Hamster Husband

Sunshine Couple

[7:54 PM]

Their food came and the pair began to eat. As they ate, Raena noticed Seungho just packing food into his cheeks. Unable to hold her smile, in she let out a laugh. "You look like a hamster."

"Eh?" Seungho said filling his cheeks.

"Your cheeks..." Raena imitated the look of Seungho's face.

Seungho covered his mouth with his hand and smiled. He had forgotten she'd never seen him eat. 


Unique eating style?

"It's a habit." Seungho said rubbing his chin.


"Sorry." He said apologetically his hand still over his mouth.

"It's fine, It's just that I've just never seen some one eat that way." Raena pulled out her phone as Seungho looked down.

"Yeah, I eat this way."

"Hamster." Raena repeated holding her phone up.

"Hamster?" Seungho said looking up. Noticing her phone out his eyes widened. "What are you doing?"



Why did you want to take a picture? 

Raena laughed a bit and reached for her phone. Going to her pictures she showed the camera the picture she managed to get of Seungho with his cheeks full. "It's funny right? It's even funnier when he talks looking like that." Looking at the picture herself, she laughed again. "Hamster Husband. It's funny."

{"He does look like a hamster" "A frog, he looks more like a frog."}


Hearing the click of her phone camera. Seungho looked at her surprised. "You really took a picture?"

Raena nodded and showed it to him quickly.

"Delete it. Just have the ones we took earlier."

"I don't want to." She replied shaking her head.

Seungho sighed. 


The picture?

Seungho sighed again. "She kept saying 'hamster'. That's not the image I wanted to give her."


Finished eating, Seungho took out his own phone and went into his own pictures. Looking at them, he smiled. "I should send you this picture." 

"Which one?" Raena said looking up from her own.

"This one." Seungho replied, revealing a picture the pair took back at the temple.

"It's nice. Send it to me. I'll send you this one." Raena said showing him one of hers.

{"They're trading numbers." "Very naturally too."}

"What are you saving my number as?" Seungho asked.

"You mean name?"

"Mmm." he replied.


Seungho let out an audible sigh. "It shouldn't be like this."

"Did you have a request then?"

Seungho smiled to himself. "Well... I thought it'd be under 'Nampyeon.' "

At the word, Raena felt the silent shyness wash over her again. "Ah~ Well... did you save mine as Ahnae?"

He nodded, "I did."


"Yes." Seungho showed her his phone as proof.  

"Okay, I'll amend mine then."


The amended title?

 "Hamster Husband." Raena said smiling. "I also set the picture of his eating cheeks as the visual for his number."

So it's a pet name?

"It does seem that way, but I just said it naturally because of how he looked. It's not a pet name." Raena said rejecting the notion. 


Seeing his phone screen she looked up at him. "Your wallpaper is just black?" 



"Why?" He asked. 

"Nothing. I was thinking, maybe?"


"Matching?" Feeling her cheeks warm she shook her head. "Never mind, it's okay."

"Matching wallpapers?" Seungho asked. "Ah..." He saw her look down. "It's a good idea."

Raena looked up to him. "It's not a bit... burdensome?"

"Not at all." He responded. "We...are married right?"

"We are." Raena said looking away.

"Then it's fine. Here, I'll set mine." Seungho said playing with his phone.

His partner smiled and reached for her own. "Okay."


It's still set as your wallpaper? 

 "Of course." Seungho said pulling out his phone for proof.

- - -

Raena nodded. "It is."


{"Your cell phone background is important. Especially if you use your phone all the time." "What's your background?" "My son" "Ahh."} 

"So...what do you like doing?" Seungho asked trying to figure out the next place they should go.

"Ummmm. These day I really like working out."


"What do you like doing?" She asked seeing his less than enthusiastic reply. 

"Music... and dance."

{"Idol responses."}

"Of course. As an idol..." Raena said nodding. 

"Do you like to dance & play?" Seungho asked, more comfortable with the topic.

"Yes! At my company the major focus is all music and dance." she replied. "I really love it."

"Which company?" 


"You're YG?"

"Yes. That's why Dara unnie came as my 'family' representative."

"Ah, I see. Do you dance well?"

Raena sat back in her seat and crossed her arms. "I think I'm okay. Not as good as you but okay. I can manage."

"Do you know any of our dances?" Seungho asked.

She nodded. "I do."

"Which one?"

"The hand dance." Raena said waving her hand. 

"Stay?" Seungho asked. 

"Yes, 'Stay'."

"Show me, please."

"I can't."

"Please? I want to see your dance."

Raena looked down embarrassed." Uhh..." She looked back up. "You sing and I'll do it."

"You have to stand up and dance then." Seungho said in reply.  


"I want to see it."

"Ahh... really... okay." Sighing, Raena stood up. " You start first though."

"From the chorus then."

"I only know a little though."

"That's fine. Ready?"

"Uhh..." looking around the restaurant Raena let out another embarrassed sigh. "Yeah..."

Seungho cleared his throat. "Oh baby stay with me~" When he sang he word 'stay', Raena began to do the dance right on time.

{"She's pretty good."}

When she finished dancing the part she knew she immediately covered her face with her hands squatted to the floor. "Sorry." 

Seungho smiled and applauded her. "You did well."

"I'm not that good."

"No really, you did well."


Her dancing skills are?

"She was surprisingly accurate. To be honest... I was just happy to know she really did know a dance of ours." Seungho smiled.


The pair walked out of the restaurant. Seungho looked at the time. "Anyplace you wanna go?"

"Ah, yes... hold on a moment." Raena said looking at her phone. She had received a message. Reading it, she let out a sigh.  

"Something wrong?" He asked seeing her disappointed face.

"I have a schedule." 

"Right now?"

"Yes, it's filming for a movie."

"Ah~" Seungho replied interested. "A movie."

"So I guess for now..."

"Right. We should say goodnight."


Not knowing how to say goodbye, the two became silent standing beside the cars.

"Kai Bai Bo!" Seungho said throwing out paper.

Reacting to the game, Raena threw out scissors. Seeing how instinctive her reaction was Seungho laughed and was joined by Raena.

{ "And another weird couple is made!" The other MC's laugh and cheer.}


Fun Fun Fun~ Thanks to all my subs <3

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ughwhy #1
Chapter 13: I know it's been a reeeeeally long time since you've updated, but as a former silent reader, I just wanted to let you know I still have hopes for this! Hehe, especially Hamster Husband! ^^ Admittedly, 'Hamster Husband' is probably my favorite chapter, and I can totally imagine that happening. I've even found myself calling Seungho 'Hamster' or even 'Hamster Husband' from time to time :)
I promise~~~~~~~tilde~~
If you update this i'll update one of the stories I haven't updated n a while!
I mean it! Get off ur lazy booty and doo ett!
Seriously though, this story is cute and you should update it!
you spam me, I spam you!
Chapter 13: Wahhhh Kyeopta~ This story is soooooo adorable:) update soon please!~ Hwaiting~
awwhhh !!!!!!! this is adorable =] my face hurts from smiling a lot :) tq for writing this cute story.
I cant stop smiling reads all the chapters~the story is really good~!!
Cant imagine how the Panda being Hamster..lol XD
Raena personality fits Seungho the best :)
(did leader jealous over maknae,Mir??)keke..kyeopta <3