Ghost Light


After Junmyeon’s life falls apart, he retreats to his family’s small home near Daegu. Sequestered in his little house on the hill, he soon finds himself acquainted with an odd new mailman named Zhang Yixing.



So this story popped up into my mind over the course of the past two hours and now I'm posting it because I have no impulse control. I guess I really miss Junmyeon... and my theater job... CURSE YOU CORONAVIRUS!!!!!!!


Ghost Light: An electric light that is left energized on the stage of a theater

when the theater is unoccupied and would otherwise be completely dark.




Light amongst streaks of darkness or darkness amongst streaks of light. Evenly spaced as if driving through a tunnel, laying down in the backseat of a dancer’s car and looking up through their open sunroof - it was that flavor of asphalt rhythm. Muffled noises. A jerk too. A faulty wheel on his gurney maybe. Sterile. Plastic always irritated his skin just like the leather embrace of that car. Light amongst darkness. Darkness amongst light.


The whistling of a kettle tore Junmyeon from his memories, his favorite reindeer knit socks giving him wings on the black and white tiles of his kitchen floor. Triple thickness. Gentle glide. Custom made with love. Oxygen pressed beneath his fingers as he flew. The doorbell rang just as he turned off the stove but it came as no surprise. It was eleven in the morning on the dot. If anything his smile only grew.


“Festive already as expected, Junmyeon.”


“A scrooge already as expected, Jongdae.”


His friend only shoved his way through the door in response, handing over bags of groceries along with the winter breeze. Junmyeon’s eyes lingered on the dusty snowscape beyond Jongdae’s bent form. How lonely this house must look, he thought, teetering on the tongue of a dead forest in winter, frozen in place from being swallowed whole. Safe at least until the thaw.


“You should’ve called ahead,” Junmyeon said, looking down once again to catch glimpses of bread, grapes, and a new box of hot chocolate mix. “I already have hot chocolate. I’m about to make it. If you insist on buying me things you should at least call before spending money.”


“I’ll bet you anything the mix you’re about to use expired months ago. Besides if I can’t be here to make sure you eat three meals a day the least I can do is ensure there’s something in your kitchen to begin with aside from instant ramen and spoiled milk.” 


Jongdae made himself at home in Junmyeon’s kitchen, frail looking Christmas ornaments glinting over old wooden cabinets and frost settling over the window panes.


“That was once, Jongdae. Once .”


“Yeah. You’re welcome.”


One cup of hot chocolate for Junmyeon and one cup of tea for Jongdae. The large calendar on the wall was now flipped to December which meant holiday mugs instead of his usual brown ones, the rich smell of chocolate filling the air as was family tradition. The mix he already had was, in fact, expired. It was left over from the year before back when everything was different. Back when it was still possible to hide his problems from the world. Back when he had a family to hide it from. 


Jongdae’s neatly gelled hair had even more of a sheen under fluorescent lights. He always carried with him a brown leather briefcase looking composed in his thick rimmed glasses and attire that Junmyeon could only call business casual. It was much like the things he had stuffed in the back of his own closet from his college days but never wore anymore, always preferring soft and thick fabrics in the winter and light cottons in the summer. Jongdae looked smart and never failed to have the grades to back it up. Now he was a successful businessman traveling wherever he pleased yet always taking time to show up on Junmyeon’s doorstep. 


“You’re doing well?” he asked, squinting curiously at a Santa Claus snow globe Junmyeon had found in the backyard shed. It had cracked, the liquid long since free and evaporated but the happy scene of a large jolly man handing presents to a small crowd of children wedged itself into Junmyeon’s heart so quickly he’d been heading back into the house with it cradled in his arms without a single thought.


“Aren’t I always?”


Jongdae only shrugged in response, closing his eyes as he no doubt let the warmth of the tea wrap around his insides. The obvious remained unspoken.


“Have you been into town recently?” It was a question Jongdae already knew the answer to yet he asked anyway. Junmyeon tried not to let the strange mixture of irritation and shame show on his face. Jongdae wouldn’t notice the way his fingers tightened around his mug.


 Baby it’s cold outside ,” Junmyeon sang with a grin in the best English he could muster. Jongdae didn’t laugh.


“We could go on a walk today perhaps?”


“You just brought me my month’s supply of hot chocolate. That’s about the best way to get me to stay inside .” Again Junmyeon chuckled alone. “Truthfully. I’m doing well. I’m happy here, Dae. It worries me to see you worry.”


His childhood friend held his gaze so Junmyeon crinkled his eyes and smiled so wide the intensity of it ever so slightly made his mouth quiver until Jongdae leaned back in his chair with a sigh.




“So tell me about work. Tell me about Li Yin.”


At the mention of a mere name, the kitchen grew warm again with joy. Junmyeon prepared to listen, his pose well rehearsed. First position. Standby. Curtain lifting after the orchestra’s next two counts of eight. 


“Yes,” Jongdae said. “Let me tell you about Li Yin.”


A/N: So... that was the intro! Hope it seems at least a little bit interesting. ^_^


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1fanfic #1
Chapter 9: (can I just say I'm so happy there's no ?) ;) Lovely chapter, everything's coming together.<3
1fanfic #2
Chapter 6: Loved this chapter! :)
shahida6 #3
Chapter 5: I was really worried in the beginning but it’s a relief to know that Taecyeon won’t be bothering Junmyeon anymore. Junmyeon seems to finally be ready to let go of the past and move on. I’m excited to see where you take the story from here! I really love this fic and look forward to the next part!!!
1fanfic #4
Chapter 5: Thank you for a lovely read; I really like this slow moving tempo that is still so jam packed with information, I always look forward to the next chapter. :)
shahida6 #5
Chapter 3: This whole fic, the concept and plot is very interesting! I really like it so far. I look forward to reading the rest of it!!!