
The Day Will Come

- “Hello, you are listening to Min Ri and this is our radio show “Meet The Star”. Today our guest is Park Yoochun from JYJ.”

- “Yoochun you haven’t been in our show more than two years, it’s been a long time” – Said Min Ri and smiled.

- “First I want to say hello to our listeners” – Smiled Yoochun back – “Yeah it’s been a long time, but I’m here now” – Laughed he.

- “I wanted to ask about DBSK, but I don’t know your reaction about it” – Min Ri tried to make it easier to talk.

- “Well it’s really painful for me, but I’ll try to answer some questions” – Smiled he.

- “It’s almost one year since you three left DBSK, how …”

- “Sorry” – Interrupt Yoochun – “But we didn’t leave DBSK, we left only SME. We are still part of DBSK and DBSK is a band with five members, not two or three.”

- "Oh, I see” – Smiled Min Ri – “Sorry.”

- “It’s okay” – Smiled Yoochun.

- “We heard that after you left SME, you haven’t seen other two members, is it true?”

- “Yes it is” – Yoochun took his eyes away from Min Ri, pain in his eyes made her sad.

- “Well let’s talk about your albums” – She tried to change the topic – “You have a record of album selling this year, it’s a big success.”

- “It’s because of our fans, we feel their support every time, and that’s why we will do our best to make them happy” – Replied Yoochun with a big love and smiled.


- “I’m home” – Entered Yoochun the room.

- “Welcome home” – Smiled Junsu.

- “Where’s Jaejoong?” – Looked around the room older man and asked – “Where did he go?”

- “You know him” – Laughed Junsu – “We have just arrived and he already rushed to see him, he haven’t seen him more than 5 months.”

- “He could wait for me and we would go all together” – Smiled Yoochun.

- “Yeah but I think he will confess tonight” – Junsus smile changed. Yoochun noticed that he was worrying.

- “Don’t worry” – Smiled he – “You know Yunho, he has a special relationship with Jaejoong, I don’t know if he loves Jae, but I’m sure after that confession he will think about it properly.”

- “Yeah you are right” – Smiled junsu – “Well how was your interview?”

- “It was great” – Chuckled older man – “Many fans called and supported me, they love us so much” – Smiled he – “They are waiting for our comeback.”

- “Soon we will make them really happy” – Chuckled Junsu – “Wanna eat something?”

- “Yeah” – Nodded older man.

- “Let’s go somewhere to eat” – Smirked younger man – “We haven’t been together alone for so long time.”

Yoochun get closer and hugged him, after few seconds their lips met each other.

- “Maybe we should stay at home?” – Whispered Yoochun and hold Junsu in his arms.

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Brownsugar40 #1
Chapter 11: I am so glad he woke up
Kelly1993 #2
Chapter 11: Love it ^^
Chapter 11: i just love this story.... thank u!
aww thats just sweet..

m waiting for more stories from you..
clumsytikduck #5
Good job.. :D Me is love this storrrrrrrry! XD <3
wtf A Ra is such a stalker =_=' did she even go into their room while they were doing it n stood there talking picture creepy....

noo I want more memorable moment of YunJae :< :< :<
think it will end up sadly~~~

good job!! T_T
stupid go ara -___-
love the ending and the fanfic~
i cried I though he died !!!!! Q____Q thank you for this beautiful fic <3 please write more and more ~