Chapter 11


Lisa look at Jennie as they both read the notes for the Roseanne Park. They saw a pending discharge order from Dr. Kang. 


"That can't be.. the patient is far from stable why is she sending her home?" The young doctor said out loud as she read the patient file again, muttering some curses as she scan through it. 


"Actually the patient is currently stable.. well not really in a good shape but stable." Jennie corrected with a sigh. 


"This is plain stupid"


"There's a request from the patient.. VIPs usually do this"


"That's why I'm saying this is stupid." Lisa spat almost angrily as she closes the file in a very rough manner.


Jennie look at her in confusion. "Why are you being so worked up all of a sudden?"


Lisa didn't answer as she head to elevator of the VIP wing.


"Yah! Seriously!" Jennie jogged behind her.


"That girl will die because of her stubborness." Lisa whispered but her friend is close enough to hear her.


"Well, the patient is refusing every treatment Seul is offering.." Dr. kim said as they enter the elevator. "Honestly what's the use of her staying here in the hospital if we cant do anything for her? She's better off at home.. it decrease the risk of nosocomial infection-" 


"No. She cant." Lisa cuts her and glare at the shorter woman.


"Patients can refuse treatments.. It's their right"


"Well she can be stupid.. but not on my watch" 


Jennie furrowed her brows, her friend has been acting really weird with this specific patient. "She is not your Patient Dr. Manoban" she carefully reminded her. 


Lisa just look at her but didn't say anything.. as soon as the elevator opened she stormed forward leaving Jennie behind.


Jisoo was just staring blankly as she watched their helpers packed their belongings from Chaeyoung's suite. They were just currently waiting for the doctors that will discharge her sister. She could only sigh they have stayed in this place for almost a month, her sister's condition improved despite her unwillingness to cooperate.. as her symptoms can be controlled by her medication at home for the mean time.. there's really no reason to stay in the hospital, she just hope that her sister's decisions will turned for the better when they get back home. She will turn heaven and hell just to get her the transplant that she needs.. She just need to make her realize that she must choose to live. Her thoughts were cut off when her sister came out from her bathroom.


"You look very beautiful. " She complimented her sister, she no longer wearing the hospital pajamas and the oversized robe that she's been sporting for the past 3 weeks. She's wearing her usual clothing, a white dress that bare her pale shoulders and sneakers.. her sister is always been the more feminine daughter between the two of them, Chaeyoung enjoys wearing flowy dresses, pretty ribbons and dainty jewelries like what their mother put on her since she was a little kid. She looks like Miss Roseanne of the Kim Manor again. 


"Am I? or you just forgot how I look outside the hospital?" gave her a smile as she painted her lips in her favourite shade of pink.. to conceal her paleness. There's nothing much she could do but a little bit of color on her face is a great help already. 


Jisoo moved silently beside her and reach for the hairbrush laying on her bedside table. She started to comb her sister's long hair gently. "I mean it Chaeyoung ah.."


"Well you are the most beautiful.. everybody knows that." The blonde smiled as she turned to her sister. "Thank you Unnie.. for allowing me to go home.."


Jisoo forced herself to smile back as she hold her sister's face.. a great part of her doesn't want Chaeyoung to return back home yet, she still fear for her safety.. She cant handle the thought of her having another attack, as her current attacks are far more worse than before. But then Dr. Kang and her agreed that it will better not to put pressure on Chaeyoung as of the moment. 


"I will do anything for you.." Jisoo whispered.. 


Chaeyoung could feel her sadness in her sister's voice.. she knew that she's putting her sister in pain but she cant do anything about it. She was about to speak again when the door opened abruptly. 


Both sisters and their two attendants stopped and look at the tall doctor who is looking straightly at the blonde girl. Her face is serious... It was almost dark.


"Dr. Manoban!" Chaeyoung smiled brightly despite of the Doctor's expression. She haven't seen the woman for how many days now, she's almost afraid that she will never see her again due to their last meeting.


Lisa walks straight towards them, she glance at Jisoo briefly before looking at the blonde girl again. "You're aware that you are not ok to go home? Right? not without any required labarotary results that apparently you all refused." Her tone is accusing.


Jisoo just watched the two with her brows rising unconsciously.


"Well.. I feel all better now and Dr. Kang said-"


"I don't care what she said! And you just let her?!" Lisa turned to the older woman on the side. Jisoo could only look back, Lisa's eyes connected to hers with so much emotion going on.. Jisoo sensed anger, disbelief and disappointment all at once. 


'Very... Interesting.' Jisoo thought to herself. As she never seen Lisa with this kind of range before.


"Oh for Goodness sake! Dr. Manoban what the hell are you doing?!" Another voice was heared from the door. Where a very concerned Jennie appered, she then walk inside the room and pull the other doctor back to give the sisters space. 


"I'm very sorry.. Ms. Kim right?" Jennie stammered in front of the patient's sister. She gave the woman an uneasy smile. Everyone who doesn't live under a rock knew who Kim Jisoo is.. She's one of the most influencial women in asia as of the moment... and she cant believe that her friend will act like that infront of the head of the biggest conglomerate of the country. 


