Chapter One


I'll just wait to make sure he's doing alright...

You thought to yourself, slouched over with your head in your hands as you sit in the hallway outside of Baekhyun's hospital room. As you stare at the closed door you replay the day's events over in your mind.

It was a normal Thursday, which was your favorite day of the week. The reason being that you only had one class to attend on Thursdays and afterward, you had the rest of the day to do whatever you wanted. You had just gotten out of class and were walking into the campus coffee shop when, like clockwork, you saw himByun Baekhyun. This was another reason you loved Thursdays.

You had a massive crush on Baekhyun ever since you laid eyes on him in this same coffee shop, but you hadn't yet built up the courage to approach him. Instead, you would just watch from afar. On Thursdays, you discovered that you could always find Baekhyun in the campus coffee shop at this exact time immersed in whatever was on his laptop at a small table in the corner of the room. You made it a habit of yours to study here after class on Thursdays at a table near the window that had a perfect view of the apple of your eye. You always stayed until a little after he left, watching him from the window as he rode away on his bike.

Today was no different. You walked into the shop and he was at his normal table, you took a seat at your's after ordering your usual iced caramel macchiato. You watched him walk out of the cafe and get on his bike. The difference today was that as you watched him ride away, you witnessed his bike slip on the icy sidewalk, the bike flying out sideways from underneath him as he was thrown to the ground. Mortified, you ran out of the cafe to help him. He had hit his head hard enough to where he was unconscious and you noticed a small amount of blood dripping down his face.

That was how you ended up here at the hospital. You had rushed him into the emergency room begging for someone to help him. As you watched him being rushed into surgery a nurse came up to you to calm you down.

"Miss everything is going to be okay. Please wait here and we'll tell you when your boyfriend is out of surgery."

You were so panicked that you didn't even realize the nurse's mistake of calling Baekhyun your boyfriend. You simply sat down and waited.

Which brings you back here. Waiting in front of Baekhyun's hospital room for a nurse or doctor to tell you if he has woken up yet. Suddenly you hear muffled voices from inside and you perk up. You are only able to catch the last part of the conversation which you made out to be Your girlfriend is out in the hall... 

Girlfriend. You liked the way that sounds. Baekhyun's girlfriend. You wished that were the case but sadly, this would be your first time actually talking to the boy. As the door slides open you stand up to properly address the doctor.

"He's awake and doing well now. Everything looks good! I just want to warn you that he could possibly have amnesia so please don't be upset if he doesn't recognize you. It will wear off eventually so don't worry too much about his initial reaction when he sees you. It doesn't mean he loves you any less!"

"Um, actually I'm not..." before you could tell the doctor you weren't dating Baekhyun he was already walking away. I guess it doesn't matter what the doctor thinks as long as Baekhyun knows the truth. I'll explain that I'm not his girlfriend and maybe we can start to get to know each other.

You carefully make your way through the door to see him laying on the hospital bed. Even bandaged up he looked godly and it made your heart race. He stared at you in confusion, taking in your presence quietly. Uncomfortable with the silence you open your mouth to say something when he smiles radiantly at you causing you to pause.

"Hello, beautiful," he says in a voice as sweet as honey.



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