We Always Together

We Always Together [Another Ending]

7 year later...

No Other PoV

A women sat alone while reading a book in a playground. Glasses she used to cover her beautiful eyes. Sometimes she turned her attention from her book to the kids who were playing not far from where she sat and a beautiful smile on her face. One of the little boy looked at the women and waved his hand toward her and a smile plastered on his face. The girl smiled and waved back to the little boy. After that, the little boy went back playing with his friends.

'He really look like you yeobo....'

She smiled and look to the sky , it was getting dark and the sun began to sink.

'I think it's time for back to home..'

"Yoogeun-ah come on, we must back now...."
"Nde, omma.... Annyeong chingudeul...."


"It's time for sleep yoogeun-ah..."
"Nde, nde... Arrasso omma... But, omma i want talk to appa.." Yoogeun pout and that's just make her mom smiled.
"You can do that tomorrow, okay??"

"Okay... Good night omma..."

"Good night..."

The women close the door behind her and walk to living room for wait her husband. She take her phone and try to call someone.


Tuut... tuutt.. tut-


"Yoboseyo yeobbo.."


"Yoboseyo.. Minho-ah, why did you not come home yet??? Yoogeun looking for you.."


"Mianhae, yoong.. I think i will be late for back to home.. I still have one schedule before i finish my job for today.. Just tell him i'm sorry and i love him.."


"Minho-ah, what time you'll come home??"


"I think i will be back at midnight.."


"Okay.. I will wait you come home.."


"Are you sure yoong... I think you must take a rest.. No need to wait me back to home..."


"Naahhh... I will waiting you since i have something to tell you.."


"Okay.. I will finish my job soon... See you at home, yoong..."


"Saranghae minnie...."


"Nado saranghae... yoong...."


Yoona smile while she close her phone.Yeah, that's yoona, Im Yoona. She have son now and yoogeun is minho son. You maybe curious where minho right?? If he live why he's not with yoona and yoogeun?? It's because minho work as a model, he really populer now and that's made his time with his family reduce. After what happen in their wedding party, minho was taken to hospital. Yoona still remember what happen that day in the hospital, she still clear remember what doctor said to her. Minho needed to have surgery or he couldn't be saved anymore. It's up to yoona now because her minho wife.


"Miss Choi, it's up to you if you want your husband take a surgery..."

"What if he not take a surgery??" Yoona asked awhile she look to his husband pale face.

"He will die.... But if he take surgery maybe we could save his live and exted his time.. But.."

"But.. what doctor??"

"There are consequences..."

"What that doctor??" Yoona can feel she start to panic.

"Calm down Miss Choi... He had amnesia or coma or the worst your husband could die.."

Yoona froze after hear what the doctor said, she confusse now. If she said 'no' minho will die but if she said 'yes' minho still have a change but maybe he will forget yoona, their love and their relationship. She don't want minho to leave her but she scare to if minho not remember her. It's will be hurt for yoona but if that for minho shake she will doing anything. If minho forget about her, she will help minho for remember about her, their love and their relationship. She will always beside minho although minho don't want her to stay beside him.

"I take the surgery, uisa... When you do that??" Yoona said steadily.


Yoona sit beside unconscious minho, she held minho hand tigh afraid to let him go. It's already one week after minho surgery but minho is unconscious as well. The doctor said minho surgery run well and everything will be okay.

Suddenly yoona feel minho make a little move and slowly minho eyes open.


"Minho-ah.. How you feel??"

Yoona asked minho while her hand pressing the button for the nurse.

"I'm fine..... Just my head a little spinning.." Minho held his head.

"It's okay, yeobbo.. Doctor said it's will be gone soon.. I will call appa and eomma.."

"Thanks... Anyway.. Who are you??? Am i know you??"



When yoona remmeber that day, she still can feel her paint. It's hurt when the man you love not remember you, it's hurt when the man you love asked who you are, it's still hurt when he not believed you and think that you lying to him. Yoona still remember that day when she look how confuse minho when his parents tell him, he already married. But, yoona grateful because minho still alive and about their memories yoona sure minho will be remember all of that.

After minho wake up, yoona always beside him. Like a little kid minho ask yoona so much question like  where his school, whose his friend, how their meet, when and where minho said he love to yoona, how their first date, and etc. Yonna answered all of minho question with wide smile coz minho want to know about their relationship. She even brought a photo album containing their memories into the hospital, she showed the items minho had given to her. Yoona does it all slowly because she didn't want to hurt minho. She knows when someone too pushy to make amnesia people to remember everything is going to hurt the person and she don't want to do that.

