
Vain [Revised]
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I will be MIA for the next few weeks for finals, and finishing up my final projects for classes! Please be understanding about this >< I promise I'm not running away! 
Thank you <3

Jaehee’s POV:
"Are you crazy?!" said Mark and Jin at the same time. After telling them that I had found my parents’ murderer, who he is and that I was going to go after him, they disagreed with me.

"Wake up, Jeon Jaehee!" Said Jin as he shook me, "Do you think taking him down is going to be easy?! He's a ing mafia! He’s the real deal! We’re just kids! You can’t go after him. What are you going to do? If he’s what you say…You’re going to die."

“Yah!” Mark says as he hits Jin on the shoulder. He looks at me, "Jaehee, don't jump to conclusion. You can't do this on your own. We, Seokjin and I, can help." said Mark, "If you don't want any of the others to get hurt, then understand us that we don't want you to get hurt either."

"Mark's right! Plus, it's wrong if we keep it away from the others. You should know that they care about you also. Stop being so selfish! We don't want you to get-"

"If you two don't want me to get hurt then stay out of this!" I shout back. I breathed heavily as they both looked at me, stunned. "BTS is family, and GOT7 is friends. To me, if anything happens to you guys, I'll be physically and mentally hurt! It will be a scar on me that I'll never forgive myself for getting you guys involve. Please understand me. I couldn't protect my parents, and I'm at the end of my rope of protecting Jungkook. I know won't be able to have the strength to protect him, therefore I won't be able to protect either of you. So please, please just do as I say."

"Tsk." Both Jin and Mark turned away from me with their arms crossed against their chest.

"I promise...I promise I'll be fine. I promise I'll come back." They looked at me and I stared up to the two of them, "I'll never leave you guys. I promise no matter what, I'll come back...Because…Well heck, it’s because you guys are where I call home."

The night ended quietly. They didn't clearly come to an agreement with me, but they also didn't clearly come to a disagreement either. Jin had asked Mark to tell their parents that he was going to stay at a friend’s house for the night. He and I walked home, like how it used to be. I missed these kinds of walks. I walked a few feet ahead as Jin followed behind.

When we arrived, Hoseok and Jungkook were both outside. "Oh, Hyung!" waved Jungkook. I could see Hoseok giving Jin a glare. I didn't bother asking what was wrong. Probably Jin leaving got the best of us. We all were so close, and now we all feel so incomplete with one person gone.

"Are you okay?" Hoseok asks me.

"Hm," I nodded.

"He didn't anything to you did he?" I shook my head at his question.

"Noona, what took you so long?" Jungkook asked.

"Sorry, I just felt a little down, so I was grabbing myself a drink from Wooyoung." Jungkook scanned me from top to bottom. "Don't worry, I'm not drunk. I'm perfectly fine." I ruffled his hair. "I'm going in first. I tired, and I have a big day tomorrow."

"Big day?" Said Jungkook. Ignoring him, I left inside immediately. I didn't feel like talking any further.

Jin had followed me inside also. He left into the boy's room to change into something comfortable, since he was in a suit. I laid on the floor as I made my arm as a pillow. I rested the other arm on top of my forehead and stared into the darkness. "Omma, appa, please look after me and Jungkook." I prayed as I closed my eyes.

"We will." I thought I heard it wrong. I sat up immediately to scan the room. I slowly backed into the closest corner to me and hugged my knees. A chill suddenly ran up my spine. Was that dad's voice? I pulled my blanket closer to me. The room was feeling colder, but with little warmth. I wasn't going crazy, was I? I jumped the moment I heard the doorknob twist, and Jin entered.

He switches on a nightlight that Jungkook and I had in our room. "I thought you were tired." He said as he settled down beside me.

"I am," I answered. "I thought I heard something though, but I guess it was just my imaginations.”

"And that is?"

"Nothing," I said resting back down. "It's nothing." I turned so that my back would be facing him and closed my eyes. Go to sleep, Jaehee, go to sleep. I told myself. I jumped a bit as a pair of arms were wrapped around me.

"Good night." Whispered Jin as he had his face in my hair.

