Best friend

It's Yejisu
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A/N: Ok so basically you get a tattoo of the date when you fall in love with someone. Like some soulmate mark, only difference is you get it whenever you fall in love.

3rd person pov

"Yahhh! Hwang Yeji we're supposed to be having fun today" Jisu whined gripping her best friend's shoulder as she tries to coax her to take a dip in the water with her.

Yeji merely smiled at the sight, her heart warming up as she stared longer at the other girl.

"I'll take a dip later." she said to Jisu while tucking a strang of hair on her ear making the girl smile and run off to their other friends.

She watched as Jisu played on the pool with Chaeryoung and Yuna, occasionally waving at them when they make eye contact.

What a refreshing sight she thought to herself as she recalled all the school works that they had to go through over the past few weeks.

After some time she decided to get some drinks for the other girls. She stood up and made her way to the cafeteria.

"3 mango shakes, please." she muttered to the cashier as she rummaged her wallet for some bills.

"Hwang Yeji?" she heard a person to her right say as she instinctively turned and smiled at the person after saying a quick 'nae?'.

Her face was quick to morph into confusion as she looked at the person. She didn't know her, or maybe she just can't remember her she isn't entirely sure. The girl had pink shoulder length hair paired with such attractive features that Yeji was quite she won't forget if she ever encountered her before.

The girl smiled warmly as if reading Yeji's mind, "Ahh still forgetful I see, Yeddeong."

Yeji's jaw dropped as she finally realized who was standing in front of her. Shin Ryujin, her childhood friend who went away. How someone who looked like a homeless kid when they were young could possibly look this attractive is still a mystery to Yeji, but it was her Ryuddeang she'd love her attractive or not.

But maybe she liked this one a bit better

"Ryuddeang!!!" she finally exclaimed and put the younger girl on a headlock messing her hair up.

"Y-yah! Stinky feet I know you missed me but that doesn't mean you get to ruin my hair." Ryujin said whole half heartedly pushing her friend away.

"For the thousandth time my feet dont stink, pee brain!" they laughed together and did they secret handshake.

When the two finally calmed down, they sat on one of the cafe's benches and talked about the things that they missed on each other's life. Ryujin telling her old friend how she spent her life in Japan due to her father's business and how she's finally staying in SK for good now. Yeji was elated with the news thinking about the adventures they could do together.

They were just talking and laughing when the other girls came, each giving Yeji a good smack on the head for 'forgetting' about them.

Yeji smiled sheepishly and then gestured at a confused looking Ryujin, "Well guys, this is my childhood friend Ryuddeang. She just came back from Japan and will be staying here for good now."

"Hello, Ryujin unnie!!! I'm the Queen of cuteness Yuna." the youngest of the girls said while doing aegyo making the other laugh at her.

"I'm Chaeryoung, I hope we can be friends." Chae smile shyly and waved at Ryujin.

"And I'm Jisu, but I prefer Lia."

The girls took a seat, Yeji offering Lia the seat besidd her. They talked about all sorts of things, Yuna occasionally throwing joke about how Yeji and Lia acted like an old couple to which Lia denied greatly making Ryujin look at them and laugh lightly. It was fun and perfect, Yeji wished everyday was like today.

Nothing could possible beat this day

They were spending some time together on the library, her and Lia, since they weren't classmates and they only get to hangout when they have free period.

"So, how's Ryujin?" Yeji asked excitedly as she scanned the book in front of her. Ryujin decided to enroll in the same school where the other girls attend since her house was just a few blocks away from it.

"She's really nice, we got paired up on a project actually." Lia said smiling brightly at her best friend.

They were getting along, her childhood friend and the person she values the most.

I couldnt possibly be happier

It's been two weeks since the last time she got to hangout with Jisu. She sighed as she gazed at her phone waiting for the other girl to reply.

"Yeji-ah, I'm sorry I can't  hang out. I'm with Ryujin rigjt now we're working on our project."

She felt her heart ache slightly at what she received. She knows it's stupid to feel hurt, they were together due to a project and they were probably stressed out right now. So she decides to just get over it and understand them more.

"It's okay Jisu-ah. I'll just hang out with the kids. Tell me if Ryuddeang bothers you. Love you, Choi"

"Nae~ love you Hwang"

Her heart skipped a beat and all was well again.

"What's that?" she aske

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