
Fanfiction? How Unrealistic



"Krystal... Do you like me?"


Krystal stayed in her place, all tensed up. Isn't it a little too abrupt for Amber to be asking that?


She had just barely realized her feelings, she still needs time to process it...


"Um... I-"


"And, I want to know what in the world started this... whole mess. And tell me honestly. I deserve to know the truth."


. She hates when Amber gets all serious like this. She knew it really means business when she's glaring her down and and her voice is in a much lower tone.


"Tell me everything-" 


"Can't you just give me some time for me to process all of this myself??"

Krystal blew, and sat down, trying to collect her thoughts and piecing together all the words shes gonna have to say.


"So... How it all started... God... Please don't judge or laugh at me okay?"


"Why would I?"


"Just promise?"


Amber put up a hand "I promise."


"So um... Ever since I read that fanfic Esther sent... I read a lot more... and it kind of gave me the realization that... our friendship may be abnormal. Especially when... all these coincidences kept happening... like you... You've done and said things to me that the 'you' in the fic has too... which I guess led me to being confused and suspicious with your actions toward me... my perception of you was warped."


Amber hummed and nodded her head finally understanding the situation more.


"So basically... I was your living fanfiction fantasy?"


Krystal blushed "Please don't call it that..."


"So all of this fiasco and your distant behavior... was cause of fanfiction?"


Krystal covered her face "ugh, don't rub It in, I very well know how this all unraveled!" 


Amber tried her hardest to hold in her laughter.

"Okay so that explains the situation... So" 


Amber clasped together her two hands, and laid her chin on top of them, leaning forward


"Were they also the reason you said you doubt you see me as a friend? Or did they simply make you realize a feeling you never noticed you had?"


Krystal gulped... she herself didn't really have time to think about it...

Like did she always feel this way?? Or did she began to see Amber in a different light just because fans painted her as a loving girlfriend that Krystal herself would've dreamed of wanting?

Its hard to tell...


"Go on... Speak honestly..."


"I.... I...." she had a hard time saying the words.


"Yes... Amber I do like you. And I myself don't really know if I've always felt this way or if those stories were what made it that way and..."


She looked down.

"I just don't know..."


An unnerving silence came down. Krystal curious to know what Amber must be thinking of.

Her expression was unreadable.


"Look..." Said Amber finally "I think we both know that... Deep down there was always something that sparked between us. Hell there's a whole community of people that believes that too. But..."


Krystal held her breath


"I don't think we should start any kind of relationship past friendship. Putting it a step forward like that... is way too risky. And I don't just mean social stigma wise. I fear... having any kind of fallout with you. And that making our relationship a romantic one would increase the risk of it, which can take a toll on not just us and those around us, but our career as f(x) as well..."


"Are you saying you like me too?" Asked Krystal


"No... Well... I myself don't know. You're special to me. Like... I guess I do, but I've suppressed it that I didn't really think much of it..."


"Ah I see... So now that the truth is out... What can we do? Just forget it and hope these feelings go away?"


Amber leaned back in her seat "If only life were as easy as fanfiction huh?" She chuckled.


Krystal thought for a moment

"So... in the end you're just scared right? Of us... not working out? And that we may lose each other due to a breakpoint in our relationship...? That's heavy to think about. I don't want to live through that either... But," 

She leaned forward 


"We can try our best right? How different should this even be from friendship? We still argue. We still go through heartache. The only difference is... it'll just be another level of intimacy..."


Amber croaked and blushed at that "...intimacy?" She cleared  

Krystal widened her eyes "I! I didn't mean It like that- But... That's not exactly incorrect either..."


Amber sighed "Well back to your main point... it's easier for you to say. I've gone through a handful of breakups that still bother me to this day. And I don't want to relive it, especially with you. That's why I'm so scared. I'm terrified of us also going through something so messy... and after all this, we'll be too busy for each other too-" 


"Hey, Hey! Its okay...  Just remember it'll be just like always. If we miss each other, then we call or text. If we argue, then we'll give each other space and come to a closure right after. We know each other better than anyone else we may ever meet."


Krystal held Amber by her hands "You like me. And I like you. We've already delt with each other everyday already for 11 years and more to come. I doubt we'd break so easily..."


Amber stared at her in silence. She did have a point. She wants to trust Krystal, but her fear is still prevalent. Way too prevalent.

"Why must you like someone like me?" Asked Amber.


Krystal smiled "There are many reasons why I like you. You took care of me for years. You're my best friend. I want to take care of you next. Please give me that chance."


Should they give it a shot? Or should they turn away to avoid the risk of heartbreak?

Amber had become more careful with her relationships. Dating a member, whether good or not, can still have its consequences within their careers and the way they perform them.

Amber doesn't want it all get in the way of it. And at the moment she had planned to take a break from relationships and stay single for a while to focus more on her career.


Amber nodded and came to a conclusion 

"You want my answer?"


"Of course." 


"Okay. We can be together... Just not now."


Krystal cocked her head "What do you mean?"


"I mean... I feel like we should just wait. I mean you barely realized your feelings, and I had recently gotten out of a messy relationship. I want things to slow down more... and I also genuinely dont want to risk it..."


Amber pulled out her pinky "if in years to come we still have feelings for each other... And haven't found someone we decide to settle with... Then we can be together. Okay?"


Krystal somehow didn't like this plan. Just the thought of Amber finding someone to settle with already gave her a heartache. Sure she barely realized her feelings, but that doesn't mean she isn't sure of them.


But then again shes right... their careers could be at risk in terms of keeping a good bond within the group. They don't want to risk breaking it.



Krystal leaned in without warning to kiss Amber, Amber not at all expecting it, froze up, yet not once pushing Krystal away.

As Krystal let go of the short kiss, she looked at a very bashful Amber.


"Okay. I'll accept. We'll see what happens years to come... I will have you want me." 


Amber was speechless and didn't say anything else.



Maybe... Her final decision won't take years at all, would it? 





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Updated the cover... Cause graphic design is totally my passion haha


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Chapter 6: Ahh... It was so great that I am still looking forward the the NEXT button XD. Thanks again Author-nim for a wonderful story. More love and support to you and future stories. Fighting!!!
Chapter 2: Imagine krystal reading this fanfic about her reading a fanfic of her
Germdh #3
Chapter 6: Part 2? Maybe
nancylau0301 #4
Chapter 6: Please don't end the story like that...please continue...more please....
Heaven1218 #5
Chapter 6: >/////< so sweet ~ please continue author! We need more!!
Kryber2017 #6
Chapter 6: Awwwwww
Feichin #7
Chapter 6: Nice story, please continue author ?? Untill they be a couple. Pleaseee thank you
2072 streak #8
Chapter 6: It’s wise for both of them to wait and not rush things. It won’t take years tho ;) They made a really good choice
Yellowjacket #9
Chapter 6: That's kinda reflect amber 's personality. She have already play safe. No rumor of her dating anyone. Even she play a lot but she is also a thoughtful person. For Krystal, she looks like a cool person but when she is in side her comfort zone/place, she is kinda like a girl who love cuddling. Oh suddenly I think amber is like a dog (like to play and loyal) and Krystal is like a cat (like sleeping, cuddle, attentional moody).
13 streak #10
Chapter 6: A Tease..