Chapter 6

Keeping Company

Mina took a few steps into the park that she agreed to meet up with Tzuyu. It was one of the warmer days of fall, right before the weather got colder and nature prepared for winter. Most of the leaves were still green, not yet turning into orange - Tzuyu's favorite color, Mina remembered.




Mina spun on her heels (wearing the highest ones she owned so she wouldn't feel too small next to her date– they were super uncomfortable but totally worth it), turning her head towards the person calling her. Her parted lips formed a small smile when she saw Tzuyu. First thing she noticed was that she was wearing a mustard beret. It looked cute. Mina trailed her eyes down and noticed she was wearing a camel coat over a plain white sweater and blue jeans, while...pushing a stroller?


"Hi," Tzuyu's brows furrowed in concern when Mina's smile faltered. "I'm so sorry, the babysitter bailed on me last minute. Is it okay if..."


Mina blinked, her wide eyes flickering away from the stroller where Melody was fast asleep and landing on Tzuyu. She took a deep breath, quickly putting a smile back on her face. "Oh god, of course. No problem at all. It's okay. I was just surprised."


"I'm so sorry." Tzuyu looked down, whispering as if Melody could hear. "It was supposed to be just us and I..."


Mina smiled, the familiar thumping of her heart when she's near the CEO returning tp greet her. Of course she expected to be alone with Tzuyu on their first date, and she would've preferred it that way but... It was fine. Alone or not, she was with Tzuyu and that was surprisingly enough. Besides, Melody wasn't just anybody.


A sudden rush of happiness gave Mina the courage to take Tzuyu's hand, smiling tight-lipped up at her. "So, where are we going?"


Tzuyu actually blushed. Mina fluttered her eyes at her and Tzuyu was left tongue-tied. Eventually she smiled back, giving Mina's hand a gentle squeeze.


They walked across the park, forced to let go of their hands when pushing the stroller with one hand proved to be very diffucult. 


With a pout, Tzuyu told her the place she was talking about was closed. The owner was a friend of hers and apparently due to a doctor's appointment, they didn't open today.


Mina shrugged at the news, telling the CEO it was okay. Tzuyu seemed to really want to take her there, so Mina put her hand over hers on the stroller's handlebar and locked eyes as they came to a stop. "We can go there next time."


That seemed to lift up her spirits, because a dimpled grin stretched across Tzuyu's face at the subtle promise. "Next time," she whispered, almost as if to herself.


They decided on a diner by a flower shop. Mina's gaze lingered on the beautiful flowers as she was stepping inside the diner, wondering which would Tzuyu like the most. Maybe she could buy her a bouquet next time, provided everything went well today.


She kindly held the door for Tzuyu, who pushed the stroller and entered the diner with a small 'thank you'. They sat at a table by the windows, listening to a song that probably came out four years ago playing in the background. Melody was still sleeping somehow, despite the other customers' loud voices and the music, reminding Mina a little bit of herself.


After they both ordered fruit shakes and the waiter walked away, they were left alone once again. It made Mina nervous. She had to say something.


"She's a heavy sleeper, huh?"


Tzuyu looked down at Melody and chuckled. "It was impossible to get her to sleep last night. She went to bed really late."


"Ah, gotcha."


Silence. The waiter set down their drinks on the table, accidentally bumping into the stroller. Tzuyu's hand immediately flew to grab it and she waved off the waiter's apology with a smile. She kept the stroller impossibly close to her after that and Mina couldn't blame her. If someone almost knocked over the stroller Ray was in when he was a baby, she would've– Okay, she really needed to stop comparing Melody to her dog.


Mina's eyes widened at the taste as she took a sip of the fruit shake, straw between her lips. "Oh, this is better than I expected. So sweet."


Tzuyu gave her a curious look before she reached for her own glass. And just as she did, Melody woke up and raised her arms towards Tzuyu, her eyes half-open. She groaned, blinking.


Tzuyu quickly reached for her and pulled the toddler out of the stroller, hugging her. Melody clutched at her coat and nuzzled into her chest. Her messy hair tickled Tzuyu's neck when she decided to turn, now looking at Mina.


"Hi," Mina smiled, planting her elbows on the table and leaning forward. "Do you remember me?"


Melody, still clutching Tzuyu's coat like her life depended on it, shyly buried her face in Tzuyu's neck, peeking glances at Mina.


