Plans & Roman

Sunshine Couple

"The mall?" Raena said looking out her window. 

Seungho nodded. "Yeah, there's lots to do here, other than buying rings."

"Will it be okay?" Raena asked.

"Will what be okay?"

"Won't a lot of people recognize you?"

Seungho smiled as her question and shook his head. "It'll be fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, let's go."

The pair got out and walked into the mall. Stopping in front of the map of the mall they stared a while.

"Where should we head?"

"They have a jeweler here." Seungho replied, still looking at the map.

"That sounds expensive, we should just get simple rings, like a band."

"Gold band?"

"Just a simple band."

Seungho turned to Raena. "Don't worry about price."

{"Ooh, girls like that. Seungho's a capable man."} 

Raena covered her smile with her hand, "Well, I've seen lots of inexpensive but nice rings before. Let's just look around." 


Walking together and looking around, Raena's ears perked up hearing the song that played in a nearby music shop.  "Ah!" She looked over to Seungho. "This song!"


"Listen! Can you hear it?"

Seungho concentrated his focus and looked to Raena as he heard the song.

She smiled as he realized it was 'Mona Lisa.' 

"Oh!? It's my song." 

"Wah~ This part! I know, I know I know I know~" Raena sang quietly as the song played. "Oh!" She said remembering something. "Album! Did you bring the signed album?"

Seungho let out a regretful sigh.

"Ah~ If you don't have it, it's okay. You must have been busy."

"Sorry..." Seungho said avoiding eye contact.

"Don't worry it's okay."

{"She's disappointed." "Of course." "Such a simple thing too."} 


The album?

Seungho  his lips as he listened. "I really forgot it... It's signed already. I messed up."  

- - - 

"It's not the last time we'll meet so it's okay." She said nodding. "I didn't expect Seungho to be the forgetful type though."


"Speaking of albums..." Seungho said changing the topic. "Did you get all our songs?" 

Raena nodded  "Yeah. All! Even the singles from side projects."

"Really?" Seungho asked looking at her. 

"Yeah, really."

Seungho smiled and nodded approvingly. "So, what song is your favorite?"

"I still really like 'Stay'."

"Pick one that wasn't promoted."

{"He's quizzing her." "Ah! To make sure she listened to them!"}

Raena bit her lip and looked up. "Ummmm."

"You listened to the other songs right?"

"Of course!" She responded right away. "I ummmmm I think... I lked '아찔한 그녀' (Jittery Girl/ She's Breathtaking) the best. Also "

"Eh? That one?" Seungho said giving her a strange look.

"Yeah, it's funny, I like it."

"You know who talks during the song right?"


"You like those parts?"

"I really like them." Raena said smiling. "When I listened to it I kept laughing."



"Nothing, it's just an interesting choice. So you like Mir?"

{"Look at his expression!"}

Raena let out an slightly flustered sigh. "I like MBLAQ... Ah! Here!" She said looking at the window of a store. "This one has a good mixture of jewelry! Can we look around?"

Seungho nodded and the pair walked in and began looking around. 

"There really are a lot of types." Seungho said looking at the rings on display.

"Which style do you like?" she asked, walking around the store.

"Classic style. You?"

"I like simple. Like this one!" She said pointing at a small silver band. 

"Isn't that too simple?" Seungho asked looking at it. 

"It's at a good price."

Seungho looked and thought for a moment. "The style is good for me... but..."


What was wrong with the ring she choose the first time?

"Nothing. It was just that it felt like she was just choosing it because of the price. I don't want her to feel worried. Rings are important, and it'll be our first 'real' symbol of being married." Seungho said, adjusting his cap again. "I didn't want her to settle. I want to make sure she's happy with it."  

{One of the female MC's makes a high pitched whine. "Seungho is my ideal style." "What does that make your boyfriend?" "Well..."}


"Let's keep looking." He said finally.

"Okay. However we'll comeback if we don't find anything right?"

He nodded. "Yes." 

They walked out and continued their journey through the mall. 

"What will we do after we find our rings?" Raena asked.

"Well, the mission was to do do things only married couples do... but..."

"We're going backwards."

He smiled and laughed. "We are aren't we?"


"Ceremony first, then rings etc. It's starting to feel like an real arranged marriage. Completely. It's strange." Raena laughed a bit. "It's interesting." 



Raena nodded "Yeah, but I think taking a couple of steps backward can't hurt?"

{"How's the show supposed to progress if they go backwards?" The other MC's start laughing at the comment.} 

"As long as we make sure to take a step forward every now an then, I think it's okay too." Seungho said smiling.

"So, going backwards, from rings... we'd be engaged?" Raena asked.


The woman, snapped her fingers together "I know what we can do!"


"Hmmm. Vows? Like promises and how we'd like to live."

Seungho looked thoughtfully at his partner. "That's good!"

"It is right?" She replied smiling.

"What about a family motto too?" Seungho asked.

"That too!" She smiled brightly.

Seungho watched her smile as she nodded.


"I think that's the happiest I've seen her so far. I hope I can become the type of husband that can keep a smile like that on her face." Seungho tilted his head. "If I could do that much I'd be happy."


{"Wahhh~ Seungho is completely my style." "Completely Roman" "Seungho-roman" "My style."} 


So... I went back and edited some of the older chapters. ^^ I think it's better now~ Well anyway here it is! More fun on the way!

Thanks for subbing and commenting! :)

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ughwhy #1
Chapter 13: I know it's been a reeeeeally long time since you've updated, but as a former silent reader, I just wanted to let you know I still have hopes for this! Hehe, especially Hamster Husband! ^^ Admittedly, 'Hamster Husband' is probably my favorite chapter, and I can totally imagine that happening. I've even found myself calling Seungho 'Hamster' or even 'Hamster Husband' from time to time :)
I promise~~~~~~~tilde~~
If you update this i'll update one of the stories I haven't updated n a while!
I mean it! Get off ur lazy booty and doo ett!
Seriously though, this story is cute and you should update it!
you spam me, I spam you!
Chapter 13: Wahhhh Kyeopta~ This story is soooooo adorable:) update soon please!~ Hwaiting~
awwhhh !!!!!!! this is adorable =] my face hurts from smiling a lot :) tq for writing this cute story.
I cant stop smiling reads all the chapters~the story is really good~!!
Cant imagine how the Panda being XD
Raena personality fits Seungho the best :)
(did leader jealous over maknae,Mir??)keke..kyeopta <3