Within seconds, I fell asleep. The next morning, I awoke to Jungkook's snoring. Jin was nowhere to be found. He wasn't in the lounge, or in the balcony. He wasn't sleeping with the other boys, and they weren't awake either. "He probably left back home," I mumbled as I headed to the bathroom. Suddenly, the bathroom door opened and a top half Jin appeared, startling me. "Aish! You scared me!" I said as I slap his arm.

Jin chuckled. "Good morning."

"Move! I need to use the bathroom!"

Jin laughed as I pushed him aside, "You seem to be in a good mood today."

"Psh, shut up!" I slammed the door and leaned against it. I've seen Jin like that before, but why does this time feels so different? I felt my face, it was burning up. I shook myself out of any thoughts that would distract me. "Get a hold of yourself, Jeon Jaehee." I said.

When I came out of the bathroom, Jungkook had woken up...ALSO shirtless. I rolled my eyes at both Jin and him as they looked around the kitchen for something to eat. "Will you two put on a goddamn shirt!?" I shouted. "We have a girl living under this roof also alright!" They both looked at me then to each other.

"Noona, what the hell?" Laughed Jungkook. "We're always like this," he took an apple from the counter and took a bite out of it. "And we have no more food."

I scoffed, "When did we ever have food?" I went in the room and came out with two shirts. I threw it at Jin and Jungkook. "Put it on. We're going grocery shopping. Jin's buying."

"Yes!" cheered Jungkook. Jin chuckled and shook his head as they both put on their shirts.

"We need ramen," said Jungkook as we entered the grocery store, "Lots of ramen noodles, oh! And we mustn't forget sea eel! Hyung we need to get sea eel!" He jumped up and down as he clings onto Jin's arm.

"Yah, you're supposed to be asking me." I said as I grabbed a cart.

"But noona you're not buying." I glared over at him and scoffed. I raised my hand as a threat and he immediately hid himself behind Jin. Jungkook stuck his tongue out to me and that’s when I lost it.

"Yah! Come here!" I said as I tried to catch him. We both played around Jin as he laughed at us.

"Alright, stop it you two!" said Jin, "Let's hurry up and get our things before the others wake up hungry."

"I'll head to the ramen aisle, you two can go get Jungkook's sea eel." I said as I gave Jungkook a playful nudge on his head. He chuckled at me. "That way, it'll be much quicker."

"Hmm, okay. See you at cash register 5." He winked and I gave him thumbs up as they walked away.

"Make sure Jungkook doesn't choose out any other things!" I called to them. Jin waved as Jungkook stuck out his tongue to me again. I let out a small laugh before heading to the ramen section. I stood in front of the variety of ramen, deciding which ones have we tried, and which ones we haven't. "This." I smiled as I picked out a few red wrapper noodles. I even got some of the veggie noodles. Not sure how the boys are going to feel about it, but I think we can deal with a small change in our health.

"Miss Jeon ssi?" I turned myself around to face a few men. "Jeon Jaehee ssi, right?"

I raised an eyebrow at them. "Yes. Who are you guys?"

He bowed. "Excuse our sudden appearance. There's someone who would like to speak with you. If you would please, come with us."

"I'm sorry but I don't leave with strangers."

"Mr. Kim is not a stranger to you," he said. Mr. Kim? Mark and Jin's dad? "I'm sure you know who I'm talking about now. So, if you would please." He did a slight bow along with having his hand gesture the way. I sighed knowing I had no way out of it.

Obediently, I followed them forgetting that Jin and Jungkook were still in the store. I climbed into the tented car, sitting in the back seat by myself. For a moment I thought these men were with Cho Songha, then again, their attitudes were different.

Mark's car was nowhere to be found when I arrived at their big mansion. I'm guessing he had gone out because neither him nor Jin likes to stay home.

"This way." Said the same man that had talked to me earlier. I followed him into the mansion, and we came upon both mothers.

"Jeon Jaehee," said Mark's mom, "Why, what a surprise. Are you looking for Mark?"

I was about to answer, but fortunately their dad answered for me instead. "No," he says as he stepped out of his office. "I told them to bring her here.”

"What?" said both moms. They looked to each other then to me.

When their dad went back inside his office, it was a cu

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