Do you...?

Fanfiction? How Unrealistic



Krystal woke up in bed, her head hurting suddenly, and the sun from out the window glared brightly that made her eyes squint.

What happened last night again?


Krystal rubbed her eyes, and as she regained focus again, but then immediately jumped upon seeing Amber sitting beside her bed.


"W-wha- Amber?-" 


"Shh, calm down. You gotta rest, you've stressed yourself out enough..." 


Amber gently pushed her back down to her bed. After Krystal was laid down, Amber retracted

"Oh wait... my apologies. I'm sure me doing that made you feel uncomfortable?"


And suddenly it all came back to Krystal.

She's definitely never felt more embarrassed.

"Alright, Alright I'm sorry..."


Amber crossed her arms at her baring an unreadable expression that made Krystal feel thoroughly awkward.


"Are you okay?" Asked Amber.


"I'm... I'm okay. I fainted but that's just one of many... I'll be fine."


"Good. Then take your medication, and make yourself breakfast. I believe my job of taking care of you is done here."


Krystal was baffled by that, and as Amber got up to leave, she immediately grabbed her by the sleeve;




Amber turned back, to hear what she has to say.


"You... You want something else out of me right?" Asked Krystal.


Amber raised a brow.


Krystal continued "You... I don't want you to change... How you are with me." 


"You don't?"


"I don't. I was... I mistook your intentions for something else, and I'm guilty of that. And I'm such a for it, because the reality is, even I know... that I like when you treat me this way..."


Amber exhaled out of her nose, and turned to kneel down beside the bed to meet Krystal eye to eye


"Go on."


"I don't want our friendship to change. Let's keep it the way it is and forget this all ever happened."


Amber smiled at that "now I'm satisfied." 

She leaned in and and gave Krystal an abrupt tight hug

"Ah, I'm glad! I'm so glad I don't have to act so distant around you! Ah I was so worried when you fainted, I had to carry you all the way back to your home!"

Krystal for a second didn't know where to put her arms, and then she wrapped them around Amber's torso, her face getting flustered.


"Ah... I'm glad too I guess..."


Amber let go of the hug and looked at the latter content.

"Listen I need to apologize too. I should've given you space when you really needed it. Though it does hurt me that you won't always need me... I'll have to accept that."

She got up "I'll prepare breakfast this time! ...I may not be the best cook, but I want to treat you. So bare with me here..."


Krystal gulped "um... Of course."


Amber gave a thumbs up and dashed out the door.

Krystal meanwhile scratched the back of her head. She got up and took her medication.

As she did so, she pulled out her phone, and the first thing she saw was a notification from Jessica sending her an Instagram post.


'ㅋㅋㅋ Kryber caught again by fans? You look a little distressed there... hopefully those fans didn't give you two a hard time. They seem to have been shippers.'


Krystal looked at the post and clicked on it. It was 4 photos, the first one of the selfie she and Amber took with the girls, and the last 3 were of her and Amber eating, one of them being a video.

The caption read;


'Me and a friend just bumped into Kryber!! Ahh, it was just like entering a fanfic! Call me delulu, but me and my friend giggled throughout our meal coming up with whatever dating scenarios they could be inㅋㅋㅋ and we concluded that they went out for a date together in private and went home to cuddle next to a fire! So because of it we didn't want to interfere with their meal, but Amber ended up noticing us first instead ㅠㅠ still it was great actually meeting them!! Kyaa, they're so much prettier in real life! I feel so blessed!'


"Dear lord help me..." uttered Krystal feeling her palms getting extra sweaty.

If only they knew what really went down after their meal...


She replied to Jessica 'nah they were respectful and nice. Amber was the one that came up to them first haha'


After her response, Krystal freshened up in the bathroom, brushing her teeth and washing her face before deciding to go downstairs.


"...Treating me this way is making me doubt that I see you as just a friend!"


Krystal grimaced, the sudden memory of her saying that just randomly popped into her head.

Why did she say that?? And did she actually mean it?


Krystal thought for a moment... Thought about her feelings for Amber.


It's true she didn't want their friendship to change... But after these last few events... She couldn't help but admit that her perception of Amber had changed.

She realized how flustered she gets around her, how much more shyer and awkward she got. That's the usual actions of an innocent crush, no?

Krystal sighed... So maybe it is a crush? But she concluded for it to be a small one. She still refuses to have anything between her and Amber change. She's sure she'll get over it eventually.


Krystal headed downstairs, already seeing the breakfast barely prepared.

