! – that was a definite. She was also a bubbly girl. Not only that, I found her friendliness was also charming. Little did I knew, I had actually began to like this chocolate girl – Jung Haera!


“Can you become my boyfriend? I like you myungsoo shi!” Haera suddenly asked me on one day.

I was shocked. But I liked it! I liked her brave confession. No! Not only that, I like her actually!

“Sure, I like you too...” I answered coolly.


We had been dating after that. I had always liked her. This felling grew stronger as time passed by. But thanks toward my weird personality, I just couldn’t express it to Haera. Every single time I wanted to say I like her, my tongue crammed, my lips sealed, and I just couldn’t confess it to her. 


“Have you kiss her?” Sunggyu hyung asked me while we were setting up the rooftop – favourite dating place for us.

I shook my head.

“ahhh....” All infinite members whined.


They were disappointed. But not as much as I disappointed with my coward self. Even though we had been dating for three years, I just didn’t have the courage. I had always wanted to kiss her, as the way to express how much I love her. But I just couldn’t, because every single time I gave a try to kiss her, my body would stiffened, not allowing me to kiss her valuable lips.


But everything would change tonight! I wanted to confess that I love her on her big day! Yes! I would strive my very best tonight. At least, I wanted to be the first one who said I love you since she never said I love you to me.


...... end flash back......


When recess time came, Suzy came to my desk. She said that the ingredients to bake Haera’s cake were ready. I smiled widely, happy that everything that I planned actually went smoothly. Yes, I had asked Suzy to help me bake. I wanted to bake the birthday cake specially for Haera, I mean, I wanted tonight to become our very special. So, I prepared everything personally, not actually personally but with the help of infinite, my best friends!


A few minutes letter, a message was sent to my phone.

““Myungsoo shi! I think we should put a fullstop to our relationship! I guess it's finally over ^_^”


When I read it, I felt that my heart was going to explode. All my plans were shattering to pieces. How on earth, she could ask to break up even before I confessed?


I felt damn stress. Without knowing, tears then fell from my cold eyes. Sungyeol noticed.


“What’s wrong Myungsoo yah?” He asked me in concern.


I then helplessly passed him my black smartphone. He read it and shook his head slowly.


“What should I do yeol ah? I love her. But.......” my voice trailed off as I was getting more depressed.

 “Just follow your plan today!” yeol said after having a deep thought.

“She won’t even come....” I said bluntly.

“Just believe in me! I’m LEE SUNGYEOL!” He said with a big grin! He definitely has his own crazy idea.


I then follow all my plans half-heartedly. I was worried. I knew it was all my fault that she wanted a fullstop. I gave her so little attention.


It was already 7 p.m. All infinite members were helping me for final touch up for the rooftop. Will she actually come if I called her? When I was about to call her, Yeol stopped me.


“Don’t call, just wait, she’ll come in just few minutes. Yorobun let’s get ready!” Sungyeol beamed.


After a few minutes I could see Haera was running to the rooftop from the above. I smiled. She came!


When she pushed the door open, all of us sang a birthday song softly, nicely and romantically. When she saw us, she stopped. Her eyes then filled with tears. Her cute face was actually wet with tears.


When we finished singing, all infinite members then left us all alone at the rooftop. They were giving me some space with my love – Jung Haera.


I soon stepped to her closer and purposely stopped only an inch away from her. I wanted to look at her cute innocent face. I missed to see her even though it was only a few hours we had not see each other.


“Sungyeol said that you were hurt...” She said in a shaky voice.

“Ah! This was actually yeol plan.” It echoed in my mind. I finally figured out Lee Sungyeol plan. Whatever it was, THANK YOU LEE SUNGYEOL.

“Yeah! I am” I answered.

“But you don’t see like one....” She said, but still trembling.

“My heart hurts...” I then gently pulled her right hand and placed it to my heart – hopefully that she would feel the hurt that she gave me this morning.

“I don’t want to put a fullstop to our relationship....” I continued.

“But you don’t even like me! I’m not like Suzy...” she cut my sentence before I even finished.

“Yeah! Nowadays, I do think that I didn’t like you....” I said coolly.

Haera then bend her head down, hiding her cute face from my sight.

“Because I think I LOVE YOU” Yes! Finally! I could express the 1 sentence, the 3 words, the 8 letters, the I LOVE YOU!


Haera then tilted her head. Her small eyes widened beautifully. I then smiled. Happy that I finally brave enough to utter the 3 words. I then slowly leaned my face towards Haera. Our lips finally met after three years of relationship. Yes! I finally had the courage to kiss my girlfriend to show how much I love her.


When we parted, I could see Haera was biting he lower lips. Her white cheeks turns red. She smile shyly. Our kiss was sweet! I loved it.


Without wasting any time, I then passed her the birthday cake that I baked with suzy with 17 candles lighted on it.


“Happy birthday! And yeah! Happy valentine too...” I blushed too.





woot woot!!! I finally finished with my second one shot!!!! *proudofmyself* hahaha.... I hope everyone can enjoy it :)

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ilamby #1
Chapter 1: This is Myungsoo's POV from the other story!! XD
Okay I take it all back. I take all my words because I can't blame Myungsoo after reading this! Awww Myungsoo is cute, he's always cute, being all shy like that. I love the shy Myungsoo so much (but still it will be better if he confesses earlier keke)

Thank God, the plan is saved XD And it's all thanks to LEE SUNGYEOL!!! He always be the craziest one in infinite XD I can't stop laughing if he did something stupid like this. Sungyeol is smart enough to help Myungsoo kekeke
thanks :)
sodramatic101 #3
I liked it a lot. :D
Cute :">