Am I a bad mother?


Heechul is sure that he is the perfect mother for his sons Siwon, Ryeowook, and Kyuhyun. And now it looks like having a fourth son is too much.

It is hot summer and the kids are finally free from school. Leeteuk is working so Heechul is alone with his sons and he needs to find some funny activity for them. He is lucky that his sons aren§t too old for going to the near park. Heechul packs some snacks, drinks and his sons grab some toys and they can leave their house. It showed up that Yesung is very clingy, he only needed some time to stop being shy. Heechul loves that he has one cuddly baby and happily holds Yesung’s tiny hand in his. The four years old still carries his stuffed bunny everywhere so yes, the bunny is going to the park with them. The playground is empty because not many kids want to play outside when they have their computers and phones. Siwon would also prefer playing some computer game but playing in the playground with his brothers sounds good too. 


Heechul put the bag on a bench and watches Siwon, Ryeowook and Kyuhyun running toward the swings. Only Yesung is still gripping his mommy’s hand and Heechul his hair. 


“Lets sit your bunny next to me and you can play with your brothers. Okay?”


Heechul gently takes the bunny and sat it down on the bench before sitting down too and smiling at his son. Yesung hesitantly walks to his brothers and Siwon quickly helped him to sit on a swing and starts to slowly swing him. Heechul smiles because this is melting his heart - his sons love their little brother so much. Even Ryeowook started to love him few months ago. Heechul pulls out a book but keeps peeking at them from time to time to make sure that they are okay. It is so nice to hear Yesung’s laughter, it is full-blast belly laugh and Heechul has to smile while reading. After a while he opened the bag and starts to unpack snacks for his kids. He isn’t looking at them right now and he has no idea that Yesung wants to explore the monkey bars. Siwon wants to be the best big brother so he lifts Yesung up so his little brother can grab the bars above his head. Siwon let go of Yesung’s waist and takes few steps back. His intentions were good, he would never hurt his brothers but he doesn’t know that Yesung isn’t so strong. His little hands suddenly let go of the bar and he fell down with a squeak. 


Heechul turned around and the box he was holding fell out of his hands. 




He runs to his son who is lying on the ground and he can hear that Yesung is starting to cry. His shock is quickly gone and now he is crying on the top of his lungs. Heechul carefully picks him up and sees that his tiny arm is probably broken. He admits that he froze for a short moment. His son is crying, his arm is broken and Heechul doesn’t know what to do. After a moment he woke up from his shock and quickly calls an ambulance. 


Leeteuk has a meeting with few songwriters when his phone starts to ring. He wants to apologize for disturbing the meeting but then he sees that Siwon is calling him. His sons know that they must call their parents in case of emergency and Leeteuk knows that something bad happened. He picks up the call and Siwon’s suppressed crying filled his ear.

The boy is hiccuping and it is hard to understand him but Leeteuk catches a few words like Yesung and hospital. Siwon doesn’t know name of the hospital and Leeteuk told him to ask some adult so soon he knows where is his family and he is running out of the office.


The hospital is huge so it takes him a while before he finds Heechul and three of his sons sitting on chairs in a hallway. Heechul is hysterically crying while hugging Kyuhyun and Ryeowook and Siwon quickly runs to his daddy. He is babbling something about doctors who took Yesung away and Leeteuk his hair and told him that everything is going to be okay. Heechul isn’t able to say what happened but then he spots a nurse coming toward them with Yesung in her arms. Heechul runs to her to take his crying baby and a doctor comes to them. He hands a prescription for painkillers to Leeteuk and then sat down next to Heechul to tell them few basic informations. When he finished speaking he smiles a bit at crying Heechul and pats his back.


“Accidents happen. Remember that your distress is also distressing your son.”


Heechul nods and tries to stop crying but he is failing. Yesung is also weakly crying and whining while clinging to his mommy. His little arm is trapped in a blue cast and he weakly flaps his hands in the air. Leeteuk carefully takes him from Heechul and says that it is time to go home. Leeteuk grabs one hand of his crying husband and they go to their car. Leeteuk buckles Yesung in his car seat and then checks that his sons have buckled their seatbelts and then starts to drive. Heechul is still a bit crying and when they arrive home, he completely lost it. 


“I am the worst mother!”


Heechul knows that this was his fault. He isn’t so careful as before when his other sons were small and his reflexes aren’t so fast. It is his fault that Yesung is injured and he is never going to forgive to himself. Leeteuk Heechul’s back and gently forces him to sit down on the couch in the living room.


“Heechul, it was an accident. Yesung is okay.”


Leeteuk carefully hands Yesung to Heechul who cries harder after seeing the tiny arm in a blue cast.


“I am so sorry Yesungie.”


Heechul hugs him and his small back before starting to kiss his son’s cute face. Yesung is weakly whining but his arm doesn’t hurt so much as before thanks to the painkillers. He is slowly falling asleep and grips his mommy’s hair. Heechul is silently sitting in the living room and just rubs his son’s back for a long time before carefully tucking him in his bed and leaves him to take a nap.