She was about to say something, but kept quiet upon hearing Amber speaking on the phone;


"I'm currently at Krystal's place... So I can't hang today... You know when princess is here duty calls and I can't ever leave haha.."


"Alright, I understand, we'll hang out some other time. Jeez don't you got other friends to bother??"

Another pause, and Amber giggled at something being said by the other line.


"Don't say that... Krystal isn't actually like that. Don't be jealous now~ haha... alright Love you too, bye"


Krystal almost choked on her breakfast. Who was... Amber talking to exactly?


Amber walked over with a smile on her face and began to dig in. The breakfast wasn't bad. It surely was an improvement to last time.


Krystal felt something heavy in her chest. Like a heart burn, and her heart beat go strong, enough for it to pound loudly in her ears at a steady pace.

She doesn't know why but she feels anxious. Anxious about whoever Amber was talking to.


"Uhm... so who was that?" She dared to ask.


Amber popped her head at Krystal "Oh you mean the person I was on the phone with? Haha yeah, it's Emily. She's quite clingy."


'clingy?' Her heart pounded harder, Krystal couldn't quite grasp what she's feeling, and she tried to take deep breathes, disliking whatever this is.


"Oh her..." 


Krystal didn't like to admit it, but she never really took a liking to some of Amber's friends, Emily being one of them. 

Emily had her fair share of minor controversies with some of her own friends and even with some members of Got7 too...


"So... you two are already at the 'I love you' stage of friendship?"


Amber nodded "We're at the piggy back ride level too! Remember when you and me would do that?"


Okay that definitely hurt Krystal. Wasn't that supposed to be their thing??


"You're no different!" 


ouch. Krystal suddenly remembered that too


"So... is she one of those friends that fans also think you're dating?" 


Amber nodded.


 'hm... I hate to admit it, but I can see why...'


Krystal then chuckled "Pfft... Kryber is still superior." 

She got up to put her clean plate in the sink, somehow not giving her statement a second thought. 


Amber meanwhile held a surprised, yet impressionable look by Krystal's statement.


Ah, the sarcastic Krystal is back perhaps? Amber felt happy.


Krystal stood for moment having her time of revelation toward her newfound crush on Amber. Based on the way she felt when she was talking to Emily may already confirm how strong her feelings may have ended up...


She feels possessive. But was that not already an attribute she had? 

Perhaps it's gone to another level.

The princess only needs one servant, and her servant should only serve one princess.


Krystal opened her instagram, and looked at the post that the fan had posted of when they went out to eat together.

The comments, as expected, were in a frenzy.


'hmm... what if I...'

 Krystal Normally doesn't do sns interactions, but she feels this would definitely make things fun.


Still maybe she should keep it lowkey...


So she instead just liked the fan's post, and left it at that. She smirked knowing the fans would definitely go wild over it, especially since she knew it'll have them keep in mind that she must've read the caption...


She walked back to the table with Amber.

"Krystal, there's still one more thing I want to discuss with you." Said Amber.


Krystal gulped "uh... what is it?" 


She felt she knew exactly what it was.


"What did you mean... By, you doubt that you see me as just a friend?" Amber crossed her arms;


"Krystal... Do you like me?"







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Updated the cover... Cause graphic design is totally my passion haha


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Chapter 6: Ahh... It was so great that I am still looking forward the the NEXT button XD. Thanks again Author-nim for a wonderful story. More love and support to you and future stories. Fighting!!!
Chapter 2: Imagine krystal reading this fanfic about her reading a fanfic of her
Germdh #3
Chapter 6: Part 2? Maybe
nancylau0301 #4
Chapter 6: Please don't end the story like that...please continue...more please....
Heaven1218 #5
Chapter 6: >/////< so sweet ~ please continue author! We need more!!
Kryber2017 #6
Chapter 6: Awwwwww
Feichin #7
Chapter 6: Nice story, please continue author ?? Untill they be a couple. Pleaseee thank you
2073 streak #8
Chapter 6: It’s wise for both of them to wait and not rush things. It won’t take years tho ;) They made a really good choice
Yellowjacket #9
Chapter 6: That's kinda reflect amber 's personality. She have already play safe. No rumor of her dating anyone. Even she play a lot but she is also a thoughtful person. For Krystal, she looks like a cool person but when she is in side her comfort zone/place, she is kinda like a girl who love cuddling. Oh suddenly I think amber is like a dog (like to play and loyal) and Krystal is like a cat (like sleeping, cuddle, attentional moody).
13 streak #10
Chapter 6: A Tease..