IX (A Twice Witches AU)


Thousands of years before the world became what we know, there laid a prophecy. One that predicted the absolute end. It never informed the scribes of the reason, nor how to stop it. All that was told of the highest of high was that seven women would play a big part. 

A woman with the weight of the world on her shoulders. 

A witch born from death.

A witch whose biggest power was being underestimated.

A woman who could never trust. 

A witch who wasn’t born a witch. 

A witch with enough humanity to change the world a hundred times over. 

And a witch whose greatest weapon was her heart. 

| Or an au where twice and other iconic kpop idols are witches and . |



*was originally titled 'enchantment'




Thousands of years before the world became what we know, there laid a prophecy. One that predicted the absolute end. It never informed the scribes of the reason, nor how to stop it. All that was told of the highest of high was that seven women would play a big part. 


A woman with the weight of the world on her shoulders. 


A witch born from death.


A witch whose biggest power was being underestimated.


A woman who could never trust. 


A witch who wasn’t born a witch. 


A witch with enough humanity to change the world a hundred times over. 

And a witch whose best weapon was her heart. 


How these people would affect the end of the world, nobody knew, but they had their ideas. 


Some theorized that these women were Gods who would come down in a rapture and go to war with one another, causing a celestial bloodbath and blowing the world to smitherenes. 


Others (men, mostly) thought it was absurd, and suspected some sort of failed attempt at saving the world from an unavoidable natural disaster. 


The only thing anyone could truly agree upon was that these women had to be stopped at all costs. 


Scribes, Quizmasters and Oracles alike all figured that if these women were never born, if they never blossomed, then the end of the world would never come. 


And so, starting with the most compliant, witches began to nutralize any threat that came about. 


Well, almost any threat. 


There were a few things that weren’t accounted for.


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ATS9873 #1
Chapter 9: I've reread this a few times, but it's still so good! Excited
Chapter 8: Hope for jeongmi more interaction..
Chapter 8: oh i can't wait for the next chapter
NiceFishy #4
Chapter 7: Woah didnt expect that. im very excited for the next chapter

its sad that few read this, but its such an amazing story

keep it up! :D
DubuDahyunFan #5
Chapter 5: Tea ?
Ooooh looking forward
Chapter 2: Wow! this is interesting..i like it. Thank you!.. Hoping for more updates..