Show Me Your Future

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A year had passed and Kyuhyun had not crossed paths with Jongwoon. He hated having to go on different dates with other people. Not one of them filled his criteria of a significant other. They weren’t Kim Jongwoon.


He had several short flings (all chosen by 100) with both males and females and they just ended up like one night stands. Mindless , nothing like the emotion and passion that he had with Jongwoon.


It turned out that all Kyuhyun wanted (unsurprisingly) was Kim Jongwoon. He couldn’t help but feel a little bitter that Jongwoon did not try harder to fight for their relationship.


He internally shooed away the thoughts of Jongwoon, he wasn’t here at the restaurant to meet Jongwoon, well he didn’t think he was anyway. He was here to go on his sixth 100 date. It annoyed him that the app never told him who he was going to meet and instead just provided the date, time and location.


Kyuhyun checked his watch, he was five minutes early. He liked to be timely at least and not keep the other person waiting. 


“Hey, 100, you said that I would meet my soulmate after five matches. I’m on my sixth already” Kyuhyun grumbled.


100 never specified that you would find your true partner after the fifth match. Statistically speaking, most people find it within five matches. Therefore some people find theirs before and some after. 


“But when will I find mine? I’m getting tired already.” 




“Eugh, fine.” Kyuhyun shoved his phone into his pocket and stormed inside. 


He followed the waiter to his designated table. Over the many first dates that he had at this restaurant, he was always assigned a different table. On this occasion, he was placed towards the entrance. As he waited for his date to show up, he stared out of the window, nervously twisting the ring that was on his pinky finger, looking at the other people also waiting to enter the restaurant to meet their 100 match. 


A familiar shadow of a man stood in the window looking out towards the road. As he turned to walk into the restaurant, Kyuhyun could have sworn he recognised those eyes instantly. He wasn’t sure though, maybe he was just so held onto the past that he couldn’t let go of the older male. He really just needed to focus on the present and the person that he had been matched with.


“S-sorry I’m late. The traffic was so bad. I hope you didn’t have to wait too long.” Kyuhyun stood up, bowed and shook his head.


“No worries. I only got here a few minutes ago.” Kyuhyun lied as he encouraged the other person to sit down.


“Oh, sorry, forgot to introduce myself. Sorry, this is the first 100 date and I’m just a bit flustered. This can’t get any worse can it. I’m Lee Sungmin.”


“Cho Kyuhyun. And don’t worry about it, seriously. It kind of reminds me of how I felt at my first 100 date. Nervous and no idea what I was doing.”


“Did you want to find out what our 100 results are?”




1 hour.


Kyuhyun sighed. Sometimes he couldn’t understand why 100 would even think to set him up with someone if it thought that their relationship would last such a short amount of time.


He stood up and excused himself. He needed to use the restroom to clear his mind. Kyuhyun walked towards the bathroom, passing the corner where a young lady sat playing the piano. He noticed how her fingers danced along the piano keys almost as delicately as Jongwoon did and she began singing. 


Until the day comes, we can all hold our hands together 

You can rest when you run out of breath 

We are not alone, we will always be with you 

I will never let you go, we will go together 

We will run towards the bright light


It reminded him of the song Jongwoon was composing when they were together. He could feel tears welling up as he reminisced the memories he held close to his heart associated with the song. 


He rushed towards the bathroom hoping that his date, Sungmin did not see what kind of mess he had become.


“Kyuhyun ah?” Kyuhyun looked up trying to find the source of the person who called his name. Standing in front of him was Jongwoon. In the flesh. And the tears welled up in his eyes as he dived forward, pulling in the older male for a hug. Kyuhyun could feel Jongwoon tense under him before relaxing and reciprocating back.


“Jongwoon hyung, I missed you so much.”


“I missed you too.” 


“H-how have you been?”


“You remind me of how you were at our first date.” Jongwoon chuckled.


“You make me nervous, hyung. You don’t know how much I missed you. I searched all over the place for you.”


“Well, here I am.”


“Yeah.” Kyuhyun could feel the tension between them. He wasn’t sure if it was bad tension or good tension. He just felt lost for words. “Have you met your date yet, hyung?”


“Yeah, it’s actually Yuri. You know, my girlfriend from before?” Kyuhyun’s expression visibly darkened. Why would 100 rematch Jongwoon back up with an old girlfriend? “It’s not going to last between us, we already checked but it’s nice I guess. What we had last time was good and it will be nice to have that again, especially after 100 decided that it was worth me having blue balls all year. What about you?”


“I had a string of one night stands essentially. I’m on number six now. It’s due to end in, hang on, let me check” Kyuhyun reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone. 48 minutes according to the timer.


“Kyuhyun ah, I’m so sorry. I think 100 has something against the two of us. Look, I have to go, Yuri is waiting for me. But hopefully I will see you soon, yeah?” Jongwoon put his hand out to shake Kyuhyun’s. The younger male stared down at the nimble fingers that he grew to love, but made no move to hold it. He couldn’t see the ring he had given to Jongwoon on his pinky finger and he couldn’t help but feel disappointed that the older male hadn’t stuck to their promise.


