Hospital trip

A 2min Valentine

Minho stood in the doorway, staring as his lover fell to the floor in front of his eyes. He couldn't believe it, was this reality?

He had never thought something like this would happen, especially not on valentine's day. As he came back to his senses,

he ran to the fallen boy on the ground and picked him up, shaking him frantically. "Taemin? Taemin! Open your eyes, please!

Come on, baby!" Minho yelled, tears falling down his cheeks as he lifted the younger boy into his arms. Common sense fled

his mind as he ran out of the door, barefoot and panicking.

What do i do? What do i do?

He did the only thing that came to mind; he ran to the hospital. Driving, it was a 5 minute car ride. Running barefoot with an 

unconscious boy in your arms, it was a 15 minute run. But, Minho was a soccer player for all of High school, Middle school and

a small part of elementary. 

He knew he could make it.

Speeding up to his maximum speed, Minho finally arrived at the hospital.

"HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME, PLEASE! My boyfriend fainted and i don't know why! HELP!!!" He screamed as tears fell down

his cheeks once again, faster than before. Reluctantly, he let a male nurse take the love of his life and place him on a stretcher

and take him to the operation room to be examined. A female nurse came up to the exhausted soccer player and asked,

"Your barefoot, may i bandage your feet? You don't want them to get infected..." she has asked quietly, almost as if she was

scared to talk to him. He looked between her and where the doctors had disappeared with Taemin before nodding at her silently. 

She lead him to her office on the other end of the hall and sat him on the bed, disinfecting and bandaging his feet. Minho almost

couldn't feel anything she did. His mind was on Taemin; what happened? Why did he faint? Will he be okay? 

Soon, Tears came to the big man's eyes and he refused to cry again; he knew Taemin hated to see him cry. He blinked them 

away and looked at the nurse who had just finished his feet. He gave her a dead smile and got up from the bed, walking

to the waiting room and sat down on the chair closest to where they took his love.


He would wait as long as he needed to.

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LifeisSushi #1
I wish my valentines day would last that long
lolwhat8422 #3
So excited for more! Looks so great so far !!
Chapter 5: Oh by the way nice sorry
Chapter 5: Tae being sick makes me sad
Chapter 5: I cried a little
ummior #8
Omg!!! I loved it!!! It was amazing and very dramatic!!! But it was an excellent story author-nim!!!
Its lovely! :D Update soon ^^