
Fiction, Love and Us
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Time flies so fast. After long hours of practice and recordings, Soon.. red velvet’s promotions will finally start.

When the maknaes stopped bickering over food, I could finally concentrate on the show we’ve been waiting for. Joy and irene unnie’s guesting in running man. Irene looks so happy and cute, even trying to hide from donghae when she got embarrassed. I can’t help but smile, this is the irene I always want to see.

She’s happy.

Though I always try my best to make her smile and laugh, I won’t be the one for her. It makes me sad.. but knowing that she’s with someone dependable and caring. I should just accept it and give up.

‘Easy to say.. hard to do..’

‘Just a few more push seungwan’

My heart needs to break more.. until I don’t feel anything.. until my heart tells me to stop. It might be wrong and stupid. But it’s the only way.

“your heart will heal in time seungwan” wendy mumbles after she finished typing an update for her story. She made up her mind, she’ll enjoy this comeback, be more energetic, positive and loving to all her members then after, she’ll give herself time to heal and that means she have to get out,

Taeyeon was right when she advised her that she needed a get away. The sunbae leader also told her it isn’t running away, it is a way of learning to be confident and to love herself more because that is what she deserves.. She still can’t believe it though how her senior made the management agree with her plea to step out of their dorm and the city. Taeyeon explained that wendy needed time alone for her mental and emotional well being, but since SM is still all about business, they hook her up as a provincial radio DJ so she can still promote her group. The past few days the members noticed the changes in her. Irene mentioned that the girl is more positive and the leader showering her with compliments, Joy initiating more skinships and yeri being more playful around her. Seungwan hopes it was just a result of her change and not because they knew her plans. Seulgi always makes sure they also have time and moment together, the vienna trip they filmed was very helpful for them to talk more about their own worries and enjoy without thinking of their life as an idol. “you know, joy is acting a little weird these days, she’s been.. a little clingy” seulgi looks at wendy, processing what her friend said “did you tell her about the plan?” wendy squints her eyes when the girl shakes her head dropping her chopsticks beside their picnic basket “what? No!” Seulgi waves her hand and shakes her head a few times “then why does she act like that.. she’s being more attentive and showy, i have this feeling that she knew” Seulgi frowns “she’s always been like that with you.. it’s just that you’re too focused with unnie and you always ignore or sometimes push her away even yeri” wendy breathes in ready to retort but then seulgi gives her a serious look, she stops and thinks for a while. “It was that bad?” wendy frowns “yeah, a clear sign that you were deeply in love with our leader like she’s the only one you see but our joyie didn’t give up and I’m happy that you’re giving it back nowadays. You even use more greasy lines on her too” seulgi chuckles

“you’re not jealous right?” wendy smiles cheekily “No, I am happy seeing her being noticed by her number 1 fan, finally” Even with a little light under the dark sky, seulgi shows her happiness through her eyes that overpowers the beauty of Han River in front of the bestest best friends.

I’m more calm now even if sometimes my heart still hurts when I see them.

‘Focus on the game wendy.’

No.. I keep losing.

Glad the members are good enough for our team to win the first round against our senior super junior. It doesn’t help that Irene had to choose donghae for their game.

Really Irene? Can’t you be more discreet?

Okay, I’m being more of a hater now. I should be supportive.. I should at least save my heart the next round, I don’t know where my confidence came from but I started to stay close to unnie and even hug h

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Chapter 9: That was great (^▽^)
Favebolous 11 streak #2
Chapter 9: Good ending
Favebolous 11 streak #3
Chapter 5: Cute
Favebolous 11 streak #4
Chapter 4: sad enough, I want to stop but can't
Favebolous 11 streak #5
Chapter 3: T_T
Favebolous 11 streak #6
Chapter 2: Sad
Favebolous 11 streak #7
Chapter 1: :(
Chapter 9: That's so so so great and my wenrene heart cant stop beating fast.
Chapter 9: T-T this is soooo cute omg thank you for this story ^^.
RoyalSone #10
This is sooo cute authornim Thank you