Part 3: Perhaps it’s better to dive headfirst

Of Pauses and Interludes
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The blonde beamed at Jennie, feeling proud that the brunette liked her work. She was about to speak when her eyes looked away across the bar curiously.


"Hey, I gotta use the ladies room for a bit. I'm not sure if I've kept you too long in here, but if in case you want to go back to your friends, feel free to bring that with you. It's on the house. I'll just be here all night if you need another, you'll know where to find me." She smiled warmly, then extended her hand over. "Great to meet you-" She paused, waiting for Jennie's response.


"Jennie." The brunette gingerly reached for the blonde's hand, reluctant to end the night.


"Jennie," The way the blonde played with her name on her tongue made the brunette feel all tingly of sorts. Or was it because of the warmth of the blonde's hand? Her palms lingered a bit in the air when the blonde had let her hand go.


"I really gotta go for a bit. Be right back." The blonde smiled, before walking off to the toilets.


Jennie felt like she was left hanging. All that heavy flirting and she left her there and told her she can go back to her friends? She expected the blonde to do more, like maybe even get her number?


Well, that's anti-climactic.


She sat there and took a sip of her drink again, thousands of things running through her head.


You idiot, she thought to herself. She already brought you to the bar so she can talk to you, bought you all your drinks for free and even made you a mocktail, and you're STILL waiting for her to make more moves?


She groaned. But she doesn't know how to make a move. She's Jennie, the girl who's impaired by her introversion.


"Hey," She felt a hand land on her shoulder. It's Jisoo, one of her friends from the group. "Just checking on you. Are you okay?"


"Yeah. I was just getting set up a mocktail here earlier. I kinda needed some quiet time to breathe. The group was kind of getting too noisy."


"So I noticed," She grinned at her knowingly, "That bartender looked like she’s so into you, though. She saw us looking at you earlier so I think she knows we're kind of worried. She's cute."


"She's actually not a bartender, but…" Jennie started, but she's sure Jisoo doesn't care about that bit. She just shrugged.


“How is she?”


“She’s really pleasant. I like her.”


“Well, if she got you to talk, that’s admirable.”


“Yeah.” Jennie’s voice trailed a bit while she fondly remembered the conversations with the blonde. “She’s a breath of fresh air, I guess.”


“Well, looks like you found your new escape,” Jisoo grinned at her. "We might be going in a short while, so we'll just wait for you and then we can leave?"


Jennie nodded, appreciating Jisoo’s thoughtfulness. The latter went back to the group and left her at the bar.


Jennie stared at her lavender blueberry drink, carefully mulling over what Jisoo just said. For all the times she escaped to the toilets to take a breather, it never occurred to her that a person could ever be a breather, too. An escape, if you will. She never thought she’d find that a person could have that kind of effect on her.


But they're leaving in a few minutes. She's leaving this great night without doing anything.


She can't. She can't possibly do that.


Without much thought, she quickly ran to the toilets.



She burst into the room and

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CxrgnR #1
Chapter 3: Whoa! Super nice! I like how the “emotions” of both characters were just “enough” and not exaggerated to make me feel how the story should be felt.
hello2013 #2
Chapter 3: This is refreshing, thank you.