Pissing You Off

Worth The Wait
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~Jason and Lara-Say U Love Me(it started with a kiss ost)~


You knock on the door first before you entered the last office you need to go to. You smiled when you saw an older woman. “Hi Mrs. Kang.” You greeted her and walked to her. She was Kim Changwan’s secretary and you were grateful that she was still Jaejoong’s secretary.


She looked at you. “Oh, C. how are you?”


“I’m okay. Here’s my boss’ report.” You gave her the folder you brought.


She shook her head. “You’re the one who made this.” She said and got the folders.


You shyly smiled. “I need to.”


“What’s that?”


You looked at the one who said it. You saw Jaejoong leaning indolently at the door. You couldn’t help the thump of your heart. He was as gorgeous as ever at his formal attire. He stood up straight and walked to you. You smelled his masculine scent and it made you more nervous.


He got the folder from his secretary and looked at it. “Come to my office, Miss Jung.” He said and went to his office.


You creased your forehead and confusedly looked at the closed door after awhile you looked at his secretary who was also confused. “Go on. Maybe he just wants to ask something. You know he’s knew here.” Mrs. Kang said.


You helplessly entered his office.

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14 streak #1
Chapter 52: The ending was so sweet ><
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 52: Omg this story is soooo amazing!!! I love it ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 52: Aww...it's the second time i read this story n sti amazing as before...<3
thanks for the story dear^_^
butterfly555 #4
I only got two words part two plz lol this story to good to not have a second part
Chapter 52: Waaaaaah!!!! AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! This is my favourite Kim Jaejoong fan fic!!!!!! Love it :D
duckybaby #6
Chapter 52: Hi :)) your fanfic is WOW! I got carried away in every situation the character is in. Wahh love it :)
Ming2beloved #7
Chapter 52: A very nicr story indeed! Sequel??
cherLynmyung #8
Chapter 52: Awesome awesome! that's all I can say!
Chapter 52: 52 chapters in 1 hour straight. Your stories really draw me in. This story was amazing from head to toe. I hope you update your latest one soon, I've been dying for it ^-^
eunjoyaa #10
Chapter 52: Finished reading this is 2 hours... :))))
I enjoyed it a lot. Thank you for making a good story. Hope to see your another you/ jaejoong story again.