Srry, not Srry

Because of You.

Yeri who was frustrated and had mixed emotions was pacing back and forth around the garden.

"My ing god! Why am I feeling like this! She's freaking annoying so why do I stare at her!" Yeri took her anger out on a rock by kicking it.

"But should I be feeling this? Is this normal? She is school belle..." She ran her hand into her hair, pushing the golden strands to one side. She clentched her fists.

"Yeah, this is normal... But she freaking did that to me! Is that normal?" Yeri ranted to herself. Irene was on the 3rd floor of the school building, watching her. She looked like a total idiot. Everytime she kicked a rock, she looked like she was trying to kick someone in front of her. But when she ran her hand in her hair... She was ing hot. Irene shook her head and shooed the naughty thoughts away from her mind. She decided to stop spectating and go down there herself.

"This isn't normal... But it is?" Irene heard Yeri say, making Irene giggle and snap Yeri out of her own mind.

"You sound crazy." Irene said, doing her signature lean on the tree while crossing her arms. 

"Crazy because of you!" Yeri ran her hand in her hair again.

"I'm flattered." She smirked while winking at Yeri who turned a bright shade of pink.

"Thats not what I meant!" Yeri had a hint of distress in her voice.

"Hey, you okay baby girl?" Irene asked.

"Yes- yah! Don't call me that!" Yeri replied.

"Okay, jagiya." Irene winked again, teasing Yeri.

"Aaish, just call me Yeri!" She glared at Irene, clearly annoyed.

"Okay okay. But really what's going on?" Irene stood up straight, walking towards Yeri.

"You! You're going on. I'm getting so many mixed emotions about you. Like when I stared at you during class!" Yeri clamped her hand on after she said that. "Why am I telling you this!" Her ears were glowing red in embarrasment.

"Duh, cause you like me." Irene said.

"Do not!" Yeri pulled on the collar of Irene's sweater.

"Yah, if you wanted to look there just say so." Irene said calmly. Yeri retracted her arm instantly. 

"Irene, look. We only just met, like, 6 hours ago, and you already gave me marks! This is just so much for me..." She sat down on a rock, burying her face into her palms.

They were just lipstick marks... She thought. Irene sat down on another rock next to hers and drew circles on her back with her hand in attempt to calm her.

"You could've just said so and I would've held back." Irene pulled Yeri into a tight hug. Yeri pushed her away. 

"Irene. Why do you do this to me, and only me?" Yeri looked up at her. Innocence clouded her gaze.

"I don't know." Irene never thought about why she did these things to Yeri. "I don't know why I keep staring at you or why I did those." Irene put her hand down on her own rock and looked up at the sky. 

"I want a real answer, Irene." Yeri seemed pretty desperate.

"Do you want to date Yeri?" Irene asked, looking down at Yeri who looked at Irene with a blank face. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" Yeri said, squirming around on the rock.

"You'll see..." Irene said as she whispered into her ear. "Very soon..." She quickly bit her earlobe making Yeri turn stiff and blush.


School was over and the clubs were open. Yeri made her way down to Photography club, head down. She was currently thinking about what Irene said earlier.

She bumped into someone and looked up, groaning to see who it was. Seulgi had her arms crossed and so did her little 'gang'.

"Saw you and Irene again~" Seulgi said in a sing-songy tune.

"She just happened to be there okay?" Yeri said, tired of Seulgi's assuming.

"Then what's this?" Seulgi showed a picture of Irene biting my earlobe. "Can't explain this can you? Just like those marks." 

"Okay, fine. Irene did bite my earlobe and gave me marks. So what? What's your little goal?" Yeri bit back, only to realize she was recording.

"Can't wait to post this..." And in a matter of seconds, Seulgi added it to her 'Hate on Yeri' blog site. Yeri power walked around her and into the classroom where she saw Joy and Taehyung taking pictures of each other.

"Yes, omo so pretty," Taehyung said as he took pictures and Joy posed. "..." He muttered only to get smacked lightly on the arm by Joy.

Yeri saw this almost everyday so she was used to it but sometimes she'd pretend to gag so they'd stop. She walked to the cubbies and looked for hers. She opened cubby #5. She replaced a vintage polaroid with her bag. She walked outside of the class. As she walked around looking for something to take a picture of, she bumped into Irene again. She groaned rolling her eyes and walked around her. Irene followed her like a chick and her mother. Her steps were so light and quiet, Yeri didn't notice her behind her. 

Yeri walked into the school garden where herbology class took place. She looked around looking for an interesting plant or animal to take a picture of. She stopped, seeing a snail. She dropped down and squatted. She got as close as she could and took a picture. As she turned, waiting for the photo to develope, she saw Irene and jumped in fear.

"I swear," sighed Yeri. "Stop following me!"

"Why?" Irene asked.

"Because it's annoying and I'm tired of you." Yeri said, walking past Irene and bumping her shoulder, not bothering to say sorry.

"Playing hard to get, huh..?" Irene said, waiting a moment, then catching up.

