I'm used to hate you...


Ryeowook's a 18 years old boy. He's going to Incheon's Public High School. He hated it. Everyday was hell for him.
Wondering why?
All because of the popular boys at school. They keep on calling him names, rejecting him, and even bullying him. All that because of his uality. He preferes boys over girls. Everybody loves who/what they want, no?

His mom started to date a man, and she invited him to come for dinner. Ryeowook wasn't satisfied and he knew that EVERYTHING will turn wrong. Not to be mean toward his mom, but he had the feeling.

When Mrs. Kim's new boyfriend arrived, Ryeowook opened the door to welcome him, but imidiately got frozed. There's one thing his mom haven't told him; this man have a son. He wasn't expecting it at all.

He ran to his room and closed the door behind him. He was really mad.

Who's this boy?
Does he knew him or he's mad at his mom, who haven't told him about Mr. Kim's son's?
Will the two boys be good toward each other?


Annyeonghaseyo! ^^
New writter here~ :3

A/N: Ryeowook's kind of the main character.

Please, someone tell me if there's any mistakes? ^^'
English's my 2nd language so... yeah. ><

Is anyone's good at posters?
I really don't know how to do some... D: *hides*

Hm, thank you for support~
Annyeong! :)


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Wookie's mommy is such a troll xD
Ouh! Yewook! I love that pairing! :)
I love this story too! Hwaiting~! ^^
At last you updated it! ^^
Well, though no YeWook moments here, I still like it. You make me curios about who is Mr Kim here.. :D
Maybe he is ... Ah, whoever. But I'm sure he is one of SuJu member. ;)
And to see how nervous Wookie's mother can be, it's so funny! ^^
Hehhe.. X)
Please update soon! ^^
..I am really wondering if that Mr. Kim is Yeye's father..
Ah, one more thing.
I like the pictures!! XD
OMG, the drama has just been started, hasn't it? :D
I like this update, this clearly shows why Wookie doesn't want a new father. Though, I'm still curios why the last man attacked them. Did he plan on a robbery? 0.o
Anyway, this is good. Please update soon since I am reaaaaaaaaalllly curious with the new father of Wookie... ^0^
Hwaiting! :D
Poor Wookie! I hope his mothers' new mate is a good person *^^*
Hhaha.. Poor Ryeowook... X)
Yesung was too happy that he unintentionally ignored Wookie.. X)
And Wookie's reaction is just oh-so-cute! ^^

This chapter is really full of cute things.. I like that.. :D

Hmm.. Who will be the father? I'm curious.. ;)
Hhaha... Hope it will be more interesting in the next chapter. :)
Keep up the good work! Hwaiting! ^^
happy day to me. *hahahahahahahaha*

YEWOOK ;)>.)

looovv ur writting. the pic is......... cute >.~
so cute~