Truly Yours (I Love You, Stupid) 2

Truly Yours (I Love You, Stupid) 2

Truly Yours (I Love You, Stupid) 2


“Jae~~~” Joonhee called her husband who was busy going through the documents that need his attention. “Hmm?” Jaejoong muttered while his eyes were still attached to his works. “Jae!”


Jaejoong lifted his head and smiled as Joonhee made her way into his office and sat in front of him with her hands crossed. “You’re getting busy, huh? Don’t mind about me anymore?” Joonhee pouted and narrowed her eyes on Jaejoong.


“Sorry~” Jaejoong walked to her then kneeled beside her. “Look at me?” Jaejoong chuckled when Joonhee ignored him. “Joonhee…” He held Joonhee’s chin facing him. “Sorry.” He kissed Joonhee’s on lips.


A smile formed on his wife’s face after the kiss. Jaejoong held her hands up making her to stand along with him. “Are you here to ask me for lunch?” Jaejoong leaned his forehead to Joonhee’s.


Joonhee nodded and wrapped her hands on Jaejoong’s waist. “My mum wants us to have lunch at her house. We’ll go there, right?” Joonhee’s eyes were full of hope that Jaejoong couldn’t help but to say yes.




“Omma~~ We’re here~~~” Joonhee called her mother. “Aish this kid… I’m not deaf anymore…” Her mother opened the door and invited them to come in. “Miss you.” Joonhee quickly hugged her.


“Aigoo…do you realize that you’re married now?” Her mother patted her back. Joonhee smiled at her comment. “Nice to meet you, mother.” Jaejoong bowed with respect. Joonhee’s mother quickly walked to him and held his cheeks.


“My lovely son-in-law~~ Aigoo~ Why are you look more skinny every time we meet? Did my daughter didn’t feed you? Did she give you a hard time? Aigoo~ Poor you…come in, I’ve cook delicious food for you. Let’s go.” She dragged Jaejoong into the dining room.


“Omma! Your child is here!” Joonhee frowned but get ignored by her mother. She closed the door and followed them to the dining room. “Eat as much as you want… I cook all this for you.” Jaejoong smiled when his mother-in-law kept putting food into his plate.


“Aish…You’re so lucky. Omma never treat me like that.” Joonhee pouted as she stuffed with the food. “You already have too much love. Let mother give some to me,” Jaejoong stuck out his tongue.


Joonhee’s mother laughed while watching the couple bickering. “Jae, Joonhee…When will you give me grandchild?” Joonhee’s mother asked in a sudden.


“Uhukk!!” Joonhee choked her food when she heard that. Jaejoong calmly patted her back, tried to help her ease the pain. “O—Omma…!” She took a deep breath.


“I know that’s how you will react every time I ask.” Her mother chuckled and continued eating. “I don’t mind actually but the quicker it is, the happier I am.”




“Jae...” Joonhee leaned her head on Jaejoong’s shoulder as they were looking at the stars on their courtyard. “Yes?” Jaejoong hugged her shoulder.


“Do we really need kids?” Joonhee asked while looking at the stars. Jaejoong kept quiet for a while. He may seem okay with it but he really wanted kids, actually. But he didn’t want to rush into things as Joonhee didn’t ready to be a mother yet.


“Why are you so quiet?” Joonhee straighten her body and stared at Jaejoong. Jaejoong sighed and smiled weakly at her. “We will have them when you’re ready, okay?” Jaejoong pecked her lips.


“I’m afraid of pregnancy.” Joonhee brought her knees closer to her chin. She was traumatized about being a parent since her father leave her and her mother when she was still young. She was afraid to take the responsibility. Meanwhile, Jaejoong was so excited about building his own family as he was an orphan and didn’t have any close relative.


“I’ll always be by your side, okay?” Jaejoong kissed her forehead, making her forgot all her troubles. “Thank you for understanding.” Joonhee kissed his lips. They then cuddled with each other while spotting any shining stars.


