{REWRITE} Who is it that i love??


This is my first story I really hope you enjoy. I hope you like it 


gamsahabnida OTL

and please no copying my story>:)

i had to change the title didn't really like it the way it was this story used to be who's the big shinee beast?


Taeyang,kikwang,and onew all met this new girl miyako kiminohana. She's half korean and japanese from kyoto,japan. She's cute,and almost perfect except for three things:her height,her temper,and that she's a crybaby and she also a little naive and shy sometimes but she's really outgoing .She's tony ahn's friend's daughter.And she just turned 20 and she lives in korea with dreams of becoming the world's greatest composer and producer. Then she met Kikwang,Taeyang,and onew. Who will be her boyfriend,lover,or even husband?


Miyako Kiminohana(you)

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-a crybaby

-sometimes is shy

-,is realllly naive,

-knows she's cute but is really outgoing

-has a temper of a four year old

-cruses in japanese

-loves music studied in korea to become an composer

-is very strongwilled

-is nicknamed yangmi because she beautiful like a rose but has it's thorns

- lives with her parent best friend tony ahn from h.o.t  

-been in korea since she was 17 finished highschool early             

Lee Kikwang




-dumb but is a realist

-knows what he wants  

-will do everything in his power to get  what he wants with the help of his friends and his group

-is really really sweet 

-is in love with you 

-is the youngest out all of guys that love you



-Real name:Dong youngbae


-really really sweet

-is every girls dream husband 

-is deeply in love with you 

-will fight for who he loves no matter what

- is willing to give up on his dream and job just for you







-Real name:Lee jinki


-is realy adorable

-- the creator of onew condition

-wants to marry you 

-is sweet 

Lee Eunjae

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-best friends with miyako

-is a fashionita

-is a hot head

-her crush is dongwoon

Lee Minjun

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-went to school with miyako and eunjae

-is eunjae older cousin and lives next door to her

-is a wise playboy

-had a crush on miyako for almost a year but gave up seeing that he didnt want to ruin their friendship miyako never found out

-is like their older brother to eunjae and miyako

-been friends with miyako since eunjae introduced them 

-gives the girls advice when they need it

I really hop you enjoy my fanfic:) mianhe i had to make a ot of changes.Please enjoy!*~*


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B2UTY-K #1
LOL ! i love this story please update soon :)
I like it! Hope it's KiKwang! He's so ily hot!!~
Please to be Onew!!!!!! I reallyyyyyyy love Onew !!!!Let him be!!!!!
I love them all ::::::D Maybe Taeyang would be her husband (wedding dress) Kikwanf would be her lover and Onew will be her boyfriend:D