The hunter

Whispers in the dark

A hunter by the name of Jeon Jungkook had been out all day hunting, when the sun was setting and it was starting to get dark. This was not unusual, he often had to spend the night in the woods. However he now realized how far he had walked, standing in the deepest part of the forest. He had walked and hunted in this forest many times, years even and thought he knew it like the back of his hand.

But he was wrong, this part of the woods was comletely foreign to him and the night came fast. It was a dark night, no moon in the sky and the stars where covered by clouds. The old threes growing high and thick, their branches preventing him from even seeing it, making the darkness even more compact around him.

Jungkook shivered, he did not want to stay here, the vegitation on the ground so close and thick he could not make out any traces of a path or which direction he had come from. He didn`t like the silence either, it had been his companion for far too long. The usual sounds of birds, the wind in the threes and insects buzzing had stopped long before the sun disappeared, now when he thought about it.

With a slight fear of maybe being lost and wanting to get rid of this strange feeling. He decided that it was better to move on. Rather than stay and set up camp like he usually would when he had to spend a night in the forest. He new very well how dangerous it is to walk around in the dark and how easily one gets lost and cold. Waiting for the morning and sunrise would be the better option, he knew. But he really didn`t want to sleep or spend the night here at an unknown part of the forest.

He started walking again after eating a light snack, feelig a little energized. Now he wanted out of here as soon as possible, to safer and more familar grounds, where he would find a good place to camp and sleep. After walking for what felt like hours, did the threes finally start to grow with a larger distance to eathother. Only to end up in a small grove. In the middle of the grove was an old cabin.

The sky was still dark and Jungkook now both tired and exhausted, decided to go and knock on the door to ask if he could rest there for the night. He really didn`t want to wrestle with a tent now.

As he got closer to the cabin, he saw that the door was open and that the cabin was empty. No one was there.

He looked around, then went inside, saw an old bed and laid down on it, ready to sleep. He felt sleep hit him almost immediately after and just as he was about to close his eyes, he threw one last glance around the one room cabin.

That was when he discovered the walls where full of portraits. He could barely see them in the dark, but it looked like large portraits. All had distorted, sinister and pale faces on them. They where turned and stared hatefully down towards the center of the room, towards the bed, towards him.

That made Jungkook feel uneasy, he turned to his side quickly, laying with his head towards the wall. After some time did he managed to forget some about the ugly paintings, atleast enough to finally fall asleep.

The next day Jungkook was awaken by the bright light of the sun, glaring in at him. Blinking the sleep out of his eyes, closing them quickly after in order to adjust, he soon realized the reason for the brightness. He looked up at the cabin walls and was met with windows, only windows.
















Authors note: Hi, I hope you liked it, I decided to use inspiration from a well known ghost story as my first attempt. It is mostly to test the waters to see where my writing abillitys lay and as I grow more confident I will start writing and publish my own original work in longer stories. If you want to know/read the original story it is called "The Portraits" and it`s  found/told everywhere, I don`t know who owns it I only know that like most ghost stories it exist in many variations. Until next time...

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