No Way...

Fanfiction? How Unrealistic


"...Your Honesty."


Krystal swore she heard a strong ringing in her ears and her eyes pop out the moment she read that.

This cannot be real, did she actually say the same thing as she did in the fic??


"wow... What's your reason?" 


if she says the same thing here, Krystal swore she's gonna throw her phone out the window.


"Definitely how it makes you blunt and not afraid to speak your mind. It's a strong quality in my opinion. You speak the truth and not fear the consequences... I admire that ngl." 


Krystal swore she let out the biggest sigh of relief. So the reasoning was pretty different.

Well it's no surprise... Not like Amber would say something so serenading like the "Amber" in the fic.


"oooo... Yes please keep feeding my ego." Responded Krystal.


"Krystal plz... It's midnight don't do this to me..."


"fine I'll let you off for tonight.... Good night♡" 


After Amber responded with her own good night, Krystal shut off her phone, intending to go to sleep... 


She headed up stairs and washed up to prepare for bed. After spitting out the toothpaste into her sink, she left for her room and warmed herself up in her blanket, wanting to relax.


But then the fic entered her mind again.


'Dammit... It irks me not finishing a chapter of anything...'


The cons of a bookworm.

She sighed and decided maybe it wouldn't hurt to finish at least chapter 1.

She pulled out her phone again and clicked on the tab the fanfic was in.


The voice in her head reading for her;



"But all that aside... For you I would do anything. Please keep that in mind." 

Krystal for sure couldn't deny her strong feelings for Amber.

For the past long years of their career, Amber has been nothing but sweet to her. She always thought of herself last and put Krystal first.

She did everything she could to cheer her up or make her laugh. To Amber, Krystal's happiness was her priority.


For Krystal was her princess. And her princess only.


But her fear got in the way of expressing her true feelings and acting on her desires. And that is what Amber is trying to break.

Her new goal is to break the fear Krystal has... So she could finally be hers.

They spent the night together, not that it was something new. To Amber and Krystal both, cuddling and whispering sweet words to each other while sharing a bed never failed to relieve any kind of stress or trigger.


Being with each other comforted them. Their mere presence  was their solace.


Amber stared lovingly at Krystal and admired the way she looked under the moonlight. She was truly the most gorgeous human being in her eyes.

"Are you still anxious?" She asked.

"like this? Not all..." Responded Krystal.


Amber reached out to put strands of hair behind Krystal's ear, while Krystal felt her eyes get heavier and heavier.


"Ignore what anyone says about us. As long as I'm here I won't let them hurt you. Our love is not wrong." 



Krystal would be lying if she said she didnt feel completely hooked in the zone of the fanfic. 

However what did make it difficult is the fact that its her and Amber in this romantic setting, and she just can't shake off that strange feeling.

This would be a pretty good story if it was original characters. Just them against the world.


Theres also the whole "same- love is seen as forbidden" sort of concept.


Krystal for one always actually really liked and enjoyed LGBT novels and films... 


These films and novels helped her come to terms with her own uality. Amber herself was honestly a big help as she also related well to having feelings for other women.


'Wait have fans figured that out?? Is that another reason why we're so popular together?' Thought Krystal.


But honestly though? What were the odds of placing two biual women in the same group, and they just so happened to not end up dating? 


Krystal is starting to understand a lot of things and she is not liking it. 


She finished the rest of the chapter. The chapter ending nice and sweet of Kryber enjoying their time together. But it also hinted something heavy, which intrigued her.


She had to go sleep though. So maybe she'll read the next chapter tomorrow...




"Yah! Jung Soojung! Wake up"


Amber texted Krystal many times. It's already mid afternoon, and she had just gotten done visiting Luna. Has she really been asleep for this long?


Krystal laid in her bed exhausted and groggy as she stayed up all night reading other fanfictions among finishing the one she had read last night.


Curiosity got the best of her and she found herself entertained with the variety of different stories both in English and Korean.


Her phone was buzzing non stop, and she knew it was Amber and purposefully ignored it.


As much as she was entertained and amused by these stories, it somewhat also affected how she sees Amber and needs a bit of short break from seeing her as she now feels incredibly awkward.


She especially does not want Amber to find out she had been binge reading fanfiction of them together. 


Her phone stopped buzzing, and instead it was her ringtone.


Krystal sighed and figured she doesn't want to worry Amber, so she answered the call.


"What is it?" She said


Amber slightly jumped at her tone "Are you feeling okay? You sound irritated..."


"Well considering you've been buzzing my phone nonstop, it's no wonder I'm so irritated!"


"Woah Krystal, relax! What's going on with you? Did you not get enough sleep last night?"


Krystal bit back another retort and instead decided to calm herself down.


She pressed the bridge of her nose with her thumb and forefinger


"I'm sorry... Yeah I didn't get enough sleep last night... Just one of those nights where heavy thoughts enter your mind you know?" 


