
I think I just met my wife
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note at the end :) enjoy 

Dahyun was at a loss of words, the blonde was going to be the death of her but nonetheless followed after the intriguing girl.

“I thought you might have changed your mind?”


“Wouldn't dream of it, you are stuck with me now” was the last thing Dahyun said before they were left with a comfortable silence.


They walked with no apparent direction.the music from the club had faded away. Dahyun had a place in mind where she wanted to take Mina hoping she would trust her. 


“Are you up for something crazy?” 


Mina thought about the questions she was already out with a girl she just met and is possibly in love with already; how crazier can tonight get.


“How crazy are we talking about? Stealing a baby goat kinda crazy or like normal crazy?”


“ I-uh well hmm, I don’t think we are dressed for that occasion today but we can definitely do that on our second date! butI said, ``Crazy, not illegal.”


Dahyun took Mina’s hand after she got an approving nod and led the way they had a few stops to make for what she had planned. Starting with food as she heard her stomach grumbling.


“We should first get food.”

“Let’s get pizza.” 


Both girls blurt at the same time followed by giggles and agreements.


“there’s a pizza place down the street my apartment is close by,we can eat and then go pick up some supplies for tonight.” 


“Will you tell me what exactly we are going to do?” Mina was having all kinds of feelings. She was excited, curious and hungry and glad that her earlier wish for pizza was happening. 


“Does it involve committing a crime?” The subsiding alcohol level in Minas body combined with her need of greasy food was bringing out her criminal show watching enthusiast self out. 


“Do you have a wish to be a criminal or something? Becoming some kind of Bonnie and Clyde type of couple?” 


“I just want to make sure my lawyer is ready this time.”

Mina deadpanned.


“ But you might be onto something.” She playfully continues as she bites  into her pizza.


“That brings me so many questions about you and truthfully It scares me and intrigues me at the same time.” The younger girl says as she finishes her food.


“No you probably won’t need your lawyer this time we won’t break that many laws at least tonight.”


They both finished their food and continued the way to Dahyun’s apartment. As they were deep in conversation the walk went by fast as they were facing the elevator Mina was suddenly very quiet and every step after getting off the elevator made her nerves grow. Once they were inside the apartment Mina had no time to think about anything else as Dahyun disappeared so fast with a wait here and her bright smile that Mina could still not get used to.


“Okay, put this on while i get the rest.” Dahyun gave her a pair of jeans and a shirt and a hoodie and no other explanation.


Mina came out with the young’s clothes on, Dahyun was standing in her living room with a backpack and a pair of tennis shoes but she was not ready to see Mina in her favorite hoodie. Her brain stopped functioning for a couple of seconds. She wanted to change plans and just stare at Mina for the rest of the night; or the rest of her life 


“ I-I don’t think your heels will be comfortable where we’re going.”


“And where exactly is that?”


“Do you trust me?”


Does she? Mina replayed the beginning of their meeting and just thought about how she is standing in the middle of Dahyun’s living room wearing her hoodie that is slowly intoxicating with the girl’s scent and the most hopeful and expectant beautiful eyes that she has known. she trusted this girl with her whole life from the moment they locked eyes earlier in the night.


Taking Dahyun’s hand in hers, giving her a shy smile “Always” 


And that’s how they found themselves running out the apartment Dahyun carrying a backpack that was making a suspicious sound but Mina decided to ignore it and just enjoy the night. 


It looks like Dahyun had called a taxi while Mina changed as it was waiting for them outside. They got in and we’re now on their way. Mina was looking out the window trying to figure where they were headed. it looked like they were staying downtown but Mina wasn’t sure exactly where she had not been to this part of town.


Dahyun could see Mina’s wandering eyes as she looked out the window. She could definitely stare at her forever and not get tired of it. 


“So how good are you at running?”


“Eh?...running? I’m okay, I guess. will we be running today?”


“Only if we get caught!” Dahyun said with a smirk.


At that Minas worry was coming back. “ what do you mean only if we get caught!? Dahyun-na what exactly are we doing?” The car came to a stop before Dahyun could say a word.


They thanked the driver and watched him drive off. They were in a more quiet part of the city there were no people walking by and just a few cars drove by.


“Okay, let me just clarify I’m not here to kill you or anything and no we are not doing anything illegal well just slightly illegal but trust me once we get past the darkish street it won’t be as bad I promise.” 


The younger girl couldn’t help but splutter her explanation as she sensed Mina’s uneasiness.

And from her point of view Dahyun could definitely understand being dropped off in a dark and almost empty part of town with someone you just met a few hours ago definitely screams ‘stranger danger!’ In fact Dahyun is pretty sure this is the plot to a criminal minds episode.


Mina just chuckled at this; it definitely helped calm her nerves. 


“Isn’t that what a killer would say you know before killing? 


“ I’ll have to ask at the next serial killers group meeting. Come on before it gets too late.”


Their hand automatically intertwined like they had never let go,like their hands had always been 

Like that; it felt right.


Just like Dahyun had said once you get past the slightly creepy street there was a bit more light and more people but what caught Mina’s attention was the walls. Multiple levels of walls and structures on a hill and what looked like the outline of a castle at the top. Everything full of life in different styles, colors and themes. Mina had never seen anything like it. She had seen murals around town and your good old street tagging and some other spread out spray paintings but this was just all in one place. Mina was so amazed at all of it. 


“Not bad huh?”


“Not bad? Dahyun this is wonderful I had no idea something like this existed it’s beautiful.”


“Well glad you like it! Now let's get working.”


Dahyun pulled a few spray paint cans from the backpack she was holding that explains the sounds.

It was all clicking on Mina’s brain now the change of clothes ‘only if we get caught’ comment or the slightl- 


“Dahyun this is not slightly illegal I’m pretty sure this is full-on illegal!”


“ I knew I s

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Chapter 2: This was so cute and fluffy. Thank you for writing this <3
Mihyunendgame #2
Chapter 2: This is so cute and great work author-nim
Chapter 2: They're two cute pies here, it was so soft, makes me smile all the time :3
Thanks! That was a good story!
18 streak #4
Chapter 2: That was hella cute and great work!!
14 streak #5
Chapter 2: The way Mihyun makes me so soft for them throughout this story.
Thank you so much for writing!
Chapter 2: HEART EYES
Kim_dahyun23 #7
Chapter 1: Pls update this story..
Chapter 1: Oh my god this is amazing
Chapter 1: wife alert