"Of course she does," Tzuyu answered for her, landing a kiss on Melody's head.


"Should we order something for her too?" Mina picked up the menu, not noticing the fond look Tzuyu was giving her. "Cake? Or maybe... donuts. Do you like donuts, Melody?"


At the mention of donuts, Melody turned in Tzuyu's arms and sat down on her lap, now facing Mina with twinkling eyes. She nodded, "I do."


So they ordered donuts for the three of them, Tzuyu sitting Melody down next to her on the booth. Mina could only see the top of her head and half her face then, the toddler's small body hidden behind the table.


They all started munching on the donuts, and wow, Mina had no idea she was starving. The pink donut tasted absolutely delicious, and she needed way more of it. And had she been alone, she would've ordered another but–... oh who was she kidding, she'd never be sitting at a table like this on a sunday morning if it wasn't for Tzuyu.


Mina took another bite, and then another. Actually if it was up to her, the perfect date would be by the beach; smell of sea, cries of seagulls, sand between her toes... Some place where there weren't many people, and where not much energy was required. 


Last person Mina dated didn't exactly care about what her interests were, just dragged her everywhere by the arm, claiming Mina would like it. She didn't. Mina hated going on those dates but also hated the fact she couldn't enjoy them. Most of all though, she hated the look her ex-girlfriend wore when she told her about it.


That wasn't a look Mina wanted to see on anyone she held dear. So she decided that this time, she was going to approach the topic differently. But later. Way, way later.


She took another sip of her fruit shake, the straw making a loud noise. When she lifted her head, her eyes fell on Melody, who was standing up on the booth now, donut still in hand as she stared outside and waved at curious strangers walking by.


Mina was about to point out that chocolate was smeared all across the toddler's face, but when she glanced at Tzuyu, she started chuckling. 


Tzuyu and Melody both looked at her, confused.


"Like mother like daughter, I suppose." She cooed, her tone teasing and affectionate. Evidently, Tzuyu hadn't made as big of a mess as Melody, but she still had chocolate just above her upper lip. Mina reached across the table and as if in a trance, gingerly wiped the chocolate away with her thumb. Her touch and gaze lingered just a bit at Tzuyu's cupid's bow, admiring the perfect curve before she pulled away and sat back down.


 It took Mina about two seconds to realize what she had just done, and she went beet red, her flushed cheeks matching her red flannel. 


Oh god, shouldn't have done that. Shouldn't have done that. Shouldn't have done that. I should not have done that. Why did I do that–


"Thanks." Tzuyu didn't look uncomfortable. She wasn't blushing either. She only turned to Melody and chuckled. "Oh, sweetie..." Mina watched Tzuyu reach for a tissue as the lump in disappeared and she took a deep breath, her lips forming a relieved smile. 


Perhaps, if Mina wasn't being such an airhead today, she would have noticed Tzuyu's amused gaze shifting from Melody to her and lingering. Which would've been enough for her to connect the dots that Tzuyu probably sensed her freaking out and decided to let her go easy. But well, she was being an airhead, so she noticed nothing.


They found things to talk about eventually, and turns out, Melody being there actually helped them. Whenever things got too quiet, the toddler said something ridiculous and they laughed, which led them to another conversation.


They ended up paying seperately, though they both tried to convince the other that they could cover it.


When they left the diner, Tzuyu was holding Melody's hand and Mina was pushing the stroller (she was insistent on it). Melody had another donut in her hand, half eaten.  "Come on, mommy! 'et's goo! The pa'k." Melody tugged her hand, trying to pull her across the road.


So they were dragged back to the park by Melody, who seemed too excited to only walk but was being held back by Tzuyu, taking big bites out of her donut grumpily. As they walked under the shades of those beautiful trees Mina saw earlier, it felt a bit like... like a life Mina wouldn't mind having.


Her train of thought was immediately interrupted by Tzuyu's gentle voice telling her to wait. When she stopped, Tzuyu leaned down and grabbed a hat from under the seat. 


Mina chuckled. "Matching hats?"


Tzuyu put the hat – that was identical to her beret's color, mustard – on Melody's head, who tried to run the second Tzuyu let go of her. She couldn't though, Tzuyu caught her hand in time.


"Doesn't it look cute?" Tzuyu gave her a dimpled grin.


"Extremely cute," Mina admired, looking directly into Tzuyu's eyes. Smiling bashfully, Tzuyu turned away, adjusting her beret.