Yeah that was a lie.


Amber made a concerned expression. She wasn't having an episode by herself had she? 


What was the trigger for it to be caused?


"...Do you want to talk about it?"


"No, no... Its just trivial things... I don't want to get into it right now or I'll get even more irritated."


Nope, she just didn't wanna admit she had been reading fanfiction all night.


Amber was planning on inviting Krystal out somewhere to eat, but considering the situation at hand, she feels it would be inappropriate...


So instead Amber decides to surprise visit her instead with a bucket of her favorite ice cream.


"Okay... well I'll let you have some time for yourself then. Goodbye" she said


Krystal sighed "Bye." 


And she immediately hung up. A little too abruptly too which layered Amber's worries even more.


'Something wrong is definitely up... whether she likes it or not, she needs someone to talk to!' 


Amber nodded with her conclusion, and set out to the nearest store to buy ice cream and Krystal's favorite snacks to help her feel better.


Krystal meanwhile was relieved Amber could leave her alone as she doesn't want to face her right now after reading... certain scenarios that affected her perception.


'Amber is nothing like that, Amber is nothing like that-'


She kept on convincing herself that they're all just stories and not real. Amber isn't a domineering woman good with words of romance, and nor is she ever the type to initiate any sort of intimacy.


Still thoughts of Amber possibly being interested in her... made her feel uneasy.


Like she and Amber have been best friends for years, she can't see her any other way. Plus the fact that she doesnt want to risk ruining their friendship if there were to be any feelings develop, as it can also take a toll on the group and cause a stigma.


She doesn't ever want any bad feelings between them due to such foolish choices.


Krystal decided to get up and stretch and planned to prepare breakfast.


After a while of freshening up, Krystal gathered her ingredients out, and rolled up her sleeves, until she heard a knock at her door.


'huh? Who could it be?'


Krystal went over to the door and as she opened it, it was none other than Amber with her signature llama smile holding two bags in hand.


Krystal of course gulped and stepped back. Why is she here?


"Surprise! I couldn't shake off the feeling that you weren't in the best mood today, so I bought you your favorite ice cream and snacks!"


Amber let herself in nonchalantly, despite Krystal having a clearly distraught look on her face by seeing her. 


Amber entered the kitchen and laughed "oh, were you gonna prepare breakfast? My bad, I interrupted haha"


'Why is she here?? Why did she go all out on buying me my favorite snacks when she assumed I was in a bad mood?'


Krystal suddenly felt nervous overanalyzing Amber's willingness to such kind gestures.


"Uhm... Amber you didn't have to waste your time buying-" 


"-Buying you things is never a waste of time to me! Your happiness is my priority!


Krystal swore she choked on her saliva hearing that and her palms were getting sweaty.


No way... there's just no way!


'C...Could she possibly...??'


Amber set down the bags on the dining table taking everything out with a content smile on her face.


She looked up at Krystal who was still in the living room


"Krystal, what are you doing still standing there?? Come on and dig in! It's too late for breakfast anyway."


Krystal was about to say something, but cut her voice short as she instead nodded and walked forward to the dining room, her eyes not once tearing away from the floor as she doesn't want to see Amber face to face.


Amber took notice of Krystal being a lot more quiet and tensed, making her concerns shoot up and smile fade.


What must be going through her mind? Seeing her like this brings even Amber down, she badly wants to cheer her up.


"Hey... Krystal please talk about your problem right now. Letting it out will make you feel better..."


Amber tried to look her in the eye with a pout, but Krystal was still refusing to look at her and hid her face with the curtains of her long hair.


"Its really nothing Amber... It's all trivial okay?? I promise it's not a big deal..."


Amber didn't believe a single word coming out of Krystal's mouth. Something was up and she wanted to help Krystal.


But it's hard to help when she doesn't even know what the struggle is.


Amber grabbed the small bucket of ice cream and cracked open the lid, getting a spoon out and putting it inside.


She pushed it at Krystal wanting to get her to eat, but Krystal acted reluctant.


"Krystal come on it's just ice cream... open your mouth." 


Krystal grabbed the ice cream and spoon "I um... can feed myself, thank you."


Krystal took a spoonful and ate, Amber still feeling worried as she also took note of Krystal not once glancing at her way.


Was the problem Amber herself?


Amber frowned "hey..." she began to say and she got closer to Krystal, Krystal's heart suddenly racing fast, her nerves going haywire.


"You can't eat ice cream with your hair in the way..." Amber reached out her hand toward the strands of hair covering Krystal's face, and she put it behind her ear.


Krystal for the split second was horrified by the gesture as it quickly took her back to when the "Amber" in the fic did the Same thing.


With that thought in mind, Krystal subconsciously smacked Amber's hand away and immediately moved back a tad farther from the tomboy. 


Amber of course was heavily taken aback by the action and she held a very hurtful expression.


So it really must be her. But why? Why was she so upset with her?




