Horrible News

A 2min Valentine

Taemin had been feeling horrible all week. He had incredible pain in his body and he didnt know why or how.

He had went to the hospital early Monday morning and got test after test done until about 3 pm that day. Minho had

been out with a few friends of theirs; Key and Jonghyun. Taemin had urged him to get out of the house for a change

of scenery, Minho needed it. He works too hard and Taemin was beginning to get worried for him. But, he couldnt worry

about Minho right now, only himself....

At 3pm he had gotten his tests results back and they were not good at all...

Taemin had gastric cancer  and it was so developed, Taemin only had a minimum of a few days left...


When he arrived home he noticed Minho wasnt back and he smiled a fake, shallow smile to himself. He needed to be alone

for a while to figure out how he is going to tell Minho and what he will do for Valentine's day. He got in the house and took off his shoes,

immediately going to their shared bedroom and laying down, he was tired and hurting and all he wanted to do was sleep for now...


Minho came home laughing and smiling. He had a very good time with his best friends and was glad Taemin suggested it.

He had needed it badly. When he got into the house he was a little surprised when it was dead silent. Usually he would

come home and Taemin would be dancing and singing to a song he was blasting from the television or computer.

"Taemin?" Minho shouted and ran up the stairs, taking two at a time until he reached their bedroom. He opened the door and smiled

when he saw his boyfriend curled up on the bed. He quietly shut the door and went back downstairs, his worry gone. Now he had

to focus on Valentine's day.....

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LifeisSushi #1
I wish my valentines day would last that long
lolwhat8422 #3
So excited for more! Looks so great so far !!
Chapter 5: Oh by the way nice sorry
Chapter 5: Tae being sick makes me sad
Chapter 5: I cried a little
ummior #8
Omg!!! I loved it!!! It was amazing and very dramatic!!! But it was an excellent story author-nim!!!
Its lovely! :D Update soon ^^