Show Me Our Future

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All things considered, his breakup with Minjin was incredibly mutual with no hard feelings between the two of them. He did feel bad that he couldn’t give the same love that she offered over the period of their relationship, but she was only ever polite about it. And the way she dealt with his feelings towards Jongwoon made him feel even worse.


She told him not to worry about her and that she still enjoyed it even though they were not meant to be. And after placing a small kiss on his cheek, she walked towards the taxi and waved from the window as it drove off leaving him sitting on the doorstep, alone.


So now that he was standing outside the restaurant that hosted all of the first dates that 100 set up, he couldn’t help but feel nervous from the excitement of the uncertain future.


“Kyuhyun ah? What are you doing here?” He turned, his face staring straight into a pair of small eyes.


“Jongwoon hyung?”


“How nice of you to remember my name.” Jongwoon eyed the smaller male with an unimpressed expression. “But you didn’t answer my question.”


“Sorry, I guess I was surprised. I am here on a date, what about you?”


“Yeah me too. I’m going to head in first, okay? Good luck on your date.” Jongwoon smiled and walked off towards the entrance of the restaurant. 


Kyuhyun took a deep breath, seeing Jongwoon changed everything for him all of a sudden. How was he going to survive another first date when the person he was in love with was going to be sat in the same room as him?


“Hey, 100, is Jongwoon my date for today? The familiar buzz of the 100 app vibrated in Kyuhyun’s hand.


100 is unable to confirm who your date is. Please enter the restaurant to meet your match.


“Okay, is this my last date then?”


100 is unable to determine how long your relationships will last until you have met the person. Just remember to select the ‘show me our future’ button at the same time as your partner.


Kyuhyun sighed and walked into the restaurant. Following the waiter, he scanned the room trying to find the only person he cared about. Unable to see the male, he just hoped that Jongwoon had been matched with a good person who would make him happy the way that Jongwoon had made him feel during their relationship.


“Sorry I’m a bit late, I just ran into someone I- Jongwoon hyung? You’re my date?” Surprised was an understatement. Suddenly, Kyuhyun felt dizzy with all the mixed emotions hitting him in one go. Shock, happiness and excitement. 


Jongwoon was clearly feeling similar emotions as he struggled to respond. “That’s a good thing, hyung!” Kyuhyun sat down, grabbing the older male’s hands. Jongwoon relaxed and smiled.


“Thank you, Kyuhyun ah.”


“Thank you for what?”


“For being here. I’m just so happy that I’m lost for words. You know, after last time, I really thought there was a chance that you and I will be together. So I just can’t believe this is happening right now.”


Kyuhyun leaned forward over the table, and pressed a long soft kiss on the lips of the older person in front of him.


“I missed you.” He whispered, lips still tracing over the other man’s forming a smile.


A small cough from next to them pulled them apart and Kyuhyun looked up to see the waiter staring down at them. He couldn’t help but laugh at the blush that was forming on the older male’s cheeks.


“Sorry to… interrupt. But I was wondering if I could take your orders?” Jongwoon immediately pulled up the menu to his face to hide the blush. Kyuhyun smiled, it reminded him of the first time they met and he made a joke about some hot girl on a different table. 


All things considered, it was funny how things worked out.


“Kyu, there was something I wanted to show you.”  Kyuhyun watched as Jongwoon reached up and started fiddling with the chain that was around his neck. “Close your eyes and put your hands forward.” 


He complied and waited patiently. “Sorry, I’m having issues with the clasp. Give me a minute.” 


“You know what, never mind, open your eyes and help me.” Jongwoon pouted and walked over to the other side of the table and handed the clasp of the chain for the younger male to undo.  


He gasped when he undid the chain and pulled the necklace off the older male’s neck. A ring slipped off and landed in Kyuhyun’s palm.


“Is this?” 


“Yeah, I felt so stupid that I was unable to let it go. I couldn’t let you go. I wore it every day. Yuri would always ask me about it but I didn’t say anything. I think she connected the dots when she met you in person at that talk.”


“I can’t believe you kept it with you. When I saw you in the restaurant before, and couldn’t see you wearing it, I thought you were over me already.”