Krystal was also surprised  by her own action. This is really bad isn't it?


"A... Amber I-"


"The problem is me isnt it?? Why are you so mad at me? What did I do?? Please tell me so I won't repeat it again, what did I do to upset you??"


Krystal gulped not at all sure how to respond.


She can't just say it's because she's starting to think Amber may possibly like her... That's a little too superficial and Krystal wants to process it on her own.


"You did nothing wrong Amber! I just... I want to be alone..."




"I thought you got the hint from the phone call earlier! I didn't want you here, I just need a break right now, theres a lot for me to think about and I want to revalue it on my own..."


Amber looked even more hurt and Krystal of course felt guilty, but it did need to be said.


As much as she appreciates these gestures... It's just starting to give Krystal the wrong idea and now shes not so comfortable with it anymore.


Plus she dislikes that Amber always has the need to spoil her. It's a waste of time, and she should think of herself for once.


"But... Krystal I want to help, I don't like seeing you struggling on your own-" 


"Amber please listen to me just this once, not everyone needs to rely on others to feel better! Be selfish for once Amber, I'll be fine!" 


Krystal got up and headed toward the door "Please go." She said.


Amber had so many mixed emotions going through her right now. Krystal normally isn't like this, what in the world is going on? Did something bad happen last night? Or this morning??


"Krystal please... Just talk it out with me, what's going-" 


"Amber im begging you, stop asking me if I'm okay, I'll be fine with some alone time, I don't always need you here, please understand that!" 


Krystal opened the door, but then headed toward Amber and she grabbed her by the arm, to then pull out of her house.


"Krystal I-" 


"Don't make this hard Amber!"


And she slammed the door.


Amber was beyond worried now. But she was also hurt... Krystal always loved when she spoiled her. Amber loved whenever Krystal always turned to her when she had a problem, she loved feeling needed by her and vice versa.


So for Krystal to act out like this must not mean something good at all.


Amber bit her nails


' what do I do, what do I do??'


Krystal meanwhile was relieved to be alone again in her house.


She blushed feeling embarrassed as she thinks shes reacting a little too childishly especially because of fanfiction too.


But those stories helped her realize a lot of things... her and Amber don't particularly act like normal friends do they? 


She pulled up her phone and she looked through the comments of her instagram photo of her and Amber


"I'll be so sad if they end up marrying other people..."


"ugh they're so cute together! Please let Kryber be real!"


"Honestly Amber and Krystal's personalities compliment each other so well. Amber is a social butterfly and Krystal is an introverted shy person who likes to keep to herself. Plus they spent years together and they're vague answers about ideal types already somewhat prove they're possibly queer. If they're queer and that close, plus that attractive, then it would be impossible to believe at least one of them didn't like the other."


That comment in particular hit Krystal the hardest. Impossible for one of them to have not liked each other? 


Krystal gulped suddenly watering it down to Amber being the one that liked her, but its unfortunately one-sided.


Say if she did like her, how long had it been? Did she still like her even during her past relationships?? Krystal very well knows Amber has dated other people much like herself.


Still, dating other people shouldnt rule out the possibility of lingering feelings. 


But if she did like her, why didn't she confess anything? Amber knew Krystal also liked women, so what stopped her? Their careers? Possible thoughts of Krystal not liking her back?


Krystal choked at that last assumption 'Wait... It's not even that I like her back at all though... Maybe the last assumption makes the most sense...' 


Krystal bit her lip deep in thought. After she comes to a conclusion of Amber's possible feelings for her and on what to do to properly face her again, she'll definitely have to apologize.







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Updated the cover... Cause graphic design is totally my passion haha


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Chapter 6: Ahh... It was so great that I am still looking forward the the NEXT button XD. Thanks again Author-nim for a wonderful story. More love and support to you and future stories. Fighting!!!
Chapter 2: Imagine krystal reading this fanfic about her reading a fanfic of her
Germdh #3
Chapter 6: Part 2? Maybe
nancylau0301 #4
Chapter 6: Please don't end the story like that...please continue...more please....
Heaven1218 #5
Chapter 6: >/////< so sweet ~ please continue author! We need more!!
Kryber2017 #6
Chapter 6: Awwwwww
Feichin #7
Chapter 6: Nice story, please continue author ?? Untill they be a couple. Pleaseee thank you
2072 streak #8
Chapter 6: It’s wise for both of them to wait and not rush things. It won’t take years tho ;) They made a really good choice
Yellowjacket #9
Chapter 6: That's kinda reflect amber 's personality. She have already play safe. No rumor of her dating anyone. Even she play a lot but she is also a thoughtful person. For Krystal, she looks like a cool person but when she is in side her comfort zone/place, she is kinda like a girl who love cuddling. Oh suddenly I think amber is like a dog (like to play and loyal) and Krystal is like a cat (like sleeping, cuddle, attentional moody).
11 streak #10
Chapter 6: A Tease..