They continued to take slow steps towards the playground that now appeared in their view.


"Do you have anything else planned today?" Tzuyu stepped closer.


"Not really. Though I'll probably take Ray out for a walk and spend some time with him." 


"Aww, I've always wanted a dog. Could never find the right time. How long has Ray been with you?"


"Since high school. He's ten. We've been through a lot together." The light in Mina's eyes dimmed all of a sudden, her small smile turning into a frown. "He's getting really old."


Tzuyu grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers, her brown understanding eyes comforting as they stopped walking once more. Mina guessed she was a bit obvious with her sadness on the topic.


"Mommy, 'et me go." Melody tried pulling her hand from Tzuyu's grip. "Come on! Mommy..."


Melody's complaining wasn't heard by the two adults. It was as if the peaceful silence had never been broken at all.


"Hey um," Tzuyu her lips, not at all reluctant like Mina was to let their eyes meet. "I really want you to know that," Tzuyu grinned before she tried to supress it, her dimples coming and going. "I had a lovely time today. With you."


"Me too." Wow, Mina thought, it suddenly got so hot. It was fall, why was it so hot? Global warming really was gonna kill them all.


"I hope we can do this again. And I'm incredibly sorry to cut this so short but after letting Melody play a bit, I actually have some work I need to take care of so..." Tzuyu winced, putting her other hand on top of their intertwined ones. Then she stepped closer, helping Mina notice their height difference more clearly. The highest heels she owned did next to nothing- she still felt small. And despite what she thought she might feel about it, Mina sort of... liked it. 


"Don't apologize for that, you're a CEO. Last time I checked, that title came with a ton of work. And I know it's been a little tougher than usual lately." Mina puffed up her cheeks a bit. "Even I had to work late a few days this week and I'm an employee."


"I know," the corner of Tzuyu's mouth tugged up and she let out a breathy chuckle, amused. "You work for me."


There was something about Tzuyu as she said that, something about how her voice sounded deeper than usual, and how the attentive gaze of her beautiful eyes felt like she was taking in all of Mina's features and painting a picture. Mina's palms started to sweat as her stomach tightened, making her feel funny.


She looked down at the ground, and in that moment she noticed it was so quiet she could hear her racing heart. She leaned to the right to glance over Tzuyu's shoulder, unable to find what– who she was looking for.




Tzuyu hummed with a smile still resting on her face, blinking at her.


"Where's Melody?"


And just like that Tzuyu's eyes widened as if the spell was broken. Her head jerked in so many directions Mina worried she would snap her neck. "Oh, no. No no no no no," She looked like she was about to cry as she searched for her daughter, yelling her name. "Melody!"


Mina also yelled, but there was no answer. Then it hit her. "The playground!"


"Of course!" Tzuyu took off, wind fluttering her coat as she ran. Mina tried catching up to her, but those heels were NOT made for running. Still, grimacing at the pain, Mina did her best to not fall too far behind, pushing the stroller as she gasped for breath.


Thankfully, they were right. They saw Melody happily skipping towards the playground. Her mustard hat and donut in her hand making it awfully easy for them to spot her.


Unfortunately, after Tzuyu yelled for Melody to stop, Melody also decided to start running, squealing and giggling like they were playing a game of tag.


This went on a for a short while before Melody bumped into a woman and fell. Her impact on the woman did nothing except...ruin her coat with chocolate stains from the donut, the one that was previously in the toddler's hand, now laying pitifully on the ground.


Tzuyu grabbed Melody up in her arms as the woman turned, an apology already tumbling out of . "I-I am so sorry. She was–"


"Mina?" The woman asked, her tone unsure but her eyes twinkling as Mina finally made her way to them, still pushing the stroller, trying to catch her breath.


Mina leaned almost all her weight on the stroller, (which was probably a bad idea) and cursing her shoes, she looked up and saw... "Sana? Oh my god, what're you...what're you doing here?" She panted, squinting when the sun got in her eyes.


"I think I should be asking that," Sana winked at Tzuyu as she took off her coat, slinging it over her arm. She checked the stains, but didn't seem bothered at all.


"Oh, you know each other?" Tzuyu turned to Mina, Melody wrapping her arms around her neck.


"Yes, um, this is Sana. And Sana, this is Tzuyu."