When minho finally get out from hospital, yoona brought minho to their house. For the first, minho don't want but he knows he's already married and he need to remember everything he wanted to know. Yoona brought minho to every place their ever visit, tell minho their story in that place. And oneday when yoona brought minho to the place where minho propose her, she really shock and happy in the same time with what minho said. Everytime yoona remember that day she always smile.


Yoona get out from their car and she smiled looking to the restaurant. She look toward minho and she can look minho face change a bit.

"Waeyo, minho-ah??"

"I-i don't know... I just think this place special for me but i don't know why..." Minho tell yoona.

"This place really special for you minho-ah and for me too.."

"Waeyo??" Minho ask.

"That's because you propose to me in this restaurant.." Yoona give minho her answered with wide smile.

She can't hide her happiness coz minho have special feeling to this restaurant.


"Nde... Now come on, i'm hungry.." Yoona held minho hand and want enter the restaurant, but minho stop yoona in her place.

"Waeyo minie.. Ah, i mean minho-ah.."

Since minho not remember who yoona for him, he ask yoona for just call him 'minho' not 'minnie' coz he still feel strange with yoona although he know he have a special thing with yoona.

"Mianhae..." Minho just can said that.

"For what actually??"

Yoona can look how sad minho now and she just can ask him what happen.

"For everything yoong.... I-i know this verry hurt for you coz i'm not remember anything about you and our relationship but i want to know what happen between us and i'm happy you in there for help me... Gomawo yoong..."  Minho give yoona a little smile and for yoona his smile really beautiful.

"Gwenchana mini- ah i mean minho-ah... It's okay.. I can handle it.." Said yoona.

"Yoong... You can call me 'minnie' if you like that.. Like you allowed me call you just 'yoong'.. You said we like to call like that, right??"

"Nde... Gomawo minnie-ah... Saranghae..." Yoona huged minho tigh, she feel happy coz finally minho have a progress. She sure minho can remember everything soon and she hope that not to long.

"Nado saranghae..." Minho huged yoona back and gave her a kiss in her lips. And that's little action can make yoona feel happy coz that for the first time minho give her kiss and hug after minho woke up from coma and yoona sure minho love her again and thats make yoona crying of happiness.

Minho wipe yoona tears with his thump and take yoona hand.



That's beautiful day for yoona and her smile where ever she remember that day. Minho give a big progress after that day, he start to remember his past although to get all of them make him suffer from a painfull headache but as long yoona beside him, he sure he can walk past all of that. Minho get back all of his memories because one accident and that day he almost lost yoona. That accident give two damage for both of them, first minho can remember his past and yoona was afraid to cross the street.



Yoona and minho just finish their shoping and want back to their house when yoona suddenly remember she must take her order from chocolate shop.

"Minnie.. I forget to buy something...." Said yoona.

"What that?? Come on we go get that..." Said minho.

"NO!!! I just can take that alone coz the shop just across the street.. Just wait in here arraso i'll be back (sing 2PM : I'll be back... : ) )

Before yoona get minho answer she run away from  minho and lucky her at the same time the red ligh turn on. Minho who look yoona disapear just can smiled. He wait yoona in the near cafe and order lemon tea, his favorite drink. Ten minute later minho finished his drink coz he saw yoona from a far. He get out from the cafe after payed his drink, he stand beside the street and look yoona on the other side of the street. Yoona, who look minho just smile and wafe her hand toward minho when the other smiled back. When the traffic lamp change to red light yoona sprint to a middle of the road without realise thats one car run toward her with high speed, it's look like the driver under alcohol effect. Yoona realise the car when the car is near, yoona can feel her body tremble and she can't move form her place so she just close her eyes and wait the car ht her body.

Minho in the other hand tried to help yoona, but when he want to run he feel so much pain in his head. All of things around him start to spin, he feld so dizzy. The pain really hurt and that's came together with his memories. He tried to fight the pain and running toward yoona, he know how important yoona for him, he know when and where their first day, he know their first fight, their first kiss, their first skinship. He know all of that now coz he finally got his memories.

Minho catch yoona on time, their fall to tthe side road. Yoona can feel someone bread in his face and he can feel a warm when she hug her savior. When she look toward her savior and realise that's minho. Minho open his eyes and look to yoona, he happy yoona alright.

"I'm happy you alright..." With that minho passing out.

"Minnie?? Minnie.. wake up... Somebody help me!!!" Yoona felt so worried and guilty in the same time coz she make minho jump in accident.


