Locked Safe.. Till you find it…

The Padlocked Love...

Elisha could hear her heart going crazy,beating fast.  Elisha was standing in the Seine Riverfront. She walked forward slowly towards the famous Love lock Bridge in Paris,  Pont des Arts. The view is more beautiful than you see in the photos. Seine looked calm and beautiful. They were on the bridge enjoying the scenic beauty.It was very windy . It was one of the best moment in Elisha’s life. To be honest she didn’t knew what to do as she was emotional and excited. The bridge was not over crowded but had a good no of visitors. There were wooden benches kept in the middle of the bridge in sufficient gaps for the visitors to sit back and relax if you wanna spend some time in the bridge. Everyone was busy clicking selfies and capturing the bridge and Siene river perfectly. Even Elisha’s friends were busy clicking pics. The cool breeze brushed over her hair messing up her hair and blocking her view. It was quiet hard to click selfies as the girls looked like the ghosts with all the messy hair.

But the only difference she could see was that they had removed the love locks from the railings.The amount of people who visit the bridge to attach their personalised padlocks were huge. Considering the safety of the bridge the government had removed the railing with the padlocks attached from the bridge. But still the hope from the human mind never vanishes, Still people who visit the Love Lock Bridge kept attaching locks to the light post of the bridge.

Elisha was sitting on the wooden bridge observing the people around. All seems to be very happy. She saw happy couples moving around clicking selfies, attaching the padlocks with their names written. Though she was doing nothing but just sitting and watching around, it made her feel happy and gave her a hope that one day maybe her dreams and wishes might be real.. She stood up and walked gently to one of the light post. She saw a bunch of padlocks attached. It was beautiful. A variety of padlocks, different colours, different sizes locked together with the names of the dear ones they love.She touched them gently. Suddenly she felt like she skipped a beat. It reminded her of her Minho Oppa. She wished a lot if  she could also be here with him one day, just like other couples to move around click selfies and more importantly to attach a padlock.

“Eliii… Eliii” she heard someone calling out her name. It was Jes and Cathy. She turned back towards their direction.

“What are you doing there? Come here let’s click some pics dear” Cathy screamed from where she was standing. Elisha nodded and walked towards them. It was a marathon of selfies and single pics for the next few minutes.They were really enjoying their time. Though it was sunny the cool breeze never made them feel hot and tired.

Then it was a few minutes of silence, the boys were busy clicking some pics whereas the girls stood facing the Seine which was flowing in a calm and beautiful manner.

Cathy : “Eli..”

Elisha : “ Hmm..”

Cathy : “I was so curious actually.. why did you wanna visit here so badly? “

Elisha : “Me? Hmm well I don’t know… its so beautiful right.. the cool breeze, Seine.. and above all if you look at those people who are happily attaching those padlocks don’t you get some feelings…”

Jes : “Hmm .. you are right Eli.. I’ve never knew it would be this great.. Its Valentines week after all if we had boyfriends we could’ve done the same too ”

Cathy : “I’ve got an idea.. how about we find a guy just for attaching the padlocks “ she winked after completing the sentence

Jes : “ My bad , I shouldn’t have said that dialogue. I’ve never thought your empty brain would come up with such a stupid idea”

The girls started laughing ..

Joel : “What’s the joke guys let us hear it too”

Suddenly they saw a man walking towards them. He was almost 6 feet tall, black with a well built body. He told them “ Madame how about you all buy the padlocks..Don’t you wanna attach them too? “ He was one among thoses guys who sell padlocks in the bridge.He was trying to make us buy the padlocks.

He asked us “ English? “ . We nodded. He continued “You can attach these locks for your love”

Cathy replied : “ We understood but unfortunately not all of us are committed”

He said “ Ok then I’ll give you an offer buy 3 for just 5 euro”

Joel turned back to them and said “I am going to attach one for my wife ,Matt are you in ? You have a girl friend”

Matt : “Oh yeah am in but what about the third lock” he turned to the girls

Cathy : “ Oh wait why are you looking at me? Don’t tell me that you think am gonna do i..t no never”

Suddenly Elisha came forward and said “I’ll take the third lock”

“Eli you???” Cathy and Jes screamed out of surprise

Elisha : “Yeah why not any ways we have one extra.. So I thought why not..”

Cathy : “But what are you gonna write on it? You don’t have a bf”

Elisha : “ Maybe I’ll write a wish and lock it .. a secret wish.. Lets see”

Matt : “That’s a good idea Eli, thanks so we’ll go get the locks and will be back”. They went to the seller guy to get the padlocks.Meanwhile here

Cathy : “But Eli…”

Jes : “Cathy could you please stop blabbering for each and everything? What’s wrong in her trying something different.”