Irene was walking right behind Yeri, with some people looking at them curiously as they passed by. Yeri's stomach rumbled as she walked. She stopped abruptly, making Irene bumped into her back. She turned around.


"Are you hungry? Lets eat?" Irene said that as more of a statement than a question. Yeri hesitated for a moment. "I'll pay." 

Just as she was going to decline, Irene grabbed her small hand, and dragging her out of the school.

"Yah, yah, what was that for?" Yeri said, tugging her hand out of Irene's grip. Irene turned around.

"You took too long." Irene grabbed Yeri's hand with her's. 

They climbed onto a bus. There were no seats available so they stood, letting go of their hands.

"Where are we going?" Yeri asked.

"To a café just a few blocks from here." Irene answered looking at her phone then digging it into her pocket.

As they were talking, there were suddenly so many people entering the bus, making it tighter and squishier. Because there were so many people Yeri and Irene were squished into each other. Yeri's face was close to Irene's, making her the color crimson. They were sandwiched together. 

Yeri felt something touch her on her thigh. She looked beside her to see a bag that a woman was carrying. It must've been the bag. But then she felt another touch, this time, on her bum. She looked again, seeing a man look at his watch. She started to feel uncomfortable. She felt something again, it was a squeeze. When this happened, she emitted a whimper, causing Irene to stare at her. When she saw the man, she pulled Yeri closer to her than she already was, holding onto her hips. Yeri leaned her head sideways on Irene's chest, listening to her heartbeat. It was fast. When Yeri looked up, she had pink ears and cheeks. Yeri smirked at this and snuggled into Irene.

Yeri's and Irene's hips swayed side-to-side as the bus moved. This made Irene even more red.

They slithered their way to the exit and hopped out. Irene stuffed her fists into her pockets. She led Yeri into the café. They sat in a booth opposite each other. 

Irene ordered a caramel macchiato and Yeri ordered a cappuccino. While they waited they were plunged into an awkward silence. Yeri tapped her fingers on the table, looking around the café.

"So... How'd you find out 'bout this café?" Yeri asked, looking at Irene.

"This is the first café I found since moving here." Irene said, leaning her elbow on the table and resting her cheek on her palm.


"Yep. I came here from Daegu." said Irene. "Thank you." She added as their coffee arrived.

"Daegu?" Yeri had only met Irene today. She gadn't known of her existence since she was always in her dorm studying.

"Mhm. I came from a pretty poor family." Irene said, circling her spoon around in her cup, mixing the substances. "But I was lucky to get a scholarship here." She said, taking a short sip from her macchiato.

"Wow, you must be smart..." Yeri said, almost surprised.

"It's an honor, coming from you." She said, smiling. "What about you? Where are you from?" Irene asked, sitting straight up.

"Well, it might be kind of shameless for me to say this but, I came from a rich family. I was born here in Seoul. I also came here because of a scholarship." Yeri sipped on her cappuccino.

"Rich? Aren't you lucky." Irene said. Her eyes had a shine of sadness.

"Not really. You get pretty spoiled with things you wont even need later on. Sure it seems pretty nice, but it's hard to be in a rich family. All rich families are pretty broken." Yeri said, looking into her empty cup. cafe.

They walked down the road looking at shops and talking about their future jobs and stuff. Irene wanted to be a teacher and Yeri wanted to be a singer.

Yeri stopped so suddenly it almost made Irene bump into her. She had stuck herself to the glass like a magnet.

"I want this hoodie!" She said, her eyes sparkling. Irene walked up to the glass to see a lavander hoodie with a rose with white petals on it. "Can we go in?" Yeri asked turning her head to look at Irene.

"Sure." Irene answered. She couldn't take the cuteness. The walked inside to check it out.

"Look! There's a matching one!" Yeri pointed out a hoodie with the same colors except it was a white hoodie with purple petals. "Here I'll buy this one for you. In return for the coffee." Yeri said. Walking to the cashier, not even asking if Irene was okay with it. 


"Hey... Uh, if you don't mind me asking... c-can I get your n-number?" Said Yeri, struggling to find the right words.

"Hm? Why?" Irene asked, smiling.

"So if you don't like it, I can have it." Said Yeri, bringing her phone out already. They exchanged numbers as they walked to the dormitories.

Yeri clutched the her phone happily. Irene had one hand in her pocket, the other holding the hoodie.

Irene and Yeri made it to the dormitories. As they were in the elevator, it was filled with awkwardness. Yeri was the floor beneath Irene's so she got out first. But before she could, "Wait! You forgot something." Yeri turned around and received a smooch on her lips. Irene let go as the elevator doors closed.

Yeri, trying to proccess everything, was interrupted by an 'ahem.'. She pivoted around to see Joy with her phone up.

"You did not..." said Yeri with a pink face. 

"Oh I did." Joy flipped the phone around, showing a picture of Yeri and Irene kiss each other. Yeri ran after Joy into their dorms. 

Joy calmed her down and they sat opposite each other in the living room. Joy squeeled giddily, shaking Yeri back and forth till Yeri smacked her arm. Joy had alot of questions.

