
Fiction, Love and Us
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Joohyun sometimes accompanies seungwan to her work or stays at home to prepare food, clean the house or when she does the laundry twice a week.

Seungwan was anxious and easily panics during their first week but things got lighter as the days passed by. “here, try this one” Seungwan opens the lid of the third fabric conditioner joohyun lined up for her to choose from “I like this better” Joohyun’s face lit up with seungwan’s confirmation “I like this scent too” her smile stays while taking the bottle back to put on their cart. “Unnie.. Just for tonight.. please?” Seungwan pleads with her puppy eyes holding the set of the bottled beer. Irene shakes her head walking away from the younger “unnieee..” adding cuteness in her voice “please? It’s been long since-” “you had wine last week” Seungwan pouted, thinking about the drink they had before “Right! Wine.. would you like to drink it again?” seungwan grin when the leader scoff at the memory of her failed bravery last week thinking that she’d be able to take the alcohol well unlike her first time “Just one beer” Joohyun pulls a bottle from the rack showing it to the younger “okay” seungwan smiles happily giving the older a thumbs up

Joohyun breathes out a contented sigh looking at the peaceful clouds. She turns her head to her side smiling at the equally astounded girl, mouth slightly open admiring the slow movements in the sky as they lay comfortably on the picnic blanket "We got a perfect weather here" seungwan turns to look at her unnie when the leader started to talk "We got a gorgeous sky.. it seems like.. this would be a.." seungwan chuckles, she knew those lines too well "Seulgi-ah is that you?" She asks softly earning a light chuckle from the older to confirm her guess, it reminds her of seulgi's favorite movie before sunrise though seungwan finds it cute that her unnie revised it and her voice sounds a bit nervous. "Sometimes, her advice and ideas are a bit odd" joohyun confessed "Don't listen to her and her obsession with that film" irene pouts a little "I bet if she's the one doing this, you would happily play along" seungwan shakes her head as a reply, they remain silent for a few seconds as the younger studies her unnie's face, eyes now focused at the beautiful sky

‘no seungwan.. change the topic’ her mind tries to stop her but her heart tells her that kissing the girl would complete this perfect day. ‘ahh.. it must be because of the alcohol.. I shouldn’t have convinced unnie to buy the beer set on the last minute and just settle on that one bottle.. but.. I might never have this chance again..’ ‘this is crazy.. I’m going crazy..’

Seungwan tries to have the courage she needs on her third emptied bottle to recite the next line in the movie "Are you trying to say you want to kiss me?" Irene's head turned again to look at her. Shock is evident in irene's face as she stare at the younger

‘There’s no turning back now..’

"What? are we going to cut it from here?" Irene gasps as she was brought back by seungwan’s voice, she was in a daze for a moment "N-no.." joohyun absent mindedly pushed herself to the younger straddling her "Wait unnie.." seungwan held joohyun's arms "Relax.." putting her hand on the older's neck as she thumb smooth cheek to soothe joohyun's tense jaw. Joohyun sighs. Slowly lowering her head against seungwan's chest, body on top of the other. "I'm sorry seungwan~ah.. I didn't expect you'll actually play along with that scene seulgi taught me.. I'm so nervous that I ruined it" Irene feels seungwan's chest moves as she chuckle "Wait.. A-are you really going to kiss me?" Irene pushed herself up just enough to examine the younger's face as seungwan nods "Really? Are you serious son seungwan? Is it just my imagination? I think I’m drunk.." the girl below her giggle at the leader’s rare cuteness "It's funny that you keep talking now unnie. As I remember, I am the talker between us two.. and you’re not drunk.. you just had half a bottle.." seungwan paused "so.. will you please shut up and just kiss me?" The younger continued then bit her lower lip when she realized that she just had the courage to blurt out what she wanted the whole time and it might not actually because of the alcohol but it was her desire overpowering any decent thoughts left in her. She wanted her.. She wants those lips on her. Joohyun didn't waste time and closed their gap, the older pecked her lips a few times reading her reaction then pushed again when the younger slightly parted her lips catching it for a deeper kiss. She tasted more of the bitterness of the beer in her lips, she hated it but she drank half of it a while ago to gain more courage They moved side by side unsurely but then found their rhythm as they slipped their tongue in a heated kiss. Seungwan lets out a moan when joohyun unconsciously pushed her knee against her center "U-unnie.." seungwan calls softly when they parted, catching their breath "Should we go in now? I-it's getting cold out here.." seungwan suggests, cheeks red. "Yeah.. l-let's go.." Irene breathes out, trying to calm her racing heart. Irene held seungwan's hand pulling her towards the house "Unnie.. we forgot our basket" irene didn't stop as they continue walking "forget it seungwan.. it can wait" Joohyun slides the bedroom door close before turning to the girl she dragged inside the room. "We should.. um.. G-go prepare D-dinner.. right! dinner" Seungwan mumbles trying to excuse herself again. Joohyun grunts.


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Chapter 9: That was great (^▽^)
Favebolous 11 streak #2
Chapter 9: Good ending
Favebolous 11 streak #3
Chapter 5: Cute
Favebolous 11 streak #4
Chapter 4: sad enough, I want to stop but can't
Favebolous 11 streak #5
Chapter 3: T_T
Favebolous 11 streak #6
Chapter 2: Sad
Favebolous 11 streak #7
Chapter 1: :(
Chapter 9: That's so so so great and my wenrene heart cant stop beating fast.
Chapter 9: T-T this is soooo cute omg thank you for this story ^^.
RoyalSone #10
This is sooo cute authornim Thank you