"Well it's nice to meet you, and I'm once again so sorry. She keeps running away like this, I don't–" Tzuyu pointed at the coat Sana's holding and sighed in defeat. She jumped Melody up in her arms, who wasn't even facing Sana. "Melody, apologize right now."


"My donut..." Melody mumbled instead (pouting the whole time), reaching down Tzuyu's back for the squished donut on the ground.


Sana chuckled, her eyes sliding over to Mina. Mina met her teasing eyes almost stubbornly, but when Sana lifted her eyebrows at the stroller she was completely leaning against, she couldn't take it anymore.


"Excuse us for a sec," She mumbled to Tzuyu - who was busy trying to get Melody's attention so they could talk - and pulled Sana's arm until the CEO and her daughter were presumably out of earshot.


"So..." Sana giggled, her nose scrunching up. "You're into milfs now, huh?"


"Sana. Oh god." Mina looked behind her and shot a nervous smile when Tzuyu caught her eyes. Turning back to the giggling Sana, she smacked her shoulder. "Stop it. That's not funny. And don't call her that."


"Okay. So who's the cute kid, her niece?"


"The kid is hers! N-No– Sana. Stop smiling like that."


"Wait." Sana suddenly gasped, jumping slightly on her tiptoes. "Were you at hers last sunday? Oh my god, how long has this–"




Mina's head jolted to where Tzuyu's voice came from. "H-Hey," she greeted back, her eyes following Tzuyu as the tall woman moved to stand next to them.


"Um, I really have to go now." Her phone started ringing in her pocket, and Tzuyu panicked a little. She quickly put Melody down and fished her phone out. "Work," she winced at the screen. "It was nice meeting you, Sana. I'm so sorry about–"


Sana waved her hand, "Girl, it's nothing. This coat has seen far worse days, believe me."


Tzuyu smiled and took in a deep breath, grabbing Mina's hand. "Thank you so much for today, Mina. I mean it."


Mina chose to grin instead of an answer, feeling a bit self-conscious because Sana was right there.


"Bye," Apparently Tzuyu could care less about Sana's presence, because she swiftly leaned in and placed a tender kiss on Mina's cheek.


"B-Bye!" Mina yelled, red faced, as Tzuyu walked away. "Yeah, s-see you at the office! Great day today! Goodbye!"


"I think she got the message, darling." Sana whispered, politely waving goodbye when Tzuyu glanced back and flashed them a dimpled smile.


Melody was just about to pick up her squished donut when Tzuyu grabbed her and put her securely in the stroller. She whined, poking her head out and watching as her mother picked up the donut and threw it in a nearby trash can. Tzuyu then took wet wipes from under the stroller and cleaned both her hands and her daughter's before finally turning the stroller around with practiced ease.


When the toddler realized they were going to the opposite direction of the playground, she tried freeing herself from the stroller, but the belt holding her was too complicated for her to figure out. "Noo! Go back mommy, go back! The...the playgone is–"


"No. No playground, Melody. Mommy's angry at you for leaving her and running away when she's...countless always...very worried..." Tzuyu's voice faded into the noise of the park as her legs took her further and further away.


And as Mina stood there, watching Tzuyu leave, time seemed to stop for a while. She could hear the strong beats of her heart thrumming in her ears, perhaps alerting her that a certain someone had reached into the depths of her heart no one ever has.


The feeling was thrilling, new and very much welcome, Mina decided, as an orange leaf fell from tree above her and gracefully entered into her field of vision.


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This fic is getting so much love lately, I want to thank you guys for every upvote and comments! Especially comments because they make my day :')


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qwertyuiop1216 #1
Chapter 6: I found this very very interesting. Can't wait for the next updates author-nim
PastelAlleys #2
Chapter 6: Really this story is so uwu. I can't wait for the next chapter:))
1436 streak #3
Chapter 6: I love this story so much, it's always so fun to read and Mitzu are so cute together
Chapter 6: they're the cutest
Chapter 6: wow what a nice chapter
Whitehorn #6
Chapter 6: this is so cute <3
bore_d1020 #7
Chapter 6: Awww... so cute and so sweeet. Although I got distracted by Melody and her donut. LoL. Hopefully MiTzu get more fo these dates alone or with Melody, and maybe Ray. Melody might have more interaction with Mina if Ray’s around.
Chapter 6: <3
Chapter 5: AAAHHHHH this is so cute, I love this story<3 author update please
Chapter 5: :D