"So~ How long?" Joy asked.

"What do you mean?" Yeri answered with another question.

"How long have you and Irene been dating?" Joy asked, holding Yeri's hand.

"We're not dating." Yeri crossed her arms to make an X.

"Why'd you kiss then?" Said Joy teasingly.

"She kissed meI did not kiss her." Yeri clarified.

"You sure did seem to enjoy it though~" Joy squirmed with excitement.

"Did not!" Yeri raised her fist up threateningly but it did not work on Joy.

"Why'd you stay there then?" 

"Out of shock?"


"But did you see Seulgi anywhere when you were out on a date with Irene?" Asked Joy suddenly. Yeri had only seen her since the end of school.

"How'd you know?" Yeri looked at her, mouth slightly open.

"Look." Joy searched up something on her phone then gave it to Yeri to look at.

"What is this..?" Yeri scrolled on the page, seeing her and Irene sitting at a booth. "We were just talking and nothing else..." She scrolled more and saw them hugging each other on the bus with the caption 'they're probably dating' then she saw a picture of them shopping with the caption 'getting couple's clothes? they're really dating lol'. "These... These are all misunderstandings."

"Sure sure..." Yeri heard Joy mutter under her breath.

"Why'd you like all of these!?" Yeri scrolled quickly up and down to see red hearts at the corner of each pic. "Wait, how'd they get all these pictures?" Yeri was more concerned about them stalking her than Joy liking all of the pics of their date.

"Girl, you have too many problems right now. I suggest you wash up and sleep." She helped Yeri up and shoved her into the bathroom.


Irene laid her head on her roommates lap. She kicked her legs up and down while squeeling. Then, she sat straight up.

"Wendy unnie! We kissed, we kissed!" She hugged Wendy like she were squishing a stress ball. Wendy pushed her away and continued to eat her popcorn and watch her movie.

"Yeah, yeah." Wendy suddenly stopped eating her popcorn and set it on the coffee table. "Wait, you kissed?" Wendy was extremely happy though you couldn't tell because she had a lime green face mask on. "Oh my god, after 2 years you got her to notice you?" Irene nodded, looking like she was headbanging. They got up and jumped in a circle holding their hands and squeeling till there was a banging sound underneath them which meant they were being too noisy. They sat down, giggling in excitement.

"I really can't believe it. My wish became true!" She grabbed a nearby pillow and hugged it tightly.

"So you're dating?" asked Wendy.

"Erm..." Irene thought for a moment. "Not really...?"

"Oh my god! You go on a date, kiss, and you're not dating?" Wendy glared at her, mouth hanging open.

"Look, it all happened today." Said Irene, making Wendy's jaw look broken.

"You went on a date, and kissed her, in just one day?" Wendy grabbed onto Irene's shoulder who nodded. "Give me a second." Wendy got up and walked to the bathroom. When she got back, her face was now clean of the green goo. "Why aren't you dating?!" Wendy shook Irene making Irene dizzy.

"Look, it's going to be awkward if we started dating just after we met. It's just... Love logic?" Irene thought aloud. "Also, she doesn't like me, I guess." she stood up, walking to the kitchen to grab a cup of water. She sat at the island drinking her water while staring at the white hoodie.

"Just accept it! You're dating." Wendy grabbed her popcorn again, munching on the buttered yellow snacks.

"But we're not! I didn't even ask her!" Irene slammed her cup on the island, but soft enough so it wouldn't break. She aslo laid her head on the table sighing.

"Then tomorrow, you're asking her out, whether you like it or not." 

"But unnie~" She lifted her head slightly, looking at Wendy.

"Go and change, I want to finish my movie." Wendy shooed her out of the living room/kitchen and into her room. Irene cleaned up and fell onto her soft bed. She went on her phone to see a text message. She opened her phone, tapping her messaging app. It was from... Yeri?


Hello. I was just wondering if u liked the hoodie?

No worries, I really love it ♡

i'm rlly glad :) but dont get me wrong, i just wanted to know if u liked it.

Good night jagiya😘

Good night

Wait what?

Srry, not srry.



Hi I'm going to go make another yerene story going to be out soon, please read it when it's out! The new yerene story will be a series!


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I'm not going to post anything here, I hate the plot
srry, not srry.


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Chapter 2: plzss update Author I love This Story so much 😭
18 streak #2
Chapter 2: Ig this was the end but I really enjoyed reading it.. it had great potential & was interestingly cute <3
Chapter 2: hi uh,,, this is the author's new account! i go by the same name on wattpad if you want to check me out there, too. my writing has improved!
Chapter 2: Kekekekekekeke
dkdldb #5
Chapter 2: Damn i love yerene
Chapter 2: Omygod this is so cuttteee!! We'll wait for the next update!
caramelpudding5 #7
Chapter 2: Love this!! Can't wait for more (also your new story too)
caramelpudding5 #8
Chapter 2: Love this!! Can't wait for more (also your new story too)
Yerene !