Caught in the Mesh

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Little did she know that right after she took his hand, her life wouldn’t be the same again.



“And how can I help with it?” 
“You just need to find out which one is Jungmin.”
“I told you I don't remember their faces.” 
“I told you we have other ways.”
“What if I refused?”
“What if I said I didn’t agree to the transfusion you had done?”



In which Baekhyun—with his quick-witted reflex, nimble mind, and his AB (Rh-negative) rhesus negative blood—managed to deceive a faithful physician into helping his team to solve a big case.



Sol casted a glanced to Fran, clueless to the situation at the time. 

“This is Sol.” Fran said to the two police there. One of the police who wore white uniform seemed to be nonchalantly checking Sol out. He eyed her from head to toe with such an authoritative look that made her confidence shrank. He then calmly stood from his chair, approaching Sol with such casual yet solid steps. 

Upon standing in front of her, he confidently held out his hand to Sol. Staring to his extended hand for a while, Sol lost in her mind for a second. Strangely, she got this mixed feeling of agitation and turmoil looking at the figure in front of her. She could not promise that what she was about to do was the right choice but for now, she would take whatever was waiting for her. 

Sol,” Sol took the police hand, shaking it with determined mind even if she hasn’t caught any of the situations at the time, “short for Soleanne.”

Baekhyun.” He said firmly. “Police Commander of Second District New Orleans Police Department.”

Little did Sol know that right after she took the police hand, her life wouldn’t be the same again. 



  *mesh [ /meSH/ ] 


1.) noun      noun: mesh; plural noun: meshes

material made of a network of wire or thread• 

       ⇒ the spacing between the individual strands that form mesh. 

       ⇒ used with reference to a complex or constricting situation.

       ⇒ [MEDICINE] a type of netting of plastic or organic material that may be implanted to support various tissues or organs. 


2.) verb         verb: mesh; 3rd person present: meshes; past tense: meshed; past participle: meshed; gerund or present participle: meshing 

•make or become entangled or entwined•





•    C  H  A  R  A  C  T  E  R  S    •


»     Soleanne Yu (Sol)


A physician who works in the ER Department in Orschner Baptist Medical Center. 


»     Byun Baekhyun (Baekhyun)


A police Commander of 2nd District of New Orleans Police Department. 



Author's notes

Okay I have to admit that it was such an audacious and bold act of mine to post this story now. Even though I have had the whole plot written I still feel like it needs a little fixing here and there so I wasn't too sure to upload the foreword in the first place. After having some internal conflicts I decided to post the foreword and the first chapter because I just can't wait anymore awww>.< It might be because today is Baekhyun's Delight release and he also dropped Candy MV like 4 hours ago and I still can't get over the song omg I swear the song's legit and the album is fire. So this is it\\\\\ me and my impatient self lol.. 

The reason why I pick the name Sol was that it's a short name both in korean and internationally. I was going to use Yeon or Hannah but I want this story to be more neutral(?) so I looked for other name that sounds not too korean. Please remember that I wasn't trying to be racist or what. I love Korea. I am majoring in literature and I love cultures sOOO MUCH. It's just that I want this story to be more in colours rather than accentiating certain culture. At first, I found the name Seol and I modified it to be Sol. 

Sol/Seol name in Korean means pine and archery target. It can also mean snow based on its chinese characters. Meanwhile in Hebrew Sol means peace, in Latin and American it means sun. To make it more neutral(?) I picked the name Soleanne for her full name. Anne in France means grace. It's a variation of English name Ann and Hebrew name Hannah which means gracious and merciful (I swear I wrote the draft using Hannah name). In conclusion, it's the combination of Seol+Anne= Soleanne. And for the Yu, it's her surname. It can also be read as Yoo korean surname. I modified it so that it feels more broad. The reason why I explain Sol's name is that to give a little bit idea about her characters. Her name really portrays her characters. As for Baekhyun, I'm pretty sure you guys already knew that his name means Wise and Virtuous, just as I wanted it to be as a police.

The reason why I pick New Orleans as the setting reason, actually. I just like how the state is pronounced ;) I was going to use Lyon as the setting because Baekhyun's pathcode was in Lyon city but yeah, I'm not really that familiar with France so I do apologize for this one.

As for the background of each characters, I did a lot of research. Like, A LOTTTTTT. Medical and Crime fields are something new to me, so do with hospital and police&law setting. I want to make it as realistic as possible so I browse, I watch youtube, I visit the blog of the person who works in the field, I read online references, and more. However, please keep in mind that I am not a person who deals with the said fields directly so one or more things might be not accurate. If any of you guys knows better or even works in the said fields, feel free to contact me and correct me. I would be verry happy to get your help.

Anyway, enough with the long notes. I hope you guys enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Comments are very appreciated:) Thank you:) 




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I'm subscribing this story after reading your forward and author's notes because it interest me and i feel like i should give this story a shot. Looking forward to reading this one ((っ・ω・)っ
chansooasalways #2
Chapter 1: Wow i really enjoy read this story.
And the way you even write the details,its really beautiful.
Can’t wait to read next chapter.
Chapter 1: a strong tap on the shoulders for you, I was wondering if you were in the medical field because that was OMG Perfect.
I wonder what happened though, can't wait to understand why Baekhyun was there is the firts place
Chapter 1: I feel so immersed into hospital world now and totally intrigued about next chapter..great job with research and terminology,everything has such a professional setting- I am amazed!
#5 has been a while since I am hooked into the story immediately after reading the Foreword and Authors' Note. I loved both. I love the name Soleanne. I love your intellectual explanation and efforts in research. until the next chapters)
I just saw the cover in the image gallery and I found myself here this sounds perfect I can't wait to start it
oh my my. i saw this in the image gallery and i couldn't help but click bc i'm procrastinating on my fic but wow. this looks so promising, girl! i'm so excited to try this. i read a bit of the first chapter and it's so well written that i was shook. heh
Chapter 1: Oooh I just stumbled across this by chance and I am glad I did! It's very well written and definitely appreciate the glossary!! Looking forward for more! Keep it up ^^