Leeteuk worked hard on calming his husband down so he must finish his work after everyone went in bed. The house is silent and his family sleeps, only Leeteuk is working in his small music studio. His eyes hurt because of staring on his computer screen for so many hours. Leeteuk decides to take a break and goes in the bathroom to see if they have some eye drops. He is on his way back in the music studio when he hears crying coming from Yesung’s room. Leeteuk quickly hurries in his son’s bedroom and picks his little son up. 


Leeteuk bounces him up and down in his arms and hopes that he will calm him down soon before his crying can wake up everyone in the house. Yesung is in pain, his arm hurts so much and the cast is hard and uncomfortable. Leeteuk is trying to remember when did they leave the painkillers and then carries Yesung in the kitchen. He pours water in a sippy cup and holds one white pill in front of Yesung’s little lips. The boy doesn’t argue with his daddy and swallows the pill before taking a long sip of the cold water. Leeteuk cradles his son in his arms and waits until the pill starts working. Yesung stops crying after few more minutes but he doesn’t feel tired and he keeps looking at his daddy.


“Do you want to listen to my music?”


Yesung doesn’t answer, he is only hugging his bunny and on his thumb so Leeteuk carries him in the music studio and sits down with Yesung in his lap. He put his headphones on Yesung’s small head and plays one of the calmer songs. It is a slow and soft ballad which calms the boy down and then Leeteuk starts to rock him. He smiles when he sees that Yesung is quickly falling asleep and waits a bit longer to be 100% sure. Only when he is sure that Yesung is fast asleep he takes him back in his room and tucks him in the bed again. Leeteuk knows they need to prepare something nice for the injured kitten and he decided that the best place is the zoo. He believed that Siwon and Ryeowook will refuse to come but they surprised him and say that they want to go with them.


Yesung can’t believe it after hearing that he is going to the Seoul Zoo. His brothers don’t understand why he is so happy about a zoo, they have visited that place many times. They can’t understand Yesung’s happiness, his old families never really saw him as their own son and Hoshi never allowed him to go to the zoo with them so Yesung usually spent the days locked in a bathroom. Yesung is bouncing in his car seat while Leeteuk is parking their car in front of the zoo. Heechul holds Yesung in his arms and Leeteuk buys tickets for them. The zoo is huge and every kid finds their favorite animal here. 


Siwon likes lions, on the other hand Ryeowook would spend the rest of the day watching giraffes and Kyuhyun likes kangaroos. Yesung likes all the animals they see but his brothers are getting tired and grumpy. Heechul wants to show Yesung the whole zoo so he left his husband and sons in a restaurant so they can have a snack. Yesung and Heechul are back after a long time and Yesung is also tired. His broken arm hurts a bit and the cast forces his skin to itch but he feels good when his mommy carries him around. His brothers ate pizza and French fries so they are feeling much happier and Yesung also gets French fries with ketchup and then they head toward the gift shop. Yesung stares at the toys with mouth agape. His daddy told him to choose some toy and Yesung can’t choose. His brothers already choose their toys and they wait for Yesung. The boy finally spotted a green turtle and lifts his short arms toward it. Leeteuk hands the stuffed turtle to his son who immediately tightly hugs it close to his chest. They can’t make him to let go of the toy to hand it to the cashier so Leeteuk needs to pick him up on the counter and the cashier can finally scan the barcode. They left the zoo and head home which means another fight for the parents who need to bath their kids. Only Yesung doesn’t fight because he is too tired from walking so much. Leeteuk is bathing Kyuhyun and makes sure that Siwon and Ryeowook are brushing their teeth while Heechul is rocking Yesung in his arms. His son is in pain again because the painkillers worn out but his mommy is trying to put him to sleep. Yesung is gripping his mommy’s T-shirt and Heechul is watching him closing his cute eyes. Heechul wants to put him down in his bed but Yesung has this special habit of gripping his parents clothes. He is too scared that he will get lost and won’t find his family and Heechul is scared that he is going to wake him up again. Heechul sighed and tries to open the little hand which is tightly gripping his clothes but when he finally managed to open the small fist Yesung started to whine. Heechul quickly grabs the stuffed turtle and wraps Yesung’s hand around the soft plush. Yesung calmed down and Heechul tucked him under a blanket before sighing again. He is feeling much better after making Yesung happy and doesn’t feel so miserable anymore. Heechul kissed the forehead of his cute son and smiled. Accidents happen and the most important thing is to learn from your mistakes and move on.


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404 streak #1
Chapter 2: Being a parent isn't that easy, so proud with Heechul and Leeteuk, they did the best thing that they could
annethundr05 #2
Chapter 2: I'm so happy for Yesung. He deserves a happy family. These where so very good. Thank you, I'm drowning in feels. Kudos
Chapter 2: cuuute thanks for these awesome stories
cherrycloud #4
Chapter 2: awww this history needs more caps ... they are so cute family ~ Like the 2 chaps
PathxX #5
Chapter 1: This story hits so hard (╥_╥). Hoping you'll write another chapter for this. I want to see them as a happy family~
Chapter 1: Good job, this fanfic really make me cry? I hope the other kids especially wookie will accept and play with yesung later on.
Chapter 1: Poor Aesongie.. I'm sure he'll find happiness in Teukchul family~~