




~~Dec. 31, New Year's Eve 10:30PM~~

Bernice had just connected her laptop to her TV, getting ready to watch all the videos she had loaded of her favorite group, Infinite. Well, she was spending New Year alone, might as well have fun right? …Right.

She was watching the performance of her favorite song, “Can U Smile”, when there was an urgent knock on the door. Sighing, she paused what she was watching and smiled when she saw that she paused it at the exact time the camera was focused on her bias and love, Lee Sungyeol.

Getting up from the couch, she walked over to the front door of her apartment and opened it …and blinked. Once, twice, making sure she wasn't hallucinating. She pinched herself, but that only resulted to tears springing into her eyes. No, the boy with the big smile and red-tinged eyes was still there.

"S-su-sungyeol?" She finally managed to stutter out, looking back and forth from the idol on her TV in the living room and the one right in front of her. Yes, it was him, there was no denying it. She was suddenly conscious of her outfit, being just in boxers and a giant t-shirt.


"Heeeeyyy you..." Sungyeol slurred and swayed a bit. He gave her a lopsided grin as he leaned against the doorframe.

"A-are you drunk?" Bernice asked the grinning boy. 'Great, my bias turns up at my door and he's drunk.' She thought. She didn't know whether to feel disappointed that he was drunk and probably won't remember anything about her or happy just by the fact that he was there.

"Hmm? I don't know. I don't re-re-remember." He slurred again, hiccupped once and giggled. "Aren't you going to invite meeeee iiiiiin?" was the last thing he said before he sort of just fell forward.

Bernice was able to snap out of her shocked state and react before her bias face-planted onto her apartment’s floor. 

'Well, what am I supposed to do now?’ She asked herself. She dragged Sungyeol, who was in her arms, to her couch, barely able to support his weight. She laid the unconscious boy on her couch and just looked down at his sleeping form, not really knowing what to do next.

Sungyeol shivered in his sleep and Bernice had just decided to go get him a blanket when a phone rang. She looked around. It wasn't her house phone and she knew her cell phone had a different ring tone…Her eyes then zeroed in to the slightly glowing pocket of Sungyeol's pants. ‘Crap’ she thought.

Trying her best not to wake him up, she slowly reached into his pocket, ignoring how fast her heart beat when she did so. She looked down at his phone in her hand and checked the caller I.D.

'Whiny Little Girl'

Confused, she pressed the green answer button and put the phone to her ear.

"Yeoboseyo?" She asked.
"SUNGYEOL!" The person on the other line screamed. Bernice recognized the voice of her other idol and Sungyeol’s fellow band member, Sungjong. She tried not to laugh out loud at what she read on the caller I.D. and answered calmly,
"Um no, sorry, this is Bernice." 
"Who are you?! Where's Sungyeol?!"
"I'm Bernice? And he's here, passed out on my couch."
"Omo! Did you drug him?!"
"Bwoh?! No! He turned up at my door DRUNK and slurring. He nearly face-planted outside my door too! What was I supposed to do, let him sleep there?!"
"Oh. Oh okay. Thanks then? Um, Bernice?"
"Do youknow who Sungyeol is and who I am?"
"You guys are from Infinite." She answered and looked towards the still paused performance on her TV.
"Right...Are you an Inspirit?" He asked, sounding kinda nervous and Bernice understood why.
"Yes. But don't worry. I won't do anything to him. I'm not one of the really crazy fans. I won't tell anyone either."
"Oh okay. Tha--YAH!"
"Yeoboseyo?" A new voice asked from the other line, a voice that Bernice recognized as no other than Sunggyu, the leader of Infinite.
"Hi...My name is Bernice and yes Sungyeol is here in my apartment. He turned up here drunk and then passed out so I put him on my couch. Yes, I'm an Inspirit. No, I will not do anything to him or tell anyone. Promise." She said, before he could ask her anything.
"…O-oh. Oh okay. Look, can we really trust you? We're still at the party and most of us are not good to drive anymore so can we just pick Yeol from your apartment—Yah! Hoya! Get off me! Dongwoo, can you get him!—uhm, tomorrow afternoon?"
"Y- yeah. Sure."
"Okay thanks, just text us your address from Yeol's phone."
"Okay. Bye."

He hung up and Bernice puffed her cheeks. 'I have Sungyeol for the night. He’s in my apartment, on my couch. He'll be picked up from my apartment tomorrow afternoon. His band members were going to come to my house. INFINITE IS COMING TO MY HOUSE. Okay then.' She thought, or more like ranted in her head. She wanted to scream and hyperventilate but she knew that wouldn't do anything except wake up Sungyeol.

