My Last Greeting


(Note: This story will be based on Sungjong's POV)


I woke up to the melody of the birds chirping outside, just like every single day. Slowly rubbing my eyelids, I start to get up off the bed and head down to eat breakfast. I took a peek at the stove just in case if there's something that's been cooked, but it appears to have been untouched for about 3 months now. I chuckled to myself. How did I come to a thought of things changing, I don't know. So, I headed to the fridge to get some cereal and milk. And no, the taste doesn't get tiring or bland every now and then, in case if you're asking.

After I finished, I headed to my telephone located on the table beside my bed. I don't really have much people to contact. After this, I might have to get this disconnected. I will miss this. "Annyeonghassaeyo! The person you are looking for is not home right now. Please leave your message after the beep. Thank you," A sweet voice was heard on the opposite line. It still feels like the first time. The waking up, the morning routine, the phonecalls. I take a deep breath just in time for the beep to ring in my ears.

"Good morning my sweet princess~ Make sure to start today with a smile, okay? You know, today would be a very special day for me. I don't know when I'd get to call you again. Maybe I can never call you again. I know, it's sad, right? But you see, I was given this special once in a lifetime opportunity. It will change my life. You'll support me, right? Well, I understand if you're mad. It's not an easy decision. Oh, look at the time. I think I should get going. Bye~ I-" 

I was suddenly cut off by a loud beep from the other line. "I'm sorry. The voice recording for this line is full. Please wait for the user to clear the voice mail until you send the next message. Thank you." Well, that's what it said. I let out a sigh as I put down the phone. Now I really have no reason to use it again. I slumped myself on the bed wondering what to do next. 

After a few minutes of spacing out, I've decided to start packing up since there won't be much time left. I started with my closet. I never really realized how much clothes I had until now. There were a few clothes that had traces of your scent, the ones that you wear everytime we have late night movie marathons that end up in sleepovers. And there are some that are actually yours, the jackets that you let me wear whenever it gets cold on a trip outside. I took every single one of them and put them in my luggage. When I got to look back, my closet was now empty except for a few stacks of papers in a corner. 

I took all of them in one swipe and noticed that they were all envelopes. The letters you dropped in my locker when we were in high school. It wasn't one of the best times of my life, but you were always there to make it better... ALWAYS. I couldn't forget the nights when I stored these below my pillow so that every night before I sleep I can read them, until they got too many. Your handwriting still isn't the best, but it's still the cutest to me. Suddenly, a water drop fell on one of them, which caused a little of the ink to smudge on the paper.

I wiped my eyes and put the papers inside the luggage. Placing them carefully one by one, a picture amongst the pile caught my eye. It was a picture of two children about 10 years of age. The taller guy's hand on the girl's shoulder and the girl with a peace sign on one hand and an ice cream on the other. From the day we first met. You were helplessly lost in the park while I helped you search for your mom who, in turn, took this photograph. Have we been with each other this long? I sighed again, and I kept the photograph along with the letters.

I glanced at the clock just to find out that it's already 3:30 in the afternoon. Since I don't have much time left, I have decided to go. I double checked everything and locked the door. I intentionally left the key inside so that I can't come back. I am gonna live a new life. I'll live to the fullest just for you. With that final resolve, I turned to my car and drove to the building of Woollim Entertainment. Yes, from now on, I am one of their trainees.

On the way, I decided to buy a boquet of tulips. That has always been your favorite flower, right? It reminds me of your happy expression when you look forward to see them bloom in the spring. That childish side of you, I really miss that the most. It's still 4PM so I still have a little time. This time, I took a turn to the left and entered a very quiet field. As I arrived my destination, I hopped out the car, bringing with me the boquet. "Hey, your answering machine was full this morning, so I'll continue to say it here. I love you.. every single day of my life. Today, I'll start my training as an idol. Can you believe that? Let's fulfill this dream together, okay? And happy anniversary." I now kneel in front of her grave as I put down the boquet and let out sobs...


A/N: How was it, guys??? Bahahahaha! Am I the only one who thought of a sad ending when reading the message of the song?? I guess I was too depressed that time.. xD Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this. Comments and subscribers are always ♥ed! :3

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i loved it! uhmaygad. hahahaha
I thought there'll be a car hit sungjong xD hahaaha
But nice story 8D keep it up >:D