The Woman just look at her without saying anything, she looks very intimidating. the doctor cleared and decided to introduce herself "I'm Dr. Jennie Kim.. I'm very sorry about Dr. Manoban actions just now.."


"The are you sorry for." The younger Doctor voiced out rather loudly than a whispher, enough to make Jennie's eyes wide. 

She nervously look  at Jisoo expecting her to get mad and yell at them and get her stupid friend's license. But instead the woman just gave her a small smile, with a hint of amusement on her tired eyes. 


"She's my sister's friend.. I don't mind." Jisoo said as she put her sister's hair brush on the side.


"R-Really?" Jennie asked as she looks back at her friend still wearing her grim expression and the very pretty girl sitting on the patient's bed. 


"Yes, really.." Jisoo said again with a smile. "Did Dr. Kang endorse my sister's discharge on you?"


Lisa glared at Jisoo again but didn't say anything more.


"Ah... yeah. Actually.." Dr. Kim nodded.


"Talk to me outside please. " the older woman said.. she also nodded to the two helpers who immediately went out of the room.


"Ok Miss Kim.." Jennie could only agree before she starts to move.


"Do you want to talk to my sister Dr. Monoban?" Jisoo asked the younger doctor with a knowing look. Lisa just look at her, she gave her a pat on her shoulder. 


"take your time.." Jisoo looks at her sister who is looking at the Doctor. She left the two alone, she cant put her finger on it yet but she has a feeling that there will be something different that was about to happen. Suddenly she felt hopeful..that it will be for the better.


"I hate to tell you this.. but you look really mean just now." The blonde girl speaks moments after the door shut close. "Are you ok?" she asked as she rose from her bed and face the doctor who is awfully silent.


Lisa was about to say things when she realized that the girl looks very different now. It's her first time to see her in a more casual clothing, she must admit that she find her pretty even on her hospital robes but what a drastic difference it made when she is wearing something that actually fits and flaterring. She's almost breath taking.


"Are you wearing make up?" the Doctor asked almost stupidly as she stare at Chaeyoung's face.


"A little, Does it look bad?" The girl's face turned conscious.


Lisa didn't answer, she sighed and close her eyes to clear her thoughts. She cursed herself for getting distracted by the girl's looks.. Yeah she looks really good but she still about to do something really stupid. 'You are annoyed at her Lisa! Focus' She reminded herself.


The patient just watch her as she waited for her reply. 


Lisa opened her eyes and look at her straightly. "So this is your plan? Go home and wait till you die?"


The girl walk towards the window.. avoiding the look that the Doctor is giving her. Maybe she said too much when they last talk, she doesn't want her to look at her in a judging way. She grew rather fond of the doctor, its very weird but somehow she's bothered at the thought that Dr. Manoban will think poorly of her..


But she knows its already too late for that..


"You're so desperate to die, is that it?" Lisa asked more harshly this time.


"Ofcourse not.."


"Then why are you doing this?" 


"I think you misunderstood me.. I'm not suicidal.. It's not that I dont value my life. for me every breath I take now is precious." Chaeyoung turned her vision far ahead of her. "I just want to go home and start to do things that I want that the hospital wont allow"


"You're subjecting yourself in danger, for someone who's not suicidal you are making very stupid decisions! Not only you are refusing treatments that could help you, now you're just making your time significantly shorter!" Lisa almost yelled in frustration.


"I believe that everything has a time on this world.. No matter how I resist it, what is about to happen will happen. If its my time to go, I might as well accept it.. and live my remaining days to the fullest" she said solemnly.


"You made it sound so easy." Lisa said sarcasticly 


The blonde girl sigh.. " It's never easy.. how could it be, when I'm so afraid?" 


The doctor went silent.


"I'm scared Dr. Manoban.." The blonde girl finally look back at the other woman. "But there are far more worse feeling than my fear of death itself.." 


Chaeyoung just smiled at her weakly.. "I can no longer stand inflicting pain to the person who loves me. I told you that already.."





Thank you for reading guys.💕

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little_spitfire #1
Chapter 12: Hi authornim. Just recently found this wonderful masterpiece of yours. I like how you make the story short for us to look forward for more and how the story plays and how you portray every character. I'm hoping you'll continue this story someday. But most of all hoping that all is well on your end. Stay safe and Thank you for this story. 😊
Chapter 12: Hope you can still find time to update this.
Chapter 10: Shed so much tears....
Banane30 #4
Chapter 12: This story is so great i hope you can find the time to continue this
Laboli #5
Chapter 12: Author nim I really need an update but I hope you’re still eating healthy and sleeping on time.
Chapter 12: Where are you author-nim, hope you are healthy.
Chapter 12: Where are you author-nim, hope you are healthy.
Chapter 12: Reading all chapter just one go!!
The story is amazing!
Thanks for updating author ^^
Chapter 12: Please update as soon as possible! When I was reading this I cried like six times... It's really sad and beautiful at the same time. Really good story that I have read in a long time. Thank you author and please update <3
BaristaLR #10
Chapter 11: Cant wait for the updates...tq for this beautiful storyline so fat