Single on The Beach (Part 2)

The Fanboy And The Dancer || Changjin


Changbin walks up to the three.

"What are y'all talking about over here?"

Jaemin smirks again.

"N-nothing-" Says Hyunjin.

"Okay then!"

Changbin knows that Hyunjin lied.

"Everyone, plese go back to your hotel rooms!!!! It's getting dark!!!" Yells the teacher, Mrs. Hirai.

All of the students go back to their specific rooms and once Changbin gets there, he plops on the bed.

"I'm hungryyyyy~" Whines Changbin.

"We're getting dinner in half an hour, you can wait."


Changbin plays on his phone.

"Are you excited for the competition tomorrow?"

"Kind of... I just hate having to be the only one to dance alone because theres an odd number of people..." Hyunjin responds, brushing his hair.

"That -"

"It very much does."

Later, they went downstairs to meet Mrs. Hirai for dinner.

"Is everyone here?" She asks.

"No, Seungmin and Jeongin aren't here," Jisung tells her.

Jeongin and Seungmin arrive just as he says that.

"Nope, we're here!" Says Jeongin, holding Seungmin's hand.

"Sorry, we had a bit of trouble with the elevator."

"You're fine!"

Mrs. Hirai smiles.

"Let's gOOoOOooOOooOOOoO-" Changbin yells.

Everyone laughs at him.


They all get in the bus and they drive to Woojin's favorite restaurant, Chicken Express.


Chan tries to keep him quiet by kissing him, but that doesn't work.

Meanwhile, Changbin and Hyunjin are at the back, talking about how Jeongin is too young to be dating Seungmin.

"Like- Seungmin is 4 years older than him!"

"I know right! Jeongin is only 18! I like that he gets to travel and do school at the same time, but still! He needs to be at school."

"We can hear y'all, you know that, right?" Seungmin says too them, Jeongin sitting in his lap.

"It's a beautiful night, isn't it?-" Changbin tries to change the subject quickly.

Seungmin rolls his eyes and Hyunjin laughs a bit.

The bus suddenly turns sharply and Changbin gets pushed onto Hyunjin.

"A-ah! I'm so sorry..."

He blushes and gets off of him.

"You're fine!"


They all arrive at Chicken Express and Woojin jumps around like a little child.

"What are you getting?" Hyunjin asks.

"Chicken, duh-"

"Oh- well that was a dumb question-"

Changbin laughs.

Everyone walks in and sits down, but there's no seat for Changbin.


"You can sit in Hyunjin's lap!" Jaemin suggests.

Hyunjin sends a death glare at Jaemin.

"I-I don't think he'll want that... I'll just pull up a chair," Changbin stutters.

Changbin pulls up a chair and he sits next to Hyunjin.

They all order and their drinks come first.

Changbin looks over at Minho, who is sleeping.

"Is anyone else here tired except for Minho and I?" Changbin asks.

Everyone nods their heads.

"Kinda-" Says Chenle.

The waitress comes with their food an they all eat peacefully, talking about what has been happening in their lives recently.

After they finish, Mrs. Hirai pays for the food and she instructs them to get back on the bus, and they all do so.

When they get back to the hotel, they all say goodnight to each other and they go their seperate ways.

In Changbin and Hyunjin's room, they are getting ready to go to sleep in their seperate beds.

"You better get some good sleep tonight so you are energized for tomorrow!" Says Changbin, putting on his face mask.

"I will!" 

Hyunjin lays on his bed and he falls asleep quickly, Changbin crawling into his bed after.

"Goodnight Hyunjin..." He whispers, falling asleep.


A/N: Sorry this is terrible but I'm still trying hard on it.

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