"He's okay Ms. Choi.. Don't worry, he just tired.. I think he have headache before he help you and that's pain to much for him to handle. But coz he really worried about you so he fight the pain and when he can't take it anymore he fall.."

"What you mean with pain, uisa??"

"I think he remember something or more.. When amnesia people start to remember his past he will feel some headache.. So don't worry.."

"Gomawo, uisa..."

When minho wake up, yoona crying beside him and appologize.

"Minnie..." Yoona feel so happy when minho wake up.

"Are you okay??? You not injured right??" asked minho with concern face.

"Nde.. I'm okay.."said yoona don't dare to looked to minho eyes.

"Good...Huhh... You always like to make me so worried.. Are you need to take a risk just for make me got my memories back?? If that a 'yes', chukae you successful..." said minho annoyed but he chukle in the end.

"Mwo?? You mean, yo-you...." Said yoona in a shock.

"Nde, yeobbo.. Chukaeyo..." Said minho kissing yoona head and give yoona a tigh hug.


Yoona smile when she remember that memories, she feel so happy coz his minho finally back. The incident have two means for yoona, first minho remember everything and second she not dare to across the street alone.

She look toward the clock and surprise when she look what time is it.

"It's look like i must prepare his dinner now.." yoona tough.

When yoona finished made a dinner, their main door open and someone step from behind the door. Yoona smile when she look who's come.

"I'm home..." said minho.

"Hi, yeobbo..." Yoona hug minho and kiss minho lips.

"Why you still awake?? I already told you to go sleep first, right??" asked minho.

"What i not tell you i will waiting you?? Now, go take a bath after that come to here.!!" order yoona.

"Yes mom!!! said minho with chukle.



"You look so hungry.. Are they not give you eat???"

"They give me but it's not delicious like yours.." said minho.

Minho and yoona cuddle in their bed now, they'tr really like the other companie.

"Minho...." said yoona still lay in minho chest.

"What that yoong???"

"Are you love me???"

"What thats means??"

"Just answer..."

"Of course i love you... Don't think i'm not love you anymore..." said minho.

"I know.." said yoona smile to her self.


"So... If my body change like i'm being fat and can back to normal again, are you still love me?? If i'm not beautiful anymore, are you still love me??" Yoona ask minho with curious.

"Of course i do yoong.. Silly... Why you suddenly ask me that??" Said minho.

"Because i'm pregnant."


"2 weeks."


Said yoona with smile still she head in minho chest.


Minho who hear that surprise and tried to cofirm the information before he jump from their bed with joy.


"Yippie.... I will become a dad again... Yeh!!!" Minho jump around their room and make funny dance. Yoona who look her husband like little child just laugh.

"hahaha.. Stop that minnie-ah.. You will make yoogeunie wake up.." said yoona from their bed.

Minho run toward yoona give her a tigh hug and kiss all of yoona face and that's success make yoona gigle like school girl.

"If he wake up.. I'm sure he will happy when he hear the news..." Said minho while he kiss yoona ears.

"What you want, minnie.. A girl or a boy??

"I want both of them.."

So you want twins??"


"Just pray thats twins..."said yoona.

"Yoong... I love you... I hope i can beside you always and forever..." said minho.

"I love you too minnie and i wouldn't leave you too..." said yoona.

"So.. promise me, you wouldn't leave me and always stay beside me forever..." Said minho give his pinkie for make pinkie promise.

"I'm promise we always together forever.." said yoona and their make a pinkie promise.

Their cuddle to each other again and their really enjoyed the silence between them. their hand never leave the other hand and  the other hand hug the other with love. Their really tired and start to falling sleep when minho finaly speak.

"Yoong... Can you give me twins every years coz i want to make our soccer team??" said minho with sleepy voice.

"Mwo???" Yoona who listen to minho request open her eyes immediately and look toward minho who already fall sleep.

"Aish.... I will ask him tomorrow.." Said yoona annoyed because minho make her can't sleep again.


Yeah... Finally this story end. I hope all of you like this story.. I'm sorry i need a long time to post this coz i have a little accident when i made this story... Sorry for my bad english and my bad story. I want to say thank you so much to all my reader and especially to my subscribers.. You support really important to me.. And please leave your comment guys coz i need nto know how you think about this story..


Love ChoiKhatyMin90 ^^


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Chapter 1: "Can I have a twins every year?" "I want to make a soccer team" so cute!!!
Chapter 1: because he wants a soccer team XD
MinYoon<3 great story!
BabyGee #3
wah , happy ending <3 . but i just really curious , did they get boys or girls ?? Heheee
Funny ending, hahahaha
so dorky minho :))
minyoon <3