As night was getting darker, Jaejoong suddenly whispered seductively on her ear. “Babe…” “What?” Joonhee looked at him.


“I’m sleepy… Let’s go to sleep?” Jaejoong grinned mischievously. “Go in first. I still want to stay here.” Joonhee replied innocently, still didn’t get his agenda.


“No can do! You are coming, whether you like it or not…” Jaejoong pouted. “But why?” Joonhee stared into his eyes. “Because I said so.” Jaejoong replied. Joonhee still stared at him until her mind knocked into some sense.


“I don’t want!!” She started to run away but Jaejoong already caught her wrist before she ever got to escape. “There’s no way to run, baby…” Jaejoong smirked as he carried her bridal style and walked into their bedroom with Joonhee who kept pouted since she knew what Jaejoong wanted from her that night.




“Baby…wake up” Joonhee tried to open her eyes when she heard her name. Jaejoong’s smiling face welcomed her as soon as she could see clearly. “Mmmhh…” She stretched her body. “Wake up. I already made our breakfast. Hurry, hurry…” Jaejoong said cheerfully.


“You’re happy after get what you want, aren’t you?” She glared at Jaejoong who then gave her his innocence smile. “You are finish if I you-know-what…,” She wrapped the cover around her body and walked into the bathroom.


Jaejoong sighed deeply when Joonhee already went into the bathroom. Why couldn’t she think positive about it?




“Ahhhh!!!!” Joonhee cried out loud inside the bathroom. Jaejoong fell from his chair as he was shocked with Joonhee’s sudden act.


“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” Jaejoong knocked on the door worriedly. “Joonie?” He became more worry when he could hear his wife’s sniffing. “Come out please… so that I can know your problem…” Jaejoong leaned on the door but then moved when the door was opened.


“Jae…!” Joonhee passed him a white stick. Jaejoong looked at her puffy eyes then trailed down to the stick. He took it and examined it carefully. “What is this?” He asked curiously.


“You!!” Joonhee punched his chest continuously. “What happened actually? Tell me, please…” Jaejoong held her hands.


“I’m pregnant!!!” Joonhee cried again. Jaejoong’s face lit up hearing the words that he kept waiting. “R—Really?? For real??” Jaejoong asked eagerly.


“I’ve tested in ten times, you know? Ten times! It can’t be false alarm if I’ve checked it ten times!!!!” Joonhee showed her fingers.


“I’m gonna be a father!! Yes!!!” Jaejoong punched his fist into air and jumping around. Seeing Jaejoong’s reaction just made Joonhee’s cried more loudly.


“Oh my God… Shhh… Don’t cry, baby…” Jaejoong stopped his action and wiped her tears to comfort her. “We’ll face this together, okay? It’s mine after all…” Jaejoong tried to cheer her up with his joke but failed.


“Joonhee. Kim. Joonhee. Listen. To. My. Words.” Jaejoong said firmly. Joonhee looked at him while still sobbed silently.


“This is our baby, our responsibility, our love. This baby is ours. I’ll be the best father and same goes for you. You’ll be the best mother ever. Most importantly, I’ll never leave you like your father, okay?” Jaejoong hugged her tightly.


“Jae…” Joonhee called him. “Yes?” Jaejoong smiled. “Do you will to feed our baby when he/she got hungry? Do you will to change her/his diapers? Do you will to bath her/him?” Jaejoong chuckled with her bombarded questions.


“Of course I will.” He pinched Joonhee’s nose. Joonhee smiled hearing that. “But you must do it too. You’re the mother.” Her smile faded away.


“No can do.” Jaejoong laughed heartily while she was pouting.



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well...the story went fast e u e l0l
redblossom07 #2
Chapter 1: whoah! jaejoong made her pregnant so fast hahaha!
patty_c #3
Totally in love with this story
Jump to the 3rd story
LIKE IT!!!!!!
nar12345 #6
moreeee...<br />
oneechanjade #7
Haha. I want more~<br />
luv it :)))
alyssaq #10