“Ha, as if Cho Kyuhyun. I don’t think I could ever be over you.” Jongwoon rolled his eyes in disbelief and Kyuhyun could feel heart swelling in joy.


“Kim Jongwoon, when I thought it would be impossible to fall for you deeper than I already have, you still managed to make it possible.” And Kyuhyun pulled the older male in for another kiss that he never wanted to end. 


The rest of the meal was a pleasant conversation between the two; talking about their past matches and the more Jongwoon talked about Yuri, the more Kyuhyun felt jealous but at the same time found it harder to be angry at the female because she treated him so well.


“I cared about her a lot, you know. But I think, in retrospect, it was more as a sibling. I wanted to protect her because she was 4 years younger than me. I think she knew there was zero chance between her and I the second time we were set up. When that guy hit you, I almost got up to slap him myself but she pulled me back saying it wasn’t any of my business and all I could do was stare at you as you sat in the booth crying. She didn’t say anything, but I know she saw me crying for you.”


If you’re scared, you can hold my hand tight 

I will draw a painting for us under the window, shining bright light 

Our hands held 

The petals that blossoms feels like my heart that rises from your hand


“From then on, I knew that we were meant to be together forever.”


“Awwh, hyung, you want to be with me forever?”


“Shut up, Kyu.”


“Jongwoon hyung, let’s check our results. Hopefully we will be like Kyuhyun ssi and Jongwoon ssi, yeah?” Kyuhyun pulled out his phone and opened up the 100 app. Jongwoon put his hand over Kyuhyun’s phone, pushing it onto the table. 


“Actually, I don’t think we should. I thought about it a lot and if we don’t find out how long 100 gives us, then we can decide how long it will last ourselves. If we want it to last one year, then we will make it last one year. If we want it to last forever, then let’s make it last forever.”


Kyuhyun paused as he processed what Jongwoon had said. He was really keen to know what 100 was going to give them, but he also really wanted to make Jongwoon happy too.


“Sure hyung, if that’s what you want.” And Jongwoon pulled him in for another kiss and Kyuhyun knew that it was the answer the older male wanted to hear.


He wasn’t sure how it happened, but the trip between the restaurant and the house whizzed by and he was in the bed with the older male, hands getting frisky between the combination of pecks and more passionate kisses. 


The rush of having the person he was in love with, and the person he had been in love with for the past two years, in front of him and kissing him back. “I want you.” Jongwoon whispered into Kyuhyun’s lips.


“I’m all yours, Jongwoon” Kyuhyun whispered back and pulled the older male into another deep kiss.


They made love many times that night and as they lay under the duvet, bodies interlaced with each other, Kyuhyun couldn’t imagine him spending life any other way.


Life was perfect, more than perfect even (if that was possible). Jongwoon would continue composing while Kyuhyun would study for his upcoming economics exam.


His favourite time of the day were the evenings where they would spend time together snuggled in each other's arms with a film on in the background. By the end of the film, somehow they would both find themselves with no clothes on and neither of them knowing what the plot of the film wa

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392 streak #1
Chapter 3: Thank you for sharing this story! I finished all of your stories, love it so much!
LeeLenaMx #2
Chapter 3: Speechless… didn’t expect the final part… well done!
Chapter 3: This was amazing! I really didn't expect the twist omg. I applaud you 👏👏👏💕
Chapter 3: OMG TT ^ TT I cried so hard while reading this story! This is too perfect! My Kyusung is perfect and they're finally together TT ^ TT You're so talented, thank you for this fic <3
Chapter 3: I remember watching the black mirror episode, it's one of my favourites, I liked the little things you added.
cloudykuro #7
Chapter 3: This is like jim carrey movie (the trumpman show if I correct) where his live is actually a show and everything was being set.
I was like why don't they uninstall the app if they want to stay together without thinking about the results lol...
Anyway thx for the story!
vpurple #8
Chapter 3: OMG THAT ENDING !!!!
wow wow wow i did not expect that!!! this was such an amazing story, and a really interesting plot line!! i loved it all, thank you so much for writing! <3 <3
Princeice #9
Hwaaaa keep writing....i will wait util this story publish hehe