Cathy acted like a kid being scolded by the teacher asking her to shut up.

The guys  came back and handed over the lock to Eli. It was simple but pretty. The colour was golded and it was shaped like two hearts sticked together. It had a small craving of Eiffel on it symbolising Paris.

Jes : “Aww its so pretty right”

Cathy : “Yeah it is “

Elisha felt like her heart was going crazy. Even she didn’t knew out of what thought she took this decision. Till few seconds before she wished if one day she could be with her First love Choi Minho to attach a padlock. But within a flash of seconds the scene has changed. Now she has a padlock in her hand.

She had browsed a lot about the tradition of attaching the padlock.It says if you write the names of your love and you, lock it and throw the key to the Seine it means your love is unbreakable.It represents a couple’s committed love. Her heart started beating so fast and her hands started to shake.She saw Joel attaching the lock and Matt too with their names and their loved ones. Matt gave her the red marker to write on the lock.

Cathy : “Why are you not writing anything? Oh is it a secret wish that we should not see? “

Elisha : “ Yeah don’t you know that our wishes should be kept secret for it to be true. Once its granted I’ll definitely let you know”

Cathy : “ok fine”

Joel : “Eli take your time and come to the other end of the bridge we’ll be sitting on the bench right there”

Elisha : “Thanks Joe”

They walked right aiming at the empty bench towards the end of the bridge.

Elisha looked at the lock. To be honest she didn’t have any secret wishes. She just wanted to attach the lock for Minho.But she was scared if they will find out about her 11 years long first love.Moreover they would definitely scold Elisha asking her if its even possible for her celebrity crush to come to her and be with her.And above all he doesn’t even know she exist. Elisha knew its not possible if you think practically. Minho is an idol who is loved by all, there is no possibility that her First love would come true. But still she love him with all her heart. No matter what she always wished him to stay happy and healthy. Out of 100% the probability of the love being practical is 99% but still she keeps looking at the leftover 1% hoping for some miracle to happen.

She took the Red marker and took the lock.She wrote Choi Minho on one heart and her name on the other heart. She also drew one tiny heart next to Choi Minho and a tiny heart next to her name. She felt a pain inside her for some unknown reason. She knew people would say she is crazy if they come to know about it, but couldn’t help it as she loved Minho a lot more than anyone can imagine.

She closed her eyes and said “Minho Oppa its been 11years now since I started loving you. I don’t know if am crazy to do this or not but all I know is that I love you a lot more than I can express. Am not sure if its ok to love you and hope my dreams to come true. Wherever you are Oppa I wish to see you happy and healthy always. I am not sure if we will cross the paths, am not sure if we’ll meet even once though I wish to. I miss you each and every seconds of my life. I am locking all my love for you safe and hidden here. I hope that one day you will be able to find this till then I wish this lock remains here as a symbol of my never ending love for you .Saranghaeyo Minho Oppa.”

She opened the lock and attached it to one of the post and closed it safe. She took the key and showed it towards the Seine. Her eyes were all filled and she felt some pain inside her. With all hope and love for her Minho Oppa she threw the key into the river gently.She kept looking down for a while. She took a photo of the lock to traesure and then walked towards her friends.

As they moved to their next location in the itinery the Louvre Museum she kept looking back to the bridge. She was full of thoughts on her way to the Museum.But she was happy that she made it to the Bridge and attached the lock for the person whom she loved the most.

Their first day was hectic. They visited the Louvre Museum, clicked a lot of pictures, went all the way to find Monalisa the famous painting. After that they took a break for late lunch. Post lunch they moved to the next location Eiffel tower. It was so pretty towatch the Sunset from Eiffel . Though they were tired walking all the way to make it to the top at the ned of the day it was worth it. Eiffel tower was beautiful all lighted up in the night. It was one of the most amazing view in Paris. Each and everything in Paris had a magical touch of Love in it. Elisha felt so maybe its because it’s the Valentines week. On the way to their appartment they stopped by a SuperMarket to get some water and snacks.The guys went inside to get the items while the girls stood outside enjoying the night view. The stations in Paris was too crowded and there were protests in certain part of the city which is not anything new to the people of Paris. Elisha was roaming around the shop and suddenly her eyes locked on to a tiny flowershop on the right corner of the supermarket. She approached the shop. It was so beautiful.. There are a lot of pretty things around you. Elisha kept thinking. The way they are arranged you don’t even feel to touch them. Seeing Elisha watching and smiling looking at the flowers the shop owner lady approached her. “May I help you dear” she asked Elisha. “Uhh oh am sorry nothing it was so beautiful that I came to see it” Elisha replied. “Don’t you have anyone to give you a floral bouquet ? “She asked Elisha. Elisha smiled a her and nodded no. The shop owner was a lady in her 50s but she was sweet and cute. She looked at Elisha and smiled. She went to the right corner where the roses were kept. She took a Red rose and came back to Elisha. “This is the flower that you should be holding next time this year and I wish and pray you find a best guy” She gifted Elisha the beautiful red Rose. Elisha was surprised actually but was so happy to get an unexpected gift from a stranger. She thanked her and walked back to her friends.

