Not real #1

Real or not?
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She sat there, biting and picking at the dead dried skin on her lips. "But, I swear! We spoke about it. We were in the class room with Stella" she spoke, her voice shaking a bit. "No Gerry, I never said anything to you around that era. Come on! We hated eachother then." Ella groaned, exasperated with her friend, who was now apparently making things up. 'But, Ella. I never hated you. I thought we were always friends.' Gerry thought wringing her hands together and scrunching her eyes, thankful for the darkness of her bedroom. The girls shifted on their beds and adjusted themselves in the silence, all ready for bed.

Gerry stared up in the direction of the ceiling. Her back now firmly on the mattress, as her brain did miles through her memories. 'I could've sworn.' She thought. But then, this wasn't the first time her friends have corrected her memories. Her mind finally stilled, dead on one thought. 'Am I suffering from a brain disease? One where it makes up situations and aclimitizes on that?' Gerry breathed a heavy breath and her friend mumbled something into the darkness. As if voicing out her concerns. It was whisper that was meant for her self and no one else. "Maybe you should get your head checked." 

Gerry her side and shut her eyes. What if she went through actually most of her life re-making situations and things in her mind? What if, everything she did, was actually fake and just as she thought? "Delusional." She whispered and to

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