The older male sighed and bow slightly before turning to leave. “Goodbye, Cho Kyuhyun.” Kyuhyun reached forward at the arm still slightly extended. Jongwoon stared at the hold, an unreadable expression evident on his face. “Don’t you dare.”


And he pulled, bringing the older male closer and smashing their lips together. He could feel Jongwoon tense at the touch, almost unwilling to respond before relaxing into the kiss. Kyuhyun pulled away, letting his forehead rest against Jongwoon’s. “Be mine.” He whispered.


He could hear the other male choke and he opened his eyes to see tears streaming down Jongwoon’s face. “I-I can’t. I have Yuri.”


“You don’t need Yuri. You can have me!” Kyuhyun pleaded, pulling Jongwoon into a hug. The older male, managing to escape from the tight grasp.”


“I-I’ve got to go.” Kyuhyun watched as the black haired man ran out of the bathroom with his hand tightly grasped at his chest, and he finally allowed the tears to fall.


“Sorry it took me so long. Just feeling the nerves today for some reason. Did you know that the digestive system is affected by the nervous system? So if you are stressed or nervous, you find you need to use the bathroom more frequently.” Kyuhyun mumbled to himself as he took his seat back at his table, eyes not making contact with the other male. 


“Kyuhyun ah, it’s okay. I know you are disappointed by the results from 100, but let’s at least just enjoy the meal, even if there are only 20 minutes left of this date.” Sungmin grabbed Kyuhyun’s hand lightly trying to comfort him, but instead Kyuhyun just wanted Sungmin to let go and for it to be replaced with Jongwoon’s slender ones. He refrained from retracting and opted to smile back weakly.


He allowed his eyes to scan the restaurant floor for the older male, easily spotting the familiar mop of black hair at a table beside the piano. He could see him sitting opposite a girl who looked a little younger, hands resting in each other and he couldn’t help but scoff at the sparkle in her eyes. Maybe it was a bit of jealousy wrapped up in envy as he envisioned him in her place.


“Kyuhyun? Are you there?” Sungmin pulled Kyuhyun back from his thoughts, fingers waving in front of his eyes to get his attention.


“Yeah, sorry, I just have a lot going on.”


“Are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?”


Kyuhyun proceeded to tell Sungmin about Jongwoon, from beginning to end. How he met one year ago on 100 and how he didn’t want to break up but the app dictated that they should break up. The heartbreak he felt and the string of one night stands that followed (probably because the app knew he wouldn’t be able to commit to anything long term).


And then the event in the bathroom. Talking about it now in front of the person he was supposedly on a date with, he felt more and more and more stupid as he let his emotions control him instead of his logical brain.


“You. Did. What?” Kyuhyun looked up and he could see the anger and disappointment in Sungmin’s eyes.


“I kissed him.” I felt a sharp pain in his cheek along with a crack and he knew he deserved the slap that Sungmin just gave him.


“This was my first date and you ruined it before it even started. You could have at least tried. This isn’t just about you, there are other people’s emotions and feelings invested in this too.” 


“I’m sorry.” Kyuhyun whispered as he saw the figure of his date storm out of the restaurant and he ordered the strongest glass of alcohol to mend his bruised ego and ignore the many pairs of eyes staring at him.


Kyuhyun sat nervously at an event hosted by 100 with his girlfriend that he had met 5 months back. He reminisced about how he spent the three months prior to his now girlfriend to focus on himself and himself only. It was somewhat of a godsend that 100 did not set him up with anyone over that time period. He got himself back into shape both physically and mentally. He allowed himself to remember the words his mum once said “To deepen your love and acceptance of an

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392 streak #1
Chapter 3: Thank you for sharing this story! I finished all of your stories, love it so much!
LeeLenaMx #2
Chapter 3: Speechless… didn’t expect the final part… well done!
Chapter 3: This was amazing! I really didn't expect the twist omg. I applaud you 👏👏👏💕
Chapter 3: OMG TT ^ TT I cried so hard while reading this story! This is too perfect! My Kyusung is perfect and they're finally together TT ^ TT You're so talented, thank you for this fic <3
Chapter 3: I remember watching the black mirror episode, it's one of my favourites, I liked the little things you added.
cloudykuro #7
Chapter 3: This is like jim carrey movie (the trumpman show if I correct) where his live is actually a show and everything was being set.
I was like why don't they uninstall the app if they want to stay together without thinking about the results lol...
Anyway thx for the story!
vpurple #8
Chapter 3: OMG THAT ENDING !!!!
wow wow wow i did not expect that!!! this was such an amazing story, and a really interesting plot line!! i loved it all, thank you so much for writing! <3 <3
Princeice #9
Hwaaaa keep writing....i will wait util this story publish hehe