Jes : “Oh Eli ..Is that a Rose in your hand? “

Cathy : “No way who is he? And where is he? “ she started looking all direction pointing at each guy asking is it him or the other.

Elisha : ”Guys wait wait.. this was given to me by that lady of the flower shop. Sge is so nice”

Cathy : “Shall I go there too .. Will I get one too?”

Matt : “Yeah you will get a kick , you fool hold this and walk”

They laughed and started walking to the metro station.

Joel : “Ok we need to catch the next train in 6 mins , 5 stops and then we are at our apartment”

They rushed to the station got the train on time and found some empty seats to sit and relaxed.Once they reached the destination they went to a restaurant to have dinner and walked to the apartment.The apartment owner was waiting for them to handover the key. He took them inside showed and explained everything. He told them to have a good rest and left .

Elisha : ‘Wahh finally we are home.. God am damn tired we walked a lot today right?”

Joel : “Yeah it was a tough and hectic day”

Elisha : “ But it was fun and awesome too. We had a lot of fun.”

Cathy : “Oh look the massage chair guys am on it so don’t disturb me for an hour”

Matt : “No no am on it I was on the way”

Cathy : “No way, how come I said it first”

Jes came out hearing the fight . “Guys stop it. I think we should keep these two on the opposite poles”

Elisha and Joel laughed. Joel opened the beer cans and offered it to Matt, Cathy and Jes.

Joel : “Eli I’ve got Wine for you as you don’t drink beer. So shall we have some ?”

Elisha : “oh yeah”

They all had a lot of fun talks, teasing each other and fighting for their turns to sit on the massage chair. It seems that was the favourite spot in their apartment. The apartment was awesome.There were 3 bed rooms 2 wash rooms , a kitchen, a living room and a balcony. They kept talking for a long time and after 11:30 they all dispersed for sleep. Matt and Joel took the room next to the entrance whereas the girls took the biggest and cozy bedroom. As they were all tired they slept as soon as they went to bed except Elisha. She is not a person who fall asleep soon. She kept thinking about the day. She heard some noise and went upto the window to check. It was drizzling. She sat there on the chair watching the rain. It was beautiful, the rain and the area where the apartment was. She took her secret diary out and switched on the table lamp.She opened a new page and thought for a while.She started writing


Feb 09 2019, Paris

Minho Oppa,  Its yet another valentines week. I hope you are doing well. Actually am pretty sad that you are enlisting soon. I keep missing you each and every day and I don’t know how would I get through the days during your enlistment.

Its drizzling here now and its 12 am already. I don’t feel like sleeping. The things I did today makes me stay awake. You would be surprised if you hear what I did today…I visited the famous Love Lock Bridge in Paris today and guess what, I kept a lock for you… I know I sound crazy… but I just wanted to do that for you… Maybe one day you might find it if you visit Paris.. I have hidden all my love for you safely in there.. Am not sure if we’ll meet in future.. Am not sure if there exist something called Miracle or Fate … Am not sure if their exist fairies to grant my wish… But for some unknown reason I wish for it…Though I know the probability is less than 1%  my heart keeps telling me to wait and follow that 1% . I hoped you will find my hidden love for you one day..  And also,I was gifted a Red rose by a flowershop lady today.. She wished me that, next time let a handsome guy gift me one like this… For that 1 second of my life, I wished if it was you… I miss you so much Oppa..With lots of love… Elisha..

Dated till you find the hidden love….


She kept the red rose in that page like a bookmark so that it doesn’t get crushed. She kept the diary inside and went to the window again. It was still drizzling and lil bit windy… The sound of the rain droplets hitting the window glass was the only sound breaking the silence of the night.. Yet another day of my life has come to an end… It was an amazing day today and I hope the coming days would be so… She thought to herself while enjoying the rain.. She felt a bit tired and sleepy after a while, so she walked to the bed. Cathy and Jes were in deep sleep. She lied down on the bed, and fell asleep slowly hoping that the coming days would be much more amazing…

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