After finally fetching that blanket that she was supposed to get earlier, she sat down in front of her couch. She lowered the volume of the TV and continued watching the Infinite videos. The fact that one of the boys on her screen was behind her, fast asleep, never left her mind.

Her other favorite song, “Amazing”, came next. She was watching it and swaying slightly when she heard a weird sort of humming coming from behind her. It was in tune, if not a bit messed up in some parts.

She turned her head to look behind her and found Sungyeol awake. He was looking at her with half-lidded eyes. She could hear the chorus of “Amazing” playing behind her but only had eyes for the drowsy boy who was still staring at her. 

Sungyeol suddenly reached a hand out and tucked a stray strand of hair back behind Bernice's ears and kept his hand there, cupping her face. He suddenly opened his mouth and sang her favorite line of the song, in perfect time to the TV version of himself,

"eojjae jeojjae nami dwingoya~"

Even though the lyrics didn't really make sense to her at the moment, given the fact that they really were strangers, she was touched nonetheless, it was her favorite line of the song after all. She relaxed into his palm and continued to watch as he hummed the end of the song to her.

"Aren't you a fan? B-but why haven't we met before?" Sungyeol said as he suddenly stopped humming and wondered out loud, running his thumb down her cheek.

"I’ve never gotten the chance to see you guys perform live, as much as I want to." She responded quietly.

"W-well. I'm Sungyeol. Lee Sungyeol." He introduced himself, trying his best not to stutter, as if she didn't already know who he was. Oh well, he wasn't in his right mind right now was he?

"And I'm Bernice." She said with a chuckle. She just hoped he'd still remember that tomorrow when he's gone.

"Annyeong Berniseu." He said and smiled when she looked down and blushed. 

Sungyeol looked somewhere behind her and suddenly propped himself up using his elbow for support. He held her chin between two fingers and tilted her head up to look at him.

His phone that was on the coffee table alarmed and he suddenly pressed his lips against Bernice's. It was a gentle kiss that ended way too soon. He pulled away and looked at her extremely surprised expression.

Smiling that Sungyeol smile of his that made all the girls…and Myungsoo love him, he pulled her up. He sat up and leaned back on the couch, blanket falling off his chest and bunching around his waist. He pulled her down on his lap, making her straddle him. 

"Happy New Year Berniseu." Sungyeol said, looking up at the girl hovering over him.

"Happy New Year Sungyeol-oppa." She replied, blushing harder than ever. 

He pulled her down for another kiss and lied back down with her on top of him, his hands resting on her waist as they made out.

The loudness of fireworks outside that would've woken a comatose person up told her that this was most definitely not a dream.

Bernice pulled away and looked down at Yeol, "you smell and taste like alcohol, oppa." She scrunched up her nose in fake disgust.

"Is that bad? You didn't seem to mind."

"No. I don't really care. Just pointing it out." She laughed and kissed him again.

When they were FINALLY done, Bernice rested her head on Sungyeol's chest. 

"Go to sleep now, baby. Happy New Year." Sungyeol said, Bernice's hair as she snuggled on him. He hummed “Amazing” to her until her breathing evened out and she fell asleep.

~~Next Morning~~

Bernice's POV

I snuggled closer on my pillow, hugging it tight.

Funny, I don’t remember my pillow being this hard...

Wait. Why do I feel arms around my waist?


What's happening?! Panic, panic, panic! 

I turned around, ready to smack whoever's holding me and saw...

A sleeping Lee Sungyeol.


Why the fu--Oh yeah, I thought as last night came crashing back to me. Heehee.

I kissed Sungyeol's cheek slyly and he stirred. His arm left my waist and he rolled back on the couch slinging one arm over his eyes.

Chuckling, I got up from the couch, careful not to jostle Sungyeol and padded over to the kitchen to make breakfast.

What would Sungyeol want... Hmmm...


It wouldn't be hard. I have the ingredients. Yeah, I'll do that.

I hummed “Amazing” while working and remembered how Sungyeol hummed that to make me sleep last night after we...

I felt my cheeks get really, really hot.


Looking down at the sushi and rolls I was made, I realized I made way too much for just me and Yeol... Hmm...

*knock knock*

Wiping my hands on my towel, I went to the door and opened it. I think I just had another heart attack. No, I know I did. How many heart attacks can a girl have in less than 24 hours?!

Outside my door stood Sunggyu, Sungjong, Hoya, Woohyun, Dongwoo and a very worried looking Myungsoo. Or in other words, it was the rest of Infinite.


"Uhm... Berniseu?" Sunggyu, ever the leader, started and gave me an uncertain smile.

"Y-yeah. H-hi." I said and bowed like an idiot.

