
A Smile That Kills
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“I told you one thousand times already doctor… I do not smile” the doctor sighs and removes her glasses “Give me a reason Mr. Bang. A solid reasonable reason.” I pinch the bridge of my nose and groan “The reason? I told you already” I look at her in the eyes as she leans back to her chair and I open my mouth to tell her for the thousand time “My smile kills…. It kills people doctor. I saw it. I experience it and that is exactly why I am here. In this room. Talking to you. Every week. At 6 p.m.” the doctor looks at my medical report and sighs again as she puts it back down on the table “Right. So let’s start from the top shall we? When do you realize this ‘power’ of yours” I frown “More like a curse to be precise. It started back in high school where I first met her….”

I never like the crowds nor people in general. An outcast I was. Dark and gloomy, that’s what they all say at least. I was not much a giggler either. Never liked my smile. Always covered it with a mask. A black mask that screams to stay away and mind your own business. This girl though, never understand the meaning behind the mask and my gloomy behavior. Friendly, outgoing, a ball of sunshine she was. No matter what I do, behave, or say she never gets tired to piss me off. Always trying to unmask the gloomy boy.

“Sorry to interrupt Mr.Bang. Is the reason of your mask is to prevent the curse of yours?” I shake my head “Not really no. I just don’t like to smile and even if I do smile, nothing happened until her” the doctor closes her eyes and nods “Alright. You may resume”

Days passed. Months. I finally gave up and decided to succumb to her cheerful behavior and let her to stand by me. As bitter I may seem at that time, I was genuinely elated that the sun finally start to show its presence between my dark clouds. Never did I know, I was jumping into a deep dark hole that I can never return. Love.

I chuckle darkly as I cover my face into my hands. Oh the beautiful feeling of love. Never did I know I was capable on feeling that certain emotion. I never told her. Feeling and watching was enough for me. Human are selfish creature. Jealousy. Anger. Common symptoms that occur from the ailment I felt. I was different. Never felt it. Not even once. Started to question it after a time. Is it really love? Was my exact thoughts. But I do care for her. I care very much. She was an oddball or what the girls said an attention seeker. She never really had much friends with the females, but she has plenty of male friends. I was one of them. The big six what all the students said. Handsome. Rich. It was very funny fo

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