

A sad face looked at the sky. A pair of ashes stared at the gray clouds in the afternoon. Absence of reddish dusk as usual. This time the reddish was replaced by a grayish color which represented the sadness of the afternoon.

Behind the gray clouds, collected thousands of drops of water, ready to wet the earth. Even his eyelids are inundated with clear liquid ready to glide swiftly, soaking the gaunt cheeks wrapped in his white skin.

The water drops from the sky fell down every object and place in the path. Likewise, the clear liquid in the eyelid plummeted freely soaking her thin cheeks, accompanied by sobs that echoed in disguising the sound of increasingly heavy rain. Accompany this sad afternoon.

"God, this otaku is crying"

Yenam sighed as his body stood in the doorway halfway open. His lazy footsteps pushed into a neat room that was inversely proportional to the state of the owner. Sitting crossed legs next to his childhood friend on a wooden-patterned balcony floor, leaning his sturdy back against the sliding door with clear glass.

"Please watch over me, Nam. I'm afraid, I'm doing something crazy than this," he sobbed. His chest moved up and down overcome the tightness.

Yenam developed his eyes while opening his mouth rather wide in doubt. This kid is seriously sad or joking. He was told him to watch over him, indeed he had no other work.

"Tell me, what's your problem to cry like this, you broke up with Eunbi noona?" He asked, patted the shoulder of his childhood friend as his body titled, stare to pitying.

"Breaking up with Eunbi noona?, I'd better kill myself, Nam." he blurted away the last tear on his cheek with the back of his free hand, as he's sobbed.

"Like you dare," Yenam grimly underestimated while rotating his eyeballs "If that's not the case, what is the problem for you to cry like this?, your handsome is fade away."

Not answer but handed nitendo switch to Yenam's hands. Make the duck lips man looked at him in confused.

"What do you mean?" Yenam asked, not yet understanding, his brown lens back and forth looking at Saku and nitendoo alternately.

"That's what makes me cry, pay attention to the screen first," he croaked in a whisper.

Forced to obey, his brown lens only found a screen containing a beach background, bamboo were short and the game character Saku was standing holding a malaise net.

"And the correlation?" Yenam still confused, his capacities brain is Pentium 4 not I7.

"Hyewon is cutting my bamboo tree, even though I'm struggling to plant and care for it. In fact, it can't grow anymore." he explained painfully as his lower lip moved upward to form a duck wrap.

Yenam stared flatly, lowering his eyelid slightly in a sharp line.



Animal Crossing




This is my old FF and has been published on another website. Sorry if it's not good and . I just want to try translating my language into English.Β sorry if my english is still a mess.




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Chapter 1: Lmao Yena probably just wanna face-palm so hard
violentsushi #2
Chapter 1: Well that was definitely different than what I was imagining. Was expecting a cute sakuyena romantic fluff, but instead got a funny best friend animal crossing story. Thank you for writing.
violentsushi #3
Is this story still in draft? It is listed as complete but there nothing to read.