When I looked up again, they were all smiling, except for Myungsoo who still looked worried as hell. Distracted by the constipated looking guy, I looked towards Myungsoo and was about to ask, “What’s up with---“.


“WHERE’S SUNGYEOL?! OHMYGOD IS HE ALRIGHT?! WHERE’S MY BABY?!” Myungsoo burst out and I could feel my eyes widen to the size of saucers.


“Yah! Myungsoo! Calm yo .” Dongwoo said and held Myungsoo by the shoulder.


“H-he’s inside. Still asleep. On the couch.” I said, scared the face of Infinite would yell again.


“Oh. Alright.” Sunggyu said, still very calm.


“Hyung, I’m hungry~” Sungjong said from the back of the group and tugged on Woohyun’s sleeve.

“There’s sushi inside…If you guys want. I made too much.” I said a bit hesitantly, and shrugged.


“Ooo really? We can eat it?” Sungjong said cutely, walking up to me and widening his already too-huge eyes.


“Yes.” I said and laughed at the cute maknae of the group.


“Hyung, can we? Sungyeol-hyung isn’t awake yet anyway.” Sungjong said, addressing Sunggyu.


Sunggyu laughed and nodded.


“Yay~” The maknae said and I stepped aside to let them in. I didn’t know what to feel as I watched them walk over to my kitchen. My favorite group was in my house, I can’t believe I’m this calm. But they’re such nice boys, I already feel comfortable around them. Smiling, I snapped out of my thoughts and closed the door. I walked over to the island in the kitchen where the boys already pulled out seats and were waiting for the food. I served them the sushi and sat down.


We chatted while we ate. I asked them about their concerts and tours and about being an idol. They were so nice; it was hard not to like them.


“So, Bernice, why haven’t we met you before? You seem to know a lot about us and you look like the type who would meet us backstage and all.” Hoya said after stuffing a slice of tuna in his mouth.


Sunggyu elbowed him and Hoya muttered a, “sorry for being so blunt” which I laughed at.


“She’s never had time to watch us perform. She really wants to, but all the concerts always seem to clash with her schedule.” A new voice said and we all looked up to see Sungyeol leaning against the doorway of the kitchen.


“SUNGYEOL!” Myungsoo screamed and jumped up from his chair and into Sungyeol’s arms.


“Haha. Hi Myungsoo.” Sungyeol said and hugged Sungyeol back. Of course I “aww”-ed! Everyone ships Myungyeol!


They walked towards us and Myungsoo sat down on his seat again. Sungyeol pulled out the seat next to me and rested his hand on my thigh. I was blushing, but since the other boys were on the other side of the counter, nobody knew why.


We all talked some more and suddenly it was time for them to go. They were busy people and now they had a schedule to go to apparently.


“Thank you again Berniseu. For taking care of Sungyeol.” Sunggyu said as the others stood behind him, except for Sungyeol who was standing beside me.


“No problem.” I smiled at them.


Sungyeol put one hand on my shoulder and turned me to face him. His eyes told me he remembered everything last night and I blushed.


“So this is goodbye then?” He said and raised an eyebrow.


“Yeah, I guess so…” I said and stuck my hand out…for a handshake. Sungyeol chuckled at it.

Grabbing my hand, he pulled me to him and pecked me on the lips once, pulled away and winked. I bet I looked like a tomato now.


We faced the rest of Infinite, all of them had raised eyebrows and smirks on their faces.


“Bye guys.” I said, still blushing as I opened the door for them. They laughed and waved as they filed out. Sungyeol went out last and he kissed me on the forehead.


“I’ll send you tickets and backstage passes. You better be there.” He said and winked. I just nodded dumbly.


I waved at them before they went entered the elevator. Once they were gone, I sighed and closed the door.



~~Later that day, around 7:30PM~~


I hooked up my laptop to my TV again, getting ready to watch all the Block B performances I loaded. I was just getting ready to watch the extremely hilarious performance of “Tell Them” where they all slip on the wet stage when a knock came on the door.


I set down the remote on the coffee table first and walked over to the front door. I made sure my hair and clothes were fixed. After Infinite’s visit, I’m now paranoid every time someone knocks on my door.


I opened the door and blinked. Once, twice. Nope, I’m not going through this again. I refuse to pinch myself.







A/N: So yeah. Did you guys like it? :D 

@icollectcars This is for you! Love you! ;)

xxx Minabear

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infinitesky #1
oh god awesome, awesome, can this come true for me too #^^# love it
If,Sungyeol and Jaehyo came to my house....


If Sungyeol and Jaehyo come to my house,,
i will be crazy.